God invites me to repent.
Samuel’s warnings of the judgments of God consistently included a merciful invitation to repent. Look for these invitations throughout Helaman 13–15 (see especially Helaman 13:6–11; 14:15–19; 15:7–8). What do you learn from these verses about repentance? Some people see repentance as a harsh punishment—something to avoid. In your opinion, how did Samuel want the Nephites to see repentance?
I have a really fun idea for this weeks lesson.
You can hand out scriptures that look like this:
They are very big, if you can imagine that is the size of a page. You might have guessed they will be completing a puzzle. You can do this on a board with magnets, or on the floor.
Ask these question as the youth read or place puzzle pieces:
This is for me. I know I am supposed to ask the youth questions, but when I start teaching my brain takes flight. It really helps me to have the questions printed out. Also, how many times do you hear the youth say "what was the question?"(:
ALL the question prints are Free, I just put them in a downloadable folder.
Download all the question printable's HERE
When all the scriptures are read and some of the questions have been answered, your board might look like this:
To deepen your study, you could read President Russell M. Nelson’s message “We Can Do Better and Be Better” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 67). How does he define repentance? What blessings of sincere repentance do you find in his message? You might also look for specific things the prophet invited us to change.
Moving on to President Nelsons talk and for the the strength of the youth, they will be assembling the eyes.
If you don't like what I pulled from the talk, it would be really easy to create your own. You know the needs of your students and what they need to hear.
These are in my store
This is already included in the lesson bundle, but some like to purchase it separately.
What is the Holy Ghost telling you that you need to change? Consider writing down the personal revelation you receive.
This is in my store
How is repentance different than just changing your behavior? Why is it important to accept God’s invitation to repent?
In the end your board may look like this, if they want to draw a nose and eye brows they can.
If you still have time, there is the movie "Repentance: A Joyful Choice."
Or Principles of Peace: Repentance
This is beautiful!!
As you ponder this, consider singing or listening to a hymn that expresses this invitation, such as “How Gentle God’s Commands” (Hymns, no. 125).
See also “Jesus Christ Will Help You,” For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices, 6–9; “Repentance: A Joyful Choice,” “Principles of Peace: Repentance” (videos), Gospel Library; Gospel Topics “Repentance,” Gospel Library.
This isn't from the manual, but whenever I think of repentance, and the youth, I think of this talk. Brother Wilcox compares repentance to playing the piano, if you haven't heard it, it will change your life(:
God sent signs and wonders to testify of the Savior’s birth and death.
In Helaman 14, Samuel explained that the Lord provided signs of the Savior’s birth and death so that the people “might know of … his coming” and “believe on his name” (Helaman 14:12). As you study Helaman 14, note the signs of the Savior’s birth in verses 1–8 and the signs of His death in verses 20–28. Why do you think these signs would be effective ways to signify the birth and death of Jesus Christ?
These prints are Free, Have the youth read the scriptures sorting the signs of His birth and signs of His death. I may look like this:
This is for a younger level, it might be more fun for them to draw their own pictures.
Other more personal and less dramatic signs can help you “believe on [the Savior’s] name.” What has He done to strengthen your belief in Him?
What caution is given about signs in Helaman 16:13–23? How can you avoid the attitude of the people described in these verses?
See also Alma 30:43–52; Ronald A. Rasband, “By Divine Design,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 55–57.