D&C 14:1-7
I can help the Lord do His work.
Come Follow Me- for Primary "Briefly share a few details about the Whitmer family, For example, share who David Whitmer was and how he and his family helped Joseph Smith as he was translating the Book of Mormon."
This idea is from Mitzi at comefollowmekid.com , she wrote the words, I drew the pictures...we make a good team (:
Mitzi typed these stories out on cute cards with a fun border. If you are interested in that you can download her whole lesson plan Here.

Come Follow Me- For Primary “Help the children understand the comparisons between working in a field and participating in God’s ”great and marvelous work” (verse 1). For example, reaping a harvest can symbolize bring souls to Christ. You could show a picture of a farmer, bring farmers’ clothes, for the children to try on, or discuss everyday tasks that farmers perform. Explain that David Whitmer was a farmer who wanted to know how he could help the Lord. Read D&C 14:3-4 to the children, and help them discover what the Lord told David Whitmer to do. How can we help in the Lord’s work?”

Come Follow Me- For Primary “Use a present to teach the children about God’s gift of eternal life. For example, show the children a present with a paper inside that reads, ”Eternal Life” (D&C 14:7). Let a child unwrap the gift, and read D&C 14:7 aloud. Share that eternal means to live forever with God and to be like Him.”

I remember when I taught it was hard to pick one child to open the present. This way everyone has their own present to open. And it is great for those primary teachers that are passing out lessons to their kids, they now can add a little treat, and hopefully get those kids into the scriptures.

(Recommend printing on card stock)
Come Follow Me- For Primary “With the children, make a list of ways they can help someone follow Jesus Christ, such as being friends to others, sharing the scriptures with a friend, or praying for someone in need. To give the children ideas, you could display some relevant pictures....Or the children can draw their own picture. Invite them to try something on their list during the week.”

Tell the children about the Three and Eight Witnesses ...
Also recommend watching this movie:

The primary manual doesn't have a song for this week, but I think this one fits really well with this part of the lesson.

You can find this Here

Teach the Doctrine:
Older Children
I can help the Lord do his work.
Come Follow Me- For Primary “On slips of paper, write simple questions and related scriptures references from D&C 14-16. Invite each child to select a question and find answers in the verses.”
This is one we will be doing together as a family.

Thanks everyone who reached out this week. Love to see what people are doing in there homes. The gospel will move forward, even with Covid(: God bless you all!
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