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Come follow me- For Primary, D&C 102-105, Sept. 13-19, Free LDS primary lesson helps.

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

Come Follow Me 2021, free LDS primary lesson helps, September 13-19, D&C 102-105, Blessings for keeping the commandments, light shining in the dark, Zion's camp free coloring book and story

Invite Sharing

Help the children pick a song to sing that reminds them of something they have been learning at home or at church.

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can be “a light unto the world.”

How can you encourage the children you teach to share the light of the gospel with those around them?

Possible Activities

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 103:9 to the children, and invite them to hold pictures of a light bulb, candle, or other source of light. Ask them to show their picture to someone else in the class. Tell the children how they are like a light to others when they follow Jesus Christ.

Cut out the light cards and hide them around the room, before the children get there. Read the scripture to the children and then give each of them a turn to look for a light card. When they have found it, have them pull it off the wall. Ask them to give it to someone in the class (their choice). Compliment them for sharing their light like Jesus told us to in the scriptures. Many need to print more than one page.

You could also use this activity from an older lesson:

(Just click on the picture to take you there)

I can be a light to others, Free LDS primary lesson helps

If you would like to send something home with your kids to remind them that they can be a light to the world:

D&C 103:9, I can be "a light unto the world." LDS free primary primary lesson helps, light

You can attach them to a light necklace from the dollar store, or you can print them in B&W for a scripture card.

Sing a song with the children about being an example, such as “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” or “I Am like a Star” (Children’s Songbook, 60–61, 163). Help them think of actions to go with the words. How can we be a light, or good example, to people around us?

The Lord will bless me if I keep His commandments.

Several times in section 104, the Lord promises “a multiplicity of blessings” to those who faithfully obey His commandments. How will you help the children feel that He wants to bless us generously?

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to do an action, like wiggling their fingers, each time they hear the word “blessings” as you read Doctrine and Covenants 104:42. Tell the children how Heavenly Father has blessed you for keeping His commandments. Ask the children to share how He has blessed them. Invite each child to share a commandment they can obey.

  • To help the children understand what “multiplicity” means, draw a circle on the board or a piece of paper. Ask the children to help you multiply the number of circles—drawing two, then four, then eight, then sixteen, and so on—until the entire board or paper is full of circles. Each time you add circles, help the children think of a blessing Heavenly Father has given them. Explain that “a multiplicity of blessings” means the Lord will fill our lives with blessings if we obey His commandments.

Tape this to the board the draw rain drops, or hearts instead of circles, around the opening of the umbrella.

The Lord will bless me when I keep His commandments, Free LDS primary lesson helps

The Lord will bless me when I keep His commandments, Free LDS primary lesson helps

You could also add a skittle to a bag and then ask the child/ren to multiply it, then they add those skittles to a bag, then you add the multiple of that, until you have a bag full of treats. You can close the bag and add this tag to it, to keep them from snacking during singing time.

I can be a peacemaker.

There are many lessons we can learn from the experiences of Zion’s Camp. One that might be important to the children is that contention and fighting bring difficulties, while unity and peace bring blessings.

Possible Activities

  • In your own words, tell the children the story of Zion’s Camp (see the introduction to this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families; Saints, 1:194–206; or “The Acceptable Offering of Zion’s Camp” [Revelations in Context, 213–18]). Pause periodically to point out lessons we can learn from Zion’s Camp—for example, that the Lord wants us to be peaceful and work together instead of arguing and fighting.

Here a little coloring book that tells the story of Zion's camp. Mitzi at wrote the words.

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 105:38–40, and ask the children to stand up each time they hear the word “peace.” Explain that the Lord wanted the Saints to make peace with the people who were being unkind. Help the children think of things that they can do to be peacemakers, and invite them to role-play some situations.

  • Share a story about a child being a peacemaker from your own life or from the Friend or Liahona. Sing a song about loving others, such as “Jesus Said Love Everyone” (Children’s Songbook, 61), or complete this week’s activity page.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

The Lord wants me to share what I have with those in need.

Consider how you will help the children understand the Lord’s way of providing for His people when they are in need.

Possible Activities

  • Give the children a few minutes to make a list of blessings God has given them.

So the kids don't say the same things over again, have them draw a letter card out, they have to stay some thing they are blessed with that starts with that letter.

(Click on the cards to take you to the page)

  • Encourage them to list as many as they can. Then read together Doctrine and Covenants 104:13–18, looking for answers to questions like these: Who is the true owner of all things? Why does He give them to us? What does He want us to do with these things? Help the children think of ways they can share their blessings with others.

  • Share an experience in which someone gave you something you needed, and ask the children to share similar experiences. Or show a video about serving others, such as “The Coat” ( What do we learn from these experiences about serving others? Invite the children to be aware of those in need and find someone to serve this week, such as someone at school or especially someone in their family.

  • Invite the children to search the Children’s Songbook or Hymns for songs that have to do with service or helping others (see the topical indexes). Sing one or two songs together, and talk about what these songs teach us.

I love this interactive song, and it goes with the lesson of trying to find someone to serve this week, the people at the bottom of the page can help give the children ideas of who they can serve.

(Just click on the picture)

Love One Another, Free LDS primary song

I can obey the Lord’s commandments even when I don’t understand the reasons for them.

The experience of Zion’s Camp can be a powerful way to illustrate the blessings that come from seeking to follow the Lord’s will.

Possible Activities

  • Display the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and invite the children to share what they know about Zion’s Camp. If they need help, use the introduction to this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families; Saints, 1:194–206; or “The Acceptable Offering of Zion’s Camp” (Revelations in Context, 213–18). Invite the children to pretend that they were members of Zion’s Camp, telling their children about their experiences. What would they want their children to learn from those experiences?

  • Read together Doctrine and Covenants 105:13–14, and explain that when Zion’s Camp reached Missouri, the Lord told them to not try to take back the Saints’ land. Some members of the camp were upset and wondered why they’d been commanded to go there. What should we do when we don’t understand the reasons for a commandment? Share some accounts from “Voices of the Restoration: Zion’s Camp” (in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families) to help the children see that blessings come when we obey the commandments God gives us through His prophets, even if we don’t understand all the reasons.

Here is next weeks scripture card, give it to the children this week so they can "ponderize" and come with ideas for the lesson next week.

This weeks scripture card is at the top of the page with the children and light bulbs.

That's all.

See you Next week!



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11 תגובות

19 בספט׳ 2021

Thank you so much for putting these together; they are wonderful!


19 בספט׳ 2021

Thank you so much for all of your effort!! I get called to sub often, and these are lifesavers!


Janet Elmer
Janet Elmer
19 בספט׳ 2021

I just wanted to say thank you so much for these lesson helps. I am a busy working mom. When I found your site, it helped me out so much!!! It has taken such a weight off my shoulders. I could never think up or create such wonderful ideas. I add my gratitude to others, God bless you!

19 בספט׳ 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

Ah, thank you. Glad I can help.


Lola Moore
Lola Moore
19 בספט׳ 2021

😍 Thank you sooo much for having this available, my primary children will be so happy tomorrow with all the activities.

19 בספט׳ 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

You are welcome. It's always nice to have some fun things for the kids.


18 בספט׳ 2021

May our Lord bless you for sharing your beautiful work. It's really appreciated. My sunbeams will like. Thanks you again.

19 בספט׳ 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thank you! Sunbeams is the best calling!


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