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Come Follow Me -For Primary, March 15-21, D&C 27-28, Free LDS primary lesson helps, and printable's.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

Come follow me 2021, Free printable's, Free LDS primary lesson helps, The Prophet leads the Church, Changing faces of the prophets, putting on the full armor of god, the armor of god protects me, life size armor for kids dress up, cute paper dolls, armor maze, free LDS coloring pages, president Nelson and Joseph Smith

Come follow Me- For Primary "Show the children a picture of Jesus giving the sacrament to His Apostles. What might it be like to to take the sacrament with the Savior?"

"Help the children think of things they can do to remember Jesus during the sacrament."

We made this book a couple years ago to help with reverence during the sacrament. It has been wonderful. The download comes with a set of little pictures, but they can pick which ones mean something special to them, and glue those ones on the pages.

Sacrament Book for LDS children, Remembering Jesus christ during the sacrament. Free LDS printable's

Download Here

Come follow Me- For Primary "Show the children a picture of armor...As you read D&C 27:15-18, help the children find the pieces of armor in the picture. Tell how the armor of God has helped you "withstand the evil day"(verse 15).

The armor of God protects me, D&C 27:15-18, dress up girl paper doll, LDS free primary lesson helps, Free printable's and coloring pages
The armor of God protects me, D&C 27:15-18, dress up boy paper doll, LDS free primary lesson helps, Free printable's and coloring pages

If your kids like to dress-up, this is a fun way to teach this.

Armor of God, LDS Free Primary lesson helps. Life size printable armor of kids and children . Free Come follow Me 2021, printable's, Dress up

You can download the life size Armor Here.

Black and White Armor Here

Be sure to check out Mitzi's lesson plans at

Something to read as you add the different pieces:

Do the children you teach know why we have prophets? Use D&C 28 to help them know that the prophet is the only one who can lead the church.

Add velcro and make this a file folder game. Also great for General Conference.

The Prophet leads the church. LDS prophets, Joseph Smith and President Nelson lead the church during their time. Free Come Follow Me 2021, Free LDS primary lesson helps, teaching about latter-day prophets

A good song for this weeks lesson:

Follow the prophet, LDS primary song, free [printable's, interactive activities, for children and kids

Print this Here

Speaking of General Conference....this goes along with this lesson, but also prepares for the up coming conference.

Prophet and Apostles free matching game. Learning about our leaders, LDS General Conference activities for children and kids

Download this Here

For older children, to help them stay focused during the sacrament.

Armor of God Maze, LDS activities for children and kids

Here is a movie about putting on the armor of God, I watched this in seminary, just a couple years ago (;

D&C 28:1-7, 15

Heavenly Father guides me through the Holy Ghost.

Relate the story of Hiram Page claiming to receive revelation for the church:

(Just click on the picture)

Remember to check out the Easter Activities, it comes with a count down, so it take some planning.

Have a great week!

Love Crystal


Português - Clique aqui



Para el Libro sacramental en español, vaya aquí:

Para el tamaño de la vida, armadura de vestir en español, ir Aquí:


Heidi Butters
Heidi Butters
Mar 14, 2021

I just love your seminary movie... music video.. . thanks for your research, your website truly does help me with my primary kids...

Mar 15, 2021
Replying to

Isn’t that fun?! It dates me to admit that it came out while I was in seminary. It is pretty impactful even if it is cheesy .


Van and Ellie Christman
Van and Ellie Christman
Mar 14, 2021

Crystal, thank you so much for your work in preparing these lessons!

On your title for this lesson for March 15-21, it says the wrong books and dates. Would you please edit this so that others can find the correct lesson? I would hate for anyone to miss this helpful lesson.

Thank you!

E. Christman

Mar 14, 2021
Replying to

Omgoodness! I would have never noticed until you said something. Thank you so much!


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