D&C 51:9
I can be honest.
Read to the children from D&C 51:9; "Let every man deal honestly" (see Article of Faith 1:13)...Share some simple stories of children who face decisions about being honest, such as the decision to admit when they did something wrong. Use pictures, sock puppets. or paper dolls to make the stories more interesting. Ask the children if these people (children) are being honest or dishonest.
Go look and see what Mitzi is doing with these puppets at Comefollowmekid.com

Sing a song about honesty, such as "Stand for the Right" (CSB 159). Bear your testimony about why it is important to be honest.
I attached an envelope to the back of the main page, to hold the pieces so I can use this other times and not loose the pieces.

Sister Lynn Keyes was sweet enough to send me an email of what she found for this weeks lesson on honesty. Here is the link:
Also a pioneer story:
I was looking for a object lesson on honesty, and I really like this one from Mizti. Just click on the picture to take you to here page, she explains it really well.
D&C 52:10; 53:3; 55:1
The gift of the Holy Ghost is received by the laying on of hands.
I like how this movie explains the laying on of hands, you could just watch the first minute and get what you want for the lesson.
“Show a child being confirmed..invite the children to describe what is happening in the picture. Ask them to clap their hands when they hear “laying on of hands”..while you read one or more of the following verses: D&C 52:10; 53:3; 55:1.”
I think it would be fun to show them the boy being confirmed and ask them what they know about "the laying on of hands", maybe they have had a brother or sister who had this happen after they were baptized. Then show them how the hands move up, to show the Holy Ghost. You can slide it up and down as you read the scriptures the manual suggests.

Sing "The Holy Ghost" (CSB 105) or a similar song. Point out words and phrases that teach about the gift of the Holy Ghost.
(Just click on the picture)
D&C 54:4-6
I should always keep my promises.
Share with the children what happened to the Saints who came to live on Leman Copley's land....Help them consider how the Saints might have felt when Leman broke his promise.
Cut a paper heart in half, and give each half to different children. Ask them to hold up their halves to make a whole heart. Let other children take turns holding up part of the heart. Help the children compare this to promises or covenants we make with God. God will always hold up His side of the covenants if we hold up ours.

Here are some other hearts for the lesson. So you can pass out different halves and the kids can figure out who has their other half.

(I would print this in black and white on colored card stock)

(I would print this in black and white on colored card stock)
Remind the children that when they are baptized, they will covenant, or promise, to obey God's commandment. Read to them from D&C 54:6 how the Lord blesses people who keep their covenants.
A simple puzzle. After the kids have put it together and tell you what is happening in the picture, explain what a covenant is and how we blessed when we keep them.

Teach the Doctrine:
Older Children
D&C 51:19;55
I can use the blessings God has given me to bless others.
Hide the words "faithful," "just." and "wise" around the room. Invite the children to find the words in the room and then find them in D&C 51:19. Read the verse together, and talk about what it means to be a steward...."

Tell the children about William W. Phelps, who was a newspaper publisher before hearing the gospel and moving to Kirtland. Ask the children to read D&C 55:1-4 and list what God wanted William to do. Which of these things can apply to all of us, and which are specific to William because of his talents? Ask the children to identify talents they see in each other, and discuss how they can use those talents to serve God and His children.
Cut the letters out and put them in a bag or a bowl. Have the child/ren draw a letter out and tell you a talent they have (or someone in the class has) that starts with that letter. Then have them tell you how they can use that talent to serve God and His children.

D&C 52:14-19
God has a pattern to help me not be deceived.
"Draw something simple, and invite the children to follow your pattern to make the same drawing. Then explore with them the Lord's pattern recorded in D&C 52:14-19."

D&C 54
I should always keep my covenants.
Remind the children of the covenants they made when they were baptized (see Mosiah 18:8-10). Help them think of ways they are keeping these covenants, and help them see how this will prepare them to make additional covenants in the future.
Talk about each piece of the chain as you tape them to together. Connecting the picture of Jesus to the picture of the child getting baptized. Testify that keeping our promises keep us stay connected to Jesus and Heavenly Father.

Sorry it's late. Have a great weekend.
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Gracias hermana por compartir la lección me ayuda mucho en casa y en la iglesia con mi llamamiento eso es increíble
Thank you for this lesson! I was feeling so uninspired this week and you've given me so many great ideas. I really appreciate it!
I just want to say thank you for all the work you do on this site. Your crafts with sliders and spinners and doors and such are very engaging for my three girls. I've started coming every week as I prepare for our family's Come Follow Me lessons during the week. Thank you again