D&C 49:12-14
I can follow Jesus Christ.
Come Follow Me- For Primary “Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read D&C 49:12-14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invited the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.”

D&C 50:23-25
My spiritual light can grow brighter and brighter.
Use an activity that illustrates how our spiritual light can grow brighter and brighter. You could show pictures of things that give light (such as a candle, a light bulb, and the sun) and let the children arrange them in increasing order or brightness. Or invite the children to pretend to be lights getting brighter by bending down and slowly standing and stretching up their arms.
When the children have put them in the correct order the scripture will make sense. I like Mitzi's idea at comefollowmekid.com. Line them up (spread them out) and have the child hop to each piece of the scripture till you've said it a few times.

Help them think of good things they can do to make their spiritual light brighter.
Attach these pictures to glow sticks. Put them in a jar, let a child/ren pick one out and talk about how it helps our spiritual light grow brighter. Turn off the lights, then break the glow stick so it will glow. After all glow stick are glowing, bear your testimony about how keeping God’s commandments make our light grow brighter.

Sing with the children a song about their spiritual light, such as "Shine On."
Just click on the picture to take you to the link where you can print it.
If you are in the mood to send something home with your kiddos, here is a tag that can attach to a glow stick.

D&C 50:41-44
Jesus Christ loves me.
Come Follow Me- for Primary “Make paper sheep, write on them the names of the children in the class, and hide them around the room. Display a picture of the Savior, and read D&C 50:41-42. Help the children understand what these verses teach about how Jesus Christ feels about them. Let them find the sheep around the room and put them on the board near the picture of Jesus so ”none of them...shall be lost”

Here is a cute primary song that goes well with this part of the lesson. Just click on the picture to take you to the page that has it.
Teach the Doctrine:
Older Children
D&C 49:12-14
I can follow Jesus Christ.
Invite the children to compare D&C 49:12-14 with what Peter taught in Acts 2:38 and with the 4th article of faith. What similarities do they find? Why are these truths important?
Lay the circles out, read the scripture and add the pictures that apply to the scripture, then read the other scripture and apply the pictures to that circle.

D&C 49:15-17
Marriage between man and woman is essential to God's plan.
Help the children understand what the phrase "marriage is ordained of God" means.
Color by word(:

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Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and energy! I just got called into the Primary presidency, and I have to teach 35 junior primary kids for the first time in person, and these have been such a blessing to help me illustrate the lesson to those precious souls. I am so grateful!
From the bottom of my heart...Thank you! How truly blessed you will be for sharing your talents with those of us that are lacking in this area. What a wonderful gift you have!
Thank you ❤️
I really love your printouts. It is beautiful and children love when the visual is so well done! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks so much for sharing. With your printouts I can concentrate on the lesson and feeling the spirit.😍
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts to help others in their callings. It truly blesses many children. May you be blessed in return. Marjann🥰