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Come Follow Me- for Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson helps, 2 Kings 2-7, July 4-10

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Come Follow me -For Primary 2022, Jeopardy, Obedience, Humility, Naaman leprosy, being healed, How do I know that God loves me? Free LDS Primary lesson helps

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

God can work miracles in my life.

Through the prophet Elisha, the Lord blessed many people in miraculous ways. Help the children recognize the Lord’s miracles in their lives.

Possible Activities

  • Share one or more of the miracles recorded in 2 Kings 4–5 (see “Elisha the Prophet” and “Elisha Heals Naaman” in Old Testament Stories). Let the children share what they like about these stories. Invite them to retell the stories to each other.

Just click on the pictures to take you to the page/movie.

Testify that the Lord can use His power to do great things to help us. We call these things miracles. Share how the Lord has shown His love for you in ways that are large or small. Sing together a song about God’s love, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29). Ask the children to share how they know Heavenly Father loves them.

Click on the picture to take you to a page to print this.

This is a fun idea. Anyone who knows me is familiar with my obsession with packaging tape. I never laminate anything, who has time for that? With this activity I plan on covering this picture with packaging tape. I will draw a picture of a child in my class (with a dry erase marker) and drawing or writing in the heart, the ways that he/she knows that God loves them. then wipe it off and do it again for another child. You can also print black and white for individual coloring pages.

How do I know that God loves me? Free LDS primary lesson helps.

How do I know that God loves me? Free LDS primary lesson helps.

I can choose to do what God commands through His prophet.

Naaman had a hard time obeying when the prophet Elisha told him how to be cured of leprosy. Ponder how you can help the children understand the blessings that come from being obedient.

I read this and thought of another possible activity that teaches obedience. When I was the primary chorister, if the kids sang good they got dot stickers on their bodies "singatious" it was a good disease(:

This is a little different. You start out putting dots/stickers on the kids, start with 5 dots on each child. After they do the activities, they get to take one off. Be sure to compliment them on there obedience, but bare your testimony on how important is it to follow the prophet, being obedient to him and our Heavenly Father.

Naaman being healed through the help of his servants. Lesson on obedience, free LDS primary lesson helps

Print on sticker paper

Possible Activities

  • Tell the story of Naaman (see 2 Kings 5:9–14; “Elisha Heals Naaman” in Old Testament Stories; see also the picture of Naaman in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Emphasize that at first Naaman did not want to wash in the Jordan River, even though Elisha told him that this would heal his disease. Tell about a time when you weren’t sure you wanted to do the right thing, and help the children think of their own examples. Then share how Naaman was blessed when he made the right choice.

Here is something from the Friend:

CTR Game

Players will take turns finding two cards that match: one card shows a situation where a choice needs to be made, and the matching card shows someone choosing the right. For example, the card that shows a boy earning money matches the card that shows him paying tithing.

How to Play: Mix up the cards and lay them facedown. A player turns over two cards. If the cards match, the player keeps the cards and turns over two more cards. If the cards don’t match, the player turns them back over and it is the next player’s turn. Younger children can play with fewer cards or with the cards facing up.

Print on card stock.

  • Read 2 Kings 5:13 to the children, and explain that Naaman’s servants helped him decide to obey the prophet Elisha. Help the children think of ways they could help their friends or family members listen to and obey the prophet.

The Lord is watching over me.

When Elisha’s servant saw the Syrian army surrounding them, he was very afraid. However, Elisha told him to “fear not” because the Lord was with them (2 Kings 6:16).

Possible Activities

  • Read 2 Kings 6:15 to the children, or paraphrase it so they can understand. Invite the children to imagine they are surrounded by a large army with horses and chariots, as Elisha’s servant was. How would they feel? What would they do? Ask them to close their eyes while you read 2 Kings 6:16–17 to them. When you get to the words “open his eyes,” ask the children to open their eyes. Describe to them what the servant saw protecting him and Elisha. Share how you know the Lord is watching over us.

  • Sing together a song about God’s care for us, such as the first verse of “Dearest Children, God Is Near You” (Hymns, no. 96). Replace words in the song with names of the children to emphasize that God is watching over them.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

God can work miracles in my life.

During his ministry, Elisha healed and blessed many people. How can the miracles in 2 Kings 4–5 help the children recognize Heavenly Father’s hand in their lives?

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to write on the board as many miracles as they can remember from the scriptures. Then give them time to review 2 Kings 4–5 and add to their list (see 2 Kings 4:1–7, 14–17, 32–35, 38–41, 42–44; 5:10–14). What do these miracles teach about how Heavenly Father feels about us?

  • Ask the children to talk about what a miracle is. If they need help, they could review “Miracle” in Guide to the Scriptures ( Invite them to share some miracles that Jesus performed. Talk about how you have seen God’s power in your life. You might include daily miracles such as feelings of peace, the gift of daily life, or help with daily tasks. Invite the children to talk about miracles in their lives, both large and small.

I can choose to be faithful, humble, and obedient.

Naaman wanted to be healed of leprosy, but he wasn’t expecting the simple instruction Elisha gave him: “Go and wash in Jordan seven times” (2 Kings 5:10). Consider how you could use this story to teach the children about faith in Jesus Christ, humility, and obedience.

Possible Activities

  • Write faith, humility, and obedience on the board, and ask the children what these words mean (see True to the Faith, 54–56, 86–87, 108–9). Invite the children to read 2 Kings 5:9–14. You could also show parts of the video “Naaman and Elisha” ( How did Naaman show faith in the Lord, humility, and obedience? Why is it important for us to have these qualities?

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It would be cute to print these on different colored card stock.

(Click on picture)

  • Ask the children to tell about a time when a friend helped them choose the right. Also share an experience of your own. Read together 2 Kings 5:10–13 to learn how Naaman’s servants helped him choose to obey the prophet. What can we do to help each other follow our prophet today?

Here is an object lesson on obedience that everyone in the class can help with. Blind fold each child (one at a time), with their own colored maker, so they can see how different their "journey" was from the others. Everyone in the class is allowed to help tell the person when they are off the road and which direction to take. It is harder than it looks. After, talk together about how hard it was and what was the most effective way to help someone stay on the road or come back. Ask them how that applies to the gospel and helping your friends follow the prophet. What can we do to help each other follow our prophet today?

  • Invite the children to complete the activity page and share with a family member or friend something they learned from the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1–15.

I am not alone.

The children you teach may sometimes feel like the servant of Elisha—unsure of how to meet the challenges before them. You can use the account in 2 Kings 6:8–17 to teach them to “fear not” because the Lord has not left them alone.

Possible Activities

  • Read together 2 Kings 6:15–17. Invite one of the children to pretend to be Elisha’s servant while the other children ask questions about his experience, such as how he felt when the Syrian army surrounded the city or what it was like to see the army of God. Talk with the children about times when they feel alone in trying to live the gospel. How does the Lord help us know that we are not alone?

  • Sing a song about relying on the Lord, such as “When Faith Endures” (Hymns, no. 128). What does this song teach us about trusting in the Lord?

I think this part of the lesson goes well with this years theme.

Just click on the picture to take you to my Etsy.


Unknown member
6 days ago

I pivoted the New York location to delivery and partnered with Goldbelly. When we were allowed to open for outdoor link dining, we unboarded our windows and used the material to fashion tables. We started to stay afloat and I link was able to keep every one link of my managers and chefs on at full salary through the entire time. And when we opened Miami in February of this year, I couldn't have dreamed of a more successful restaurant opening.


Unknown member
6 days ago

But then, one lucky morning, I was at a women's watchmaking class at link the F.P. Journe Boutique in West Hollywood, and Briana Le, our teacher, was explaining that an automatic link watch had a thing in it called a link rotor, and the movement of the body and wrist moved the rotor, and powered the watch.


Jul 09, 2022

I would be so lost without your lesson helps. Thank you, thank you!

Jul 10, 2022
Replying to

Your cute, I'm sure you would be great, but I'm glad to help(:


Nancy Slocum Hiatt
Nancy Slocum Hiatt
Jul 09, 2022

love the way the activities go with the stories!!

Jul 10, 2022
Replying to

Ha ha, Thank you.


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