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March 10-16, LDS Youth lesson helps, Sunday School.

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: 5 days ago

Come Follow Me 2025, LDS Youth lessons, 2 Free Prints, a watch man on a tower, prophet lesson

Obeying God’s word through His prophets will give me divine protection.

Doctrine and Covenants 21:4–9 contains invitations to follow the Lord’s prophet and powerful promises for people who do. The following ideas can help you ponder these verses:

  • What words in verses 4–5 describe what the Savior wants you to do with the words of His living prophet? Why do you feel “patience and faith” are needed to do this?

  • Ponder the imagery the Savior uses in verse 6 to describe the blessings of following His prophet. What do think is meant by “the gates of hell”? How does the Lord “disperse the powers of darkness” for you? What does it mean for “the heavens to shake for your good”?

  • What is the Lord asking you to do through the current President of the Church? How has the Lord fulfilled His promises as you have followed His counsel?

  1. Start with a question, as always, something that will help the youth relate to the lesson.

Have you ever not listened to a warning? You may have eaten too many gummy vitamins and then read the warning label after. (: Or have you ever been late or in trouble and got mad because there wasn't a warning.....or not enough warnings?(: You know your kids better than I do, come up with your own questions.

  1. Then put this guy at the topish of the board. PSST they are going to build a tower under it, but you will be writing next to it so don't go so high you can't reach.

  1. Record the benefits of listening to a prophet, and the consequences of not listening.

    The fear of a zombie apocalypse is real!(:

    4. Hand out pieces like this:

    I wrote the questions on the puzzle pieces this week since most are from the manual. Encourage your students to look up the scriptures and be ready to share. If they don't know the answers the questions, then take some time to help them so they can share when it is their turn. Tell them that they it's not allowed to say "I don't know." They have to try, even if that means talking to a leader to get ideas.

    The puzzle is in my store.

    5. As they add them to the board, I recommend still recording their answers on the sides of the tower, like this:

    Here is the final Board:

    There are 11 pieces total. If that is not enough you can have some kids team up.

    LDS Youth lesson a watch man on a tower. Prophet lesson.

Here are some scripture cards, they are a free print.

Here is another free print:

List additional insights you gain from the following sections of Elder Neil L. Andersen’s message “The Prophet of God” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 24–27):

  • Why We Follow the Prophet:

  • A Watchman on the Tower:

  • Don’t Be Surprised:

See also “Watchman on the Tower” (video),; Topics and Questions, “Prophets,” Gospel Library; “We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice,” Hymns, no. 22.

You can watch this movie "Watchman on the tower"

I have two great gift tags this week:

I added the Twix one to the Lesson bundle. If you would rather have the Power one, go ahead and buy it with the purchase of the bundle, message me on Etsy, and I will refund you for the gift tag.

I have two great gift tags this week:

I added the Twix one to the Lesson bundle. If you would rather have the Power aide one, go ahead and buy it with the purchase of the bundle, message me on Etsy, and I will refund you for the gift tag.

Black and White is coming

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