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Come Follow Me 2024, Oct 21-27, Free LDS youth lesson helps, YM & YW

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Oct 26, 2024

Free LDS youth lesson helps, Young Men and Young woman, Oct 21-27, Come Follow Me 2024, Choice and consequence object lesson, free printable

This is a very touching lesson. It is kind of perfect timing with all the things going on in the world right now, namely an election that will be taken place in less than a month. I know, I have made a point to stay off of social media, so that I can still love my neighbor(: There is defiantly a feeling of added stress and contention, and I can't help but think our children and youth are affected by that. I love that everyone is getting this same lesson, and pray that we can take these things into our hearts.

I want to start out with a very simple object lesson. Yes friends, that is a collapsible mop handle. I do have a pile of sticks outside, but it is raining so this is what you get(:

Stephen R. Covey said "When you pick up one end of the stick, you pick up the other."

This is a great way to start a discussion with the youth. Encourage them to think of some choices and some consequences. The worst choice I can think of is killing....what is the consequence? But what about little things like talking bad about someone, or even hating someone, and they won't have to know you hate them? What are the consequences? Satan wants us to believe there aren't any consequences when we make a wrong choice. But even our unkind or critical thoughts have consequences.

Do all consequences need to be bad? What is an example of a good choice and a good consequence? (Today we are learning about both)

If none of that made sense you can watch this video, for more clarification.

Following the teachings of Jesus Christ leads to unity and happiness.

What would it have been like to live in the years following the Savior’s visit? As you study 4 Nephi 1:1–18, consider listing the blessings the people received. You might also mark or note the choices they made that helped lead to this blessed life.

If I was teaching this lesson I would figure out a way to hang the stick on the board, with yarn or something, but I'm over the top(: You could just remove the paper and put them on the board like this:

Write down what the students say as you read 4 Nephi 1:1-18.

It may look like this:

Oct 21-27, LDS youth lesson

Lots of discussion and questions you can ask the youth. Something I would defiantly point out is this quote by President Nelson:

President Nelson's entire message is HERE

What if we were the last person on Earth that kept our covenants, can we still have "our hearts knit together in unity and love towards others?"

What did Jesus teach them that could have inspired their righteous choices? Here are some examples, but you may find others: 3 Nephi 11:28–30; 12:8–9, 21–24, 40–44; 13:19–21, 28–33; 14:12; 18:22–25.

I love this idea for being knit together, so I created this puzzle with scriptures, you can pass out the pieces, read/discuss together, and they can figure out how to put it together. There will be some creepy looking hands that you will cut out...but trust the process(: It is almost Halloween, we can use that to our advantage!

These are in my store.

If you don't think you will have time, study these scriptures so you can give a summary of what you don't get to, and the youth and still complete the puzzle.

I also have the scriptures written out on cards, so you don't have to spent time looking them up. If you do have time, take the time to look up the scriptures, it's good for the students to become familiar with the scriptures.

2 pages of scripture cards are in my store.

This is included in your purchase of the lesson bundle, but some like to purchase it separately.

If ye are not one, uno candy bar youth gift tag

More gift tags are coming. I would love to hear any suggestions or request, since this is my first season doing Youth lessons.

It will look like this when you are done:

Ponder what you can do to help your family, ward, or community live in greater unity and happiness. What can you do to help overcome divisions and truly become “one” with other children of God? What teachings of Jesus Christ help you accomplish this goal?

You can ask these questions while you hand out additional pieces, that look like this:

It will look like this when you are done:

PSST...If they are having trouble putting the arms together, you can have them put the center piece together first, and it will make it easier.

Write down one of the teachings of Christ, that will help you have more unity. Have the youth take a picture of what they wrote and put it on their phone wallpaper, or somewhere where they can look at it and remember their goals.

This is in my store

Sadly, the Zion society described in 4 Nephi eventually fell into wickedness. As you read 4 Nephi 1:19–49, look for the attitudes and behaviors that ended their happiness and unity. What can you do to help eliminate these attitudes or behaviors?

See also Moses 7:18; D. Todd Christofferson, “Sustainable Societies,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 32–35; Reyna I. Aburto, “With One Accord,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 78–80.

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