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Come Follow Me- for Primary, July 11-17, 2 Kings 17-25, Free LDS primary lesson helps.

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Hezekiah’s example in 2 Kings 18:3, 5 can help the children you teach to put their trust in God.

Possible Activities

  • Name a few things that a good king might do and some things that a bad king might do. Ask the children to stand up and cheer for the good things and to sit down for the bad things. Explain to the children that Israel had many kings, some righteous and some not. Invite the children to listen for what made Hezekiah a good king as you read 2 Kings 18:3, 5. Help them think of ways we can show that we trust the Lord as Hezekiah did.

You could also put these on sticks and have the children hold them up, or tape them on opposite walls and have the children stand under the correct king with situations are read.

  • Help the children understand what it means to trust someone. Talk about people you trust, and let the children do so too. Show a picture of Jesus Christ. Why can we trust Jesus Christ? Express your trust that Jesus Christ loves us and will help us return to live forever with Heavenly Father.

You can teach this like this: When a match is made..for example the doctor "We trust the doctor to help us keep our bodies healthy, we trust our teachers to teach us the correct way to spell and do math." When you match Jesus you can talk more about him, "What do we trust Jesus Christ with? We can trust Jesus because loves us and will help us return to live forever with Heavenly Father.

Print Two on card stock

The scriptures are a blessing.

Even though younger children may not be able to read or understand everything in the scriptures, they can be blessed by the power of the scriptures. What can you do to help them have a desire to be blessed by the word of God?

Possible Activities

  • Hide a copy of the scriptures somewhere in the room, and invite the children to find it. Explain that in the days of King Josiah, many of the people weren’t learning from the scriptures until a priest found them in the temple (see 2 Kings 22:8–11). What are scriptures? Why do we need the scriptures? Tell the children why you are glad we have the scriptures today, and let them share their feelings about the scriptures.

  • Read 2 Kings 23:2 to the children, and ask them to listen for what the king did with the scriptures. Why was it important for everyone to hear what was written in the scriptures? Sing a song about the scriptures, such as “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109), and ask the children to talk about how they feel when they hear teachings and stories from the scriptures.

This story hunt was so fun to make, I wish I was in primary so I can see how the children respond. You will just have to live my dream(:

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I can trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

When the Assyrians threatened Jerusalem, the righteous King Hezekiah turned to the Lord in faith. Hezekiah’s example can help you and the children talk about how we can show our faith in the Lord, even when that faith is challenged.

Possible Activities

  • Using Bible map 3, “The Division of the 12 Tribes,” briefly explain to the children that the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by people called the Assyrians. Explain that the Assyrians later tried to conquer the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Invite the children to imagine how they would feel if they lived in Judah and knew that the Assyrians were coming to destroy the city. Ask the children to read 2 Kings 18:3, 5–6 to find out why Hezekiah, the king of Judah, was able to be brave when the Assyrians came.

Tape the map while the children assemble it, so you can teach with it.

  • Invite the children to read 2 Kings 19:14–19, looking for what Hezekiah did when the Assyrians threatened his kingdom. How did doing these things show that he trusted in the Lord? What can we do to show our trust in the Lord when we need help?

The scriptures teach me how to follow Jesus Christ.

After years of spiritual darkness, the Jews renewed their commitment to the Lord. This happened because King Josiah rediscovered the book of the law and read it to the people. This account can help the children understand why the scriptures are so valuable.

Possible Activities

  • Tell the children that King Josiah told his people to repair the temple, and as they did, they found something very valuable. Invite the children to read 2 Kings 22:8–11 to find out what it was. Explain that the book they found contained covenants and commandments that the children of Israel did not know about. What might happen to us if we didn’t have the scriptures? Ask the children why they are grateful to have the scriptures. Why would it be harder to follow the Savior if we didn’t have the scriptures?

  • Give each child a piece of paper, and ask them to tear it. Explain that in King Josiah’s day, people sometimes tore, or “rent,” their clothes when they were upset. Ask the children to look for the word “rent” in 2 Kings 22:11. Why might Josiah have been upset? Help the children find an answer in verse 13. Why is it important for us to read the scriptures regularly?

  • Read 2 Kings 23:2–3 together, and ask the children to look for how the scriptures helped Josiah and his people. Share with the children a scripture that has inspired you to “walk after the Lord” (verse 3), and invite the children to share scriptures that have helped them. Sing together “I Will Walk with Jesus” (

Here is a fun way for the children to track a week of reading their scriptures.

Just click on the image to be taken to my Etsy.

I was really worried about peanut allergies, so I am adding this one too.

Next weeks lesson also teaches a a lot about reading scriptures, so if you don't get your candy bar purchased or your printer doesn't work...there is always next week(:

I will keep my covenants with God.

When Josiah and his people learned the commandments of God, they made a covenant to live them. You can help the children you teach desire to remain faithful to the covenants they made at baptism.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to read 2 Kings 23:3 and to find words or phrases that show how the people felt about the commandments of the Lord. Invite them to stand and talk about what it might mean to “[stand] to the covenant.” Invite them to walk in place and talk about what it might mean to “walk after the Lord.” Invite them to place their hands on their hearts and to suggest ways we can keep the commandments “with all [our] heart.”

  • Help the children make a list of promises they made at baptism (see Mosiah 18:10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, 77, 79). What does God promise us if we keep our covenants? What do we learn from 2 Kings 23:3 about how we should keep our covenants?

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Kelly Campbell
Kelly Campbell
Jul 17, 2022

I am so grateful for your website!

Jul 18, 2022
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Thanks for showing gratitude 🙂 You are so welcome.


Pen Kai3
Pen Kai3
Jul 16, 2022

Thank you, this lesson is exactly what I needed ! I am so thankful that I found your site.

Jul 16, 2022
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Yay! Good luck with your lesson.


Mindy Donoho
Mindy Donoho
Jul 10, 2022

Thank you for all the work you put in creating the lessons. The children have really enjoyed them, and it sure makes it fun to plan. I look forward to preparing my lesson, just knowing I will have some help. We are a small ward and all 10 of our children, ages 4-10 meet together. So, giving a lesson gets "challenging" at times. So, again, thank you and know you are appreciated!!!!

Jul 10, 2022
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4-10 that would be a challenge! So happy to help, bless you for your service!

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