2 weeks ago as we were talking about the lost 116 pages I stood in front of my large class of 16 -year old youth and threw out multiple questions, waiting for one of them to resonate. "Have you ever lost something?" "Have you ever seen God take a mess and make it beautiful?" "Have you ever made a mistake that you thought you would never recover from?" - Bingo, there it was. One of the youth wrecked her sister's car just recently. As sad as I am for this youth inside I was jumping for joy that we found something they could all relate to(: We could ask about her feelings in the moment, and the repentance processes...(we decided we were all going to have a party when she is done paying her last bill). We asked her how she feels now, does she wish that God kept that from happening? What has she learned? It was perfect because as we learned about Joesph Smith we could keep returning to this experience. Because Joseph Smith totally wreaked God's car(:
I can honestly say not every lesson is like this, but I always strive to help the youth to personally relate to what we are learning. A good way to do that is ask questions in the beginning of class. The manual does a great job helping with this.
How do we determine the worth of something? For example, why is one item at a market more expensive than another?
Some of my questions: If you ask Google how much Elon Musk is worth, what will the answer be?
If you ask Google how much President Nelson is worth, what will the answer be?
Which one is worth more to you, personally? Why?
Can you think of another person in your life that's worth a lot to you, but not so much to the world? How do you think Heavenly Father feels about this person? How do you think he feels about you?
I'm writing this before the Follow Him podcast has published this lesson, but they always help me with my questions for my lesson.
“The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”
How do we determine the worth of something? For example, why is one item at a market more expensive than another? As you read section 18 this week, especially verses 10–13, you might contrast how people often determine value with what makes a soul valuable in God’s eyes. Consider substituting your name in place of the words “soul,” “souls,” and “all men.” How could these verses help someone who questions his or her worth?
I would print this out for everyone in your class so they can write their name in the blanks. Then choose someone to read it out loud.

Here are some other passages that teach about the worth of a soul: Luke 15:1–10; John 3:16–17; 2 Nephi 26:24–28; Moses 1:39. Based on these passages, how would you summarize the way God feels about you?
You can pass out these pieces to a puzzle. They can look up the scriptures and then place their puzzle.
I wrote some questions you can ask the youth after reading each scripture. I did have them on the puzzle pieces, because I don't want to force anything I moved them to the side of each piece. If you like the questions, you can cut them out with the puzzle pieces and have the youth cut them off when they finish answering them. You know your youth better than I do, totally ask your own questions(:

Don't forget to bring scissors.
Do not worry it looks like this(:

Here are the scripture cards this week. 3 free prints this week, this is one of them.

You might also search President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s message “You Matter to Him” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 19–22) to find words and phrases that help you know about your worth to God.
How does God show you that you are of great worth to Him? How does this affect the way you feel about yourself and others?
See also Joy D. Jones, “Value beyond Measure,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 13–15; Topics and Questions, “Children of God,” Gospel Library.
You can fly really fast through this lesson, but I suggest studying the material so you can have more discussion and if you don't finish the puzzle...great, as long as the youth are enjoying the discussion.
Here is the completed board:

Option to end with this quote by Joy D. Jones. This is a free print.

This gift tag is already included in the lesson bundle but you can purchase it separately Here: