When we were learning about the New Testament the Come Follow Manuel asked families to study the life of Christ every day. It was wonderful, and a tradition that we want to keep doing with our families. You are welcome to join me and Mitzi @ comefollowmekid.com as we share our Easter Count downs and activities with you.
Money is tight, here is Mitzi's which is free.
Here is mine:
I will update the cards every year, so if you do buy this, all you will have to do is print the new cards here, every year.
One more count down, this is good for Primary teachers to send this home with their class, or for children who like to color and make their own.

Download Here
Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Matt 21:6-11)
I'm starting you off with a sensory activity. If you look closely it says: "After coloring, glue pieces of fabric, leaves, and branches to the path." This was so fun for my little one. When we went looking for branches and leaves, we found all kinds of treasures: Bird feather, ribbon, small sones, and surprisingly some fabric. I have a "scrap bin" that my kids are always welcome to fish out fabric, too.

Notice that the Scripture says "Hosanna!"
Here is a beautiful Easter Song called "Easter Hosanna"
Beautiful art and very christ centered, sung by children.
I added a box of new markers to my countdown today.

The cleansing of the temple. (Matt 21:12-16)

Download Monday's Activities Here
Fabulous video put out by the church that explains this really well:

Here is a interactive song about the temple:

I'm adding side walk chalk to my Monday burlap sack on the countdown banner. If the weather is bad then I will switch it to another day.
If you want to stick to the lesson you can draw temples, or you can trace the children's bodies into the concrete and talk about how our bodies need to stay clean like a sacred temple.
Matt 21-23
This is a day that Jesus taught, one of the things he taught was about faith.

Download Tuesday's activities Here
Here is a beautiful video on Faith:
For even younger kids, I recommend making mountains out of play dough. In fact I just put play dough in the Easter Count Down. Because I know, even my teenagers will play with it, while we talk about Faith that day.
Here is a great play-dough recipe:

Yay! It's spring! What better way to teach about faith? Put a packet of seed in the count down to provide a little surprise for your kiddos.

Matt 24-25
Here are some activities and song that goes along with these scriptures:

Download Wednesday Activities Here
Black and White Here
Here is a video put on by the church about the last super:

If you are looking for a sensory activity, here is one for washing of the feet:

Instructions and printing here
Here is a free coloring page of the last super:

Did you know you can paint eggs with water color? Then you don't have to worry about staining clothes. I'm putting this in my count down today, so my kids and I can paint eggs.

My kids are tiny competitive. We sent this picture out for family members to vote(:
The Passover and Christ Suffering in Gethsemane Matt 26
The puzzle also goes along with this weeks primary lesson:
Come Follow Me-For Primary page 54 "Testify that Jesus Christ felt all our "pains and sickness" so that He could understand how to comfort us."

Download Thursday Activities Here
Definitely sing Gethsemane today. Or watch one of these people sing it:
The very famous Claire- Here
Here is another cute girl named Reese, this has beautiful art work with it. Here
Here is one from the church with Primary children singing it Here
Here is a movie put on by the church of the Savior suffering in Gethsemane:

Friday: Trial Crucifixion and Burial (Matt 27:1-61)
This is a hard day. As a church we don't focus on the crucifixion very much. There isn't much in the Friend about it either. I focused on one scripture, and I thought a lot about it. Jesus was treated so badly that he couldn't carry his own cross. But, Simon had compassion and carried it for him. I think any of us would do the same as Simon, if we could. We can't, but we can serve his children.

Download Friday Activities Here
Here is the most child friendly video of the Crucifixion I can find. Put out by the church. Chapter 53: Jesus is Crucified.

Here is a printable if you are serving a neighbor, it's a great time of year to give flowers.

Prints in sets of 2

I found these cute cookie cutters and sprinkles at Smith's. I thought that would be fun to put in the Easter Countdown, as a surprise for my kids, to let them know today we make cookies!
Saturday: (Matt 27:62-66)
Jesus's body was in the tomb while he was administering in the spirit world.
This is a great day to reflect on Jesus.

Download Saturday Activities Here
Sunday: Appearance of the Resurrected Christ (Matt 28:1-10)
& (3 Nephi 11:1-17)
Yay! The Resurrection! Happy Easter!
The Mask have simple speaking parts, to act out the Resurrection.

Download Easter Sunday Activities Here
Download in Black and White Here
Last of all, since we are learning about the Book of Mormon this year. Here is a printable that show that Christ appeared to his Apostles and to his children in America.
Also, it helps with the Primary lesson this week:
Come follow Me- For Primary page 53 “Teach the children that in addition to the people who saw the resurrected Savior in Jerusalem, thousands saw Him when He appeared in the Americas.”
You can sing the last verse in Book of Mormon Stories:
After Christ was crucified and died for you and me,
He came forth to teach the truth to all who would be free.
Hands were laid upon each child. He blessed them tenderly,
And they lived in the land righteously.
Here is a video of Jesus appearing to the Nephites:
Here is one where Jesus Christ is blessing the children:
Here is an Easter Primary lesson from Sister Daniels
Isn't she darling?
I hope you are all well.
Para português: https://www.vemeseguemekids.com/








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Quanta coisa maravilhosa!!!! Muito obrigada por esse trabalho fantástico e abnegado !!!! Muito amor 💕 💓💕
Li E Nolan, I get it! I have 6 kids. I’m so glad you are getting good use out of it. Hope you have a Fabulous Easter.
You are AMAZING !!! Thank you for sharing your ( many,many,many)talents with us !! I love to see all of them (5 kids in the house ha,ha,ha)