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Come Follow Me- For Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson, June 13-19, 1 Samuel 8-10;13

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Come Follow Me- for Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson helps, I will be Valiant, 9 foot long measuring of David and Goliath, The Lord knows my heart, Jonathan and David 1 Samuel 8-10, The Lord looks on the heart, Scripture match up, Samuel the prophet.

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

The Lord knows what is in my heart.

Sharing the story of how the Lord told Samuel to choose David as king can help the children know that the Lord knows us individually.

Possible Activities

  • Share how the Lord told Samuel that David would become the king of Israel (see 1 Samuel 16:1–13). While you tell the story, you could let one child represent Samuel. He or she could give a paper crown to another child, who represents David. Share your testimony that the Lord knew David’s heart and that He knows each of us.

I put this in Senior Primary, but I think it would also be fantastic here, to show that the Lord looks on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord looks on the heart, object lesson on appearances, Free LDS primary lesson helps
  • Share an experience in which you felt the Lord was aware of you. Sing a song that teaches that the Savior knows and loves us, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58).

Faith in Jesus Christ can help me have courage.

Children relate easily with young David because even though David was small, he overcame a big challenge. Help them see that the source of his courage and strength was his faith in Jesus Christ.

Possible Activities

  • Review the story of David and Goliath with the children (see “David and Goliath” in Old Testament Stories), and let them take turns acting out the story. Prompt the child pretending to be Goliath to say, “Give me a man, that we may fight together” (1 Samuel 17:10). Prompt the child pretending to be David to say, “I come to thee in the name of the Lord” (1 Samuel 17:45). Testify that when we have faith in the Lord, He will help us have courage like David had.

This is not perfect, the lines don't line up ideally, but it is 9 feet tall, and I didn't have to use Goliaths hat(: If you are a perfectionist you can get out your black sharpie and connect the lines that have spaces because of the connections of the papers.

Click on the image to download.

David and Goliath measurement activity for kids, How do I measure up? 9 feet long, free LDS primary lesson helps for Come Follow Me

If you don't want to do a-lot of printing, you can do this coloring page/activity, but don't forget your measuring tape.

David and Goliath measurement activity for kids, How do I measure up? 9 feet long, free LDS primary lesson helps for Come Follow Me

Use this week’s activity page to show how tall Goliath might have been compared to a young boy like David. Explain that the army of Israel was afraid of Goliath. Ask the children to pretend to be scared. Then show a picture of Jesus Christ, and tell the children that because David had faith in the Lord, he could be brave. Ask them to stand up tall, like they are brave.

  • Invite the children to march like they are David going to fight Goliath while singing a song about being courageous, such as “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162).

Click on the image to download.

I will be valiant, LDS primary song, free primary lesson helps

Good friends can be a blessing to me.

Jonathan and David’s friendship is a great example of the blessings that can come from good friends.

Possible Activities

  • Draw two figures on the board, one to represent David and the other to represent Jonathan. Read to the children a few phrases from 1 Samuel 18:1–4 that emphasize the love these two friends felt for each other. Give each child a paper heart, and ask them how they can show love to a friend. After each child shares an idea, invite the child to attach the paper heart to the board.

David and Jonathan, good friends in the scriptures, free LDS primary lesson helps for Come Follow Me

May want to print on colored card stock.

  • Tell the children about a good friend who helps you live the gospel or build your faith in Jesus Christ, and invite the children to share who helps them. Invite the children to act out doing something nice for a friend.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Those who serve in the Church are called by God.

The accounts of God choosing Saul and David to be kings can help your class understand how people are called to serve in the Church today. These accounts can build faith that callings come from God through His authorized servants.

Possible Activities

  • On separate strips of paper, write the following statements and scriptures: the people wanted a king (1 Samuel 8:6); the Lord told Samuel that Saul would be king (1 Samuel 9:15–17); Samuel anointed Saul (1 Samuel 10:1); Samuel presented Saul to the people (1 Samuel 10:24). Ask the children to read the scripture passages and put them in the correct order.

  • Learn together the fifth article of faith. Briefly tell the children how you received your calling to teach in Primary. How do you know that you were called of God? Testify that God inspires leaders to call people to serve.

Click on the picture to take you to the page to print this.

5th article of Fatih activity for LDS children. Free LDS primary lesson helps

“The Lord looketh on the heart.”

It’s natural to judge others based on what we can see, but part of becoming more like Jesus is learning how to see as He does—by looking “on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to imagine they were asked to pick someone to be a king. What qualities would they look for? Read together 1 Samuel 16:6–7 to find out what the Lord said to Samuel as he was looking for a new king for Israel. What do we learn from the Lord’s instructions?

  • Present an object lesson to illustrate to the children that judgments we make based on “the outward appearance” (verse 7) may not be correct. For example, you could show them some food or a book with a wrapper or cover that doesn’t match its true contents. What do 1 Samuel 16:7 and this object lesson suggest about how we should view ourselves and other people?

Here is idea from the churches website.

Here is one you can use, if you are lacking time.

  • Share an experience in which you learned why you should “look on the heart,” not just “the outward appearance” (verse 7). Let the children share any similar experiences they’ve had. Sing a song that emphasizes this principle, such as “I’ll Walk with You” or “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41, 263).

Jesus Christ can help me overcome any challenge.

The children may be facing challenges that seem as difficult as defeating a giant like Goliath. David’s example can give them hope that the Lord will help fight their battles.

Possible Activities

  • Assign the children to draw pictures of different parts of the story in 1 Samuel 17:20–54. Display the pictures in order on the board, and invite the children to share the story by talking about each of the pictures they drew. What does the Lord want us to learn from this story?

  • Help the children make a list on the board of some difficult challenges a person might face. Invite them to find things David said that can encourage someone who faces challenges like these (see 1 Samuel 17:26, 32, 34–37, 45–47). Tell the children how Jesus Christ has helped you during challenges.

Cut out the pieces, but the pictures on the board and pass out the arrows to the kids. Have them look up the scriptures and match up the scriptures to the pictures.

LDS scripture match up for 1 Samuel 17, free LDS primary lesson helps, David and Goliath

Last chance, hope the man in your life has a great Father's Day.

(Just click on the picture)

Also, I love giving and receiving fresh fruit from my ministering sisters, here is a tag I made that turned out especially cute.

22,852 views9 comments


Lacie Lee Meyers
Lacie Lee Meyers
Jun 19, 2022

You have transformed my primary lessons! Thank you! I am so glad I found you.

Jun 19, 2022
Replying to

You’re so sweet! That’s Awesome! ❤️


Jun 16, 2022

Thank you so much! Great artwork and so easy to print. Your site works great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jun 16, 2022
Replying to

You are very welcome, thanks for reaching out.


Jun 15, 2022

Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone 💞

I teach the 4 year olds and it is challenging at times, but these lessons help so much and keep them interested.

Jun 16, 2022
Replying to

Amazing how visual plays such a big role in learning. (: You are very welcome.


Karen Abbott
Karen Abbott
Jun 13, 2022

I just get a blank page when I try to download the 12 pg David & Goliath chart. Can you help? I love your ideas and printables and use them every week in my lessons. Thanks for your hard work and generosity in creating these for us!

Jun 16, 2022
Replying to

I have a MAC and it made me download it and then it would open it page by page.


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