D&C 58:27-28
Heavenly Father has given me power to choose.
Read phrases from D&C 58:27-28 to help the children understand that they can choose to do good. Put a happy face on one side of the room and a sad face on the other side.

“How do we feel when we choose to do good? Describe several situations along with good or bad choices for each one. After describing each situation and choice, ask the children to stand by the happy face if the choice is good and by the sad face if it is bad.”
Assemble the bubble gum machine. Have each child take a turn to turn the handle and pull off a gum-ball. Then read the situation under the gum-ball. If it was a good choice all the children can stand under the happy face and vise versa.

Download Gum-ball Machine Here
When Assembling this Gum-ball machine, I had to cut down two colored gum-balls in order to have it not overlap onto the red machine part.
Descargar español Aquí
Gift tags or badges. Print on sticker paper for badges. Attach to a bag of gum-balls for gift tags.

I should know by now that I like my tags little. If you do too, here is a late addition, only in color.

And look how cute they turned out!

Show the children a container of many different colors of crayons. Show them a second container with only one crayon. Ask the children which of these containers they would want to use. Why? Explain that being able to choose is a blessing from Heavenly Father. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and want us to make good choices.
Just as the primary manual suggests, just adding a more choices. Like a jar full of cookies or a jar with only one cookie. I would also hold up the jar full of crayons and the jar full of cookies and ask them which one they would choose(: Isn’t wonderful that God lets us choose for ourselves?

Tell the children about a time when you made a good choice, and describe how you felt afterward. Invite the children to draw a picture of your story or a story of their own. Then let them share their pictures with the class and tell what they learned from the story.
If you don't have a story of your own there are a bunch on the churches website Here .
D&C 59:7
Heavenly Father wants me to be grateful.
Read D&C 59:7, and help the children think of ways they can thank Heavenly Father for their blessings. What could they make to take home to remind them to thank Heavenly Father for their blessings?
Help the children string the pieces on to some yarn, with some fruit loops. They can color their tags and assemble the little necklace/prayer count-down, to remind them to say prayers of gratitude this week.

This is a late addition, but I just really love interactive music with my Sunbeams, and they always want to keep singing the songs over and over again. So I couldn't help but add this suggestion from the primary manual:
Sing together a song about gratitude, such as "For Health and Strength" (CSB 21). Invite the children to replace words in the song with other things they are thankful for.

I have a sunbeam that loves Dinosaurs, I'm so excited to tell him that he will be seeing some in today's lesson(:

A movie about teaching gratitude.
D&C 59:9-12
The Sabbath is the Lord's day.
“Bring pictures or objects that depict good things we can do on Sunday to worship the Lord and find joy..”
Draw or tape a line down the middle and have the children sort the activities to Sunday or the days of the week.

Teach the Doctrine:
Older Children
D&C 58:27-28
Agency is the power to choose.
"Show the children a piece of paper that has the word choice written on one side and the word consequence on the other. Explain that choices have consequences, or results that naturally follow actions. Invite the children to pick up the the paper (or stick), you get both the choice and the consequence of that choice. Ask the children to read D&C 58:27-28. What choices can we make that will "bring to pass much righteousness" or good consequences? When have we made good choices that had consequences that have blessed others?"

If you want to turn this into a lesson on it's own, here are links to talks about these "choices."
Temple talk by President Monson.
Here is a talk about cheating
Here is a Youth talk about listening to music
Here is a short message on tithing.
D&C 59:9-16
The Sabbath is the Lord's day.

Português - Clique aqui
Thank you for putting these printables together. They help so much with my lessons! I know they must take a lot of time and work to create.
Bom dia querida irmã,tudo bem com vc e sua família ?espero que sim.
será que vc poderia me enviar atividades dessa semana em português? Muito obrigada e tenha uma ótima semana