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Come follow me- for Primary 2021, D&C 23-26, March 8-14, Free LDS Primary lesson Helps and Prints.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

Emma Smith, An elect lady, lift up thy heart and rejoice, cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made, delights in the song of the heart, Lift up my your voice and sing, passport to prayer, you must pray in all places, Let your time be devoted to the study of scripture. Free LDS primary lesson helps, Free Come Follow Me 2021, printable's, free LDS coloring pages, Come follow me- for primary

I saw a meme that said something like this "A recipe blogger admitted to murder in the opening page of 12 different recipes, but no one ever found out because they never read what she wrote."

I had to laugh because that is so me, I just scroll down to the recipe. Who has time to read? So for all of you that will never read this I'm admitting to .......(pause for effect) not brushing my teeth this morning. I know gross. I usually exercise with minty gum, and this morning was an exercise morning. It's a good way to start my week...exercising...not the lack of brushing my teeth(:

Come Follow Me- For Primary "Show a picture of Emma Smith...invite the children to share what they know about her..."

The primary manual also suggests watching this:

(Just click on the picture)

Here is coloring page the children can color while they watch the movie.

Who is Emma Smith Free LDS coloring pages, Primary lesson helps, Come Follow Me 2021, Emma Smith art for children and kids

A puzzle that covers D&C 25, I think this is one of my favorite sections.

Emma Smith puzzle, free printable's for children and kids, An Elect lady, walk in the path of virtue, lay aside the things of the world, lift up thy heart and rejoice, cleave to the covenants which thou hast made, crown of rightness. Free LDS primary lesson helps, Come Follow Me 2021, Doctrine Covenants

Mitzi at has some really fun ideas on her page for teaching this puzzle to younger kids. I highly recommend looking at it.

D&C 23:6;26:1

God wants me to pray and learn from the scriptures every day.

"Read to the children from D&C 23:6, beginning with "you must pray." Help them identify the different ways and places the Lord said we should pray."

So I read that scripture it says "pray vocally before the world as well as in secret, and in your family, and among your friends, and in all places." D&C 23:6 That is just amazing!

The "world" got me thinking about having the children travel to all the places they can pray. Like a passport to prayer!

Prayer Passport, You must all places D&C 23:6, FREE LDS primary lesson helps, free printable's for Come follow Me 2021, Pray in the closet, pray in the living room, pray in secret, pray around the world

If needed, explain to the children how to pray. A song about prayer, like "I Pray in Faith"

I loooove this song! I have used it for two of my printable's.

I pray in Faith, free LDS children's song book printable's , How to pray, ice cream sundae prayer

Read to the children, "Let your time be devoted to the study of the scriptures" (D&C 26:1). Tell them why you study the scriptures. Help them think of ways they can learn from the scriptures, even if they can't read yet.

Setting goals for scripture study. D&C 26:1 Let your time be devoted to the study of the scriptures. Free LDS coloring pages, for scriptures. Goal's for children and kids

Sing together "Search, Ponder, and Pray" (CSB, 109) or another song about prayer and scripture study. Help the children discover the blessings promised in the song. Tell them about spiritual feelings you have had when praying and reading the scriptures.

Search Ponder and Pray LDS primary song Children's song book 109, LDS free primary lesson helps, pray and read scriptures study

Search Ponder and Pray, LDS primary song, study the scriptures and pray. Free LDS primary lesson helps, Come Follow Me 2021

I finally made a video to show you how this song works.

D&C 25:11-12

Jesus loves "the song of the heart."

Invite each child to share his or her favorite hymn or church song, and sing some of them together. Read D&C 25:12 to the children, and invite them to imagine how Heavenly Father and Jesus feel when They hear us sing these songs.

I want to play "name that tune". I saw these whistle candies at the store and thought that would be a fun activity for my whole family. We have tried them, they really do work.

But I wanted to send it out to my Sunbeam also, so I made a printable with instructions.

For my soul delights in the song of the heart; yea the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me. Free LDS ministering printable. Come follow me 2021, handouts and free printable's for children and kids

For those of you who can't find these whistle candies (BTW they are usually at the small town grocery stores, similar to Macy's I think it's called Associated Food), I found this website that teaches you how to make a simple whistle from a straw.

(Just click on the picture to take you to the page)

Teach the children a song about singing, such as "Lift Up Your Voice and Sing" (CSB 252), or sing a song about Jesus Christ, such as "He Sent His Son" (CSB 34-35).

I love this, everyone can participate, in this song, just print in black and white so they can add their own individual touch.

Lift up your voice and sing, LDS primary song, interactive printable's, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Free coloring pages for singing

Lift up your voice and sing, LDS primary song, interactive printable's, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Free coloring pages for singing

Here is a fun singing time from my friend Sister Fillmore, some people say we look like sisters, I will claim her, but we are not(:

The Primary manual also suggest singing this song:

He sent his son, LDS primary songs free printable's, Free lds primary lessonhelps

You can print this Here

The Emma puzzle is actually more for Senior primary then junior primary, and "name that tune" I'm doing with my whole family.

The primary manual does suggest for the Senior Primary to watch this:

Invite the children to discover what the Lord said to Joseph about his afflictions in D&C 24:1,8. How can we seek the Savior's help when we are having a difficult time?

To teach the children that sometimes we need to be "patient in our afflictions," you could show the video "Continue in Patience"

Ask the children to think of something they really want but have to wait for. Why does the Lord sometimes require us to have patience during challenging times in our lives? How does He let us know that He is "with us" during our afflictions?

Come Follow Me- for Primary “Read together D&C 25:13, and ask the children what it means in this verse to ”cleave unto the covenants” we with the children the covenants we make when we are baptized.”

Cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made. D&C 25:13, Baptism covenants, Free lds coloring pages

That is it for this week. Every week is my favorite(: Hope you are enjoying the study of Doctrine and Covenants. I am surprised how much I am loving it.




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Mar 15, 2021

What story did you find the whistle candy thank you for your ideas and time

Mar 15, 2021
Replying to

Associate food stores. Like small town grocery stores, not sure where you are from. Stores similar to Macey’s grocery if you have that.


Mar 14, 2021

We are loving your site, we are choosing something from here most weeks now to complement our "Primary at home" meetings 😊 Thank you so much for your work. Love from Wales, UK x

Mar 16, 2021
Replying to

No one can understand the excitement of knowing my site is international 😃! Thanks for sharing. God bless you in your calling.


Mar 10, 2021

This is wonderful material! Thank you!

Mar 10, 2021
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You are so welcome. I’m glad you found it.


Carolina Isabel Silva de Aquino
Carolina Isabel Silva de Aquino
Mar 07, 2021

Loved everything! You always have the best printables Crystal!!!😍

Mar 08, 2021
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Thank you Carolina!


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