Come Follow Me- For Primary D&C 138:11-17 “Show pictures of the death, burial and Resurrection of the Savior...Ask the children what they know about these events. Testify that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead so that we can all be resurrected after we die.”

Here is an idea from Mitzi at ComeFollowmekid.com. I have to say I've never had much of a desire to make resurrection rolls, I thought I would be doing all the work, and I didn't see my kids getting much out of it. But after drawing the pictures for this activity I "get it!" I definitely will be doing it with my family this Easter Sunday.
She has the cutest pictures of her girls making these rolls, step by step here:

Think of an object lesson that can help the children understand what happens when we die (our spirits and bodies separate) and when we are resurrected (our spirits and bodies come back together.
Read to the children from D&C 138:17; "The spirit and the body (will) be united never again to be divided, that they might receive a fulness of joy." Why are we grateful for our bodies? Share the joy you feel to know that we will be resurrected and have our bodies again.

Jesús Mitten se puede imprimir en inglés y simplemente cortar las palabras en inglés y hacer una manopla para su lección de Pascua.
There are also these mittens, if you would rather your children have one for each of them.

You can print these Here
Para español:
Sing together a song about the Resurrection, such as "Did Jesus Really Live Again?" or "Jesus Has Risen"
D&C 76:11-24; 110:1-7; JSH 1:14-17
The Prophet Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ.
Come Follow Me- For Primary “Show the children a picture of Joseph Smith’s First vision. Invite the children to tell you what is happening in the picture, and ask them to find Jesus Christ. Ask the children if they know about other times Joseph Smith saw the Savior. In your own words, tell about the experiences described in D&C 76:11-24, 110:1-7. Tell the children how these scriptures build your faith in Jesus Christ.”
So small children can go looking for Jesus.

If you are teaching a large group and would like this bigger, click on the print button, but instead of printing, download it and send it to a copy center to have it made the size you want.

For older children
D&C 63:49; 88:14-17, 27; 138: 11, 14-17
Because of Jesus Christ, I will be resurrected.
Assign each child one of the following scripture passages: ...Invite the children to search their verses to find a phrase that they feel captures the message of Easter.
Hide this scriptures in easter eggs, and hide them around the room.

Show the video "Because He Lives." and let the children share how they feel about the what the Savior did for them.
D&C 18:10-13;19:16-19; 45:3-5; 58:42-43
Because of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven of my sins.
Trace the picture with black crayon to keep the colors from blending together. Don't color the spots with the scriptures until they have been read.

I've updated this slide printable to go with this lesson.

Here are some pictures of what it will look like when assembled:

Show the video "The Shiny Bicycle" or tell a story of your own about a child who made a wrong choice and then repented. Help the children discuss what the child in the story did to receive forgiveness. How has the Savior made it possible for us to be forgiven?
Here is another one that explain Jesus Christ grace. I love it!
Any additional Easter ideas, you can find them:
(Just click on the picture)
There is also these cute gift tags for Easter.
Busque botones españoles arriba.