I can receive revelation for my life.
President Russell M. Nelson said: “I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. … Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly” (“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 96).
As you study Ether 2; 3:1–6; 4:7–15, what do you learn about “the spiritual work” President Nelson spoke of? You could mark in one color the questions or concerns the brother of Jared had and what he did about them, and in another color you could mark how the Lord helped him and made His will known.
Total of 3 free Prints today.
If you are doing this quote at the beginning, I would first start out asking the youth "What are some things they have to really work hard for?" "Was it worth it...all the hard work?" The best things in life aren't free. "Do we ever have to work to feel the spirit, or receive revelation?" "What does that look like?" After some discussion, share this quote.
Color in the boxes the two colors you choose. I was going to do red and yellow, but I don't know if everyone's church library has those colored pencils. You made need to text the students to bring their own scriptures, so you aren't marking the library scriptures. If you are ok with students using their phones you can show them how to mark things in different colors on the church's app.
Here are some questions to ponder as you study:
What impresses you about the way the Lord answered the brother of Jared’s questions in Ether 2:18–25?
How might you use Ether 3:1–5 to help someone who is learning how to pray?
What might prevent you from receiving revelation from the Lord? (see Ether 4:8–10). How can you receive revelation from Him more often? (see Ether 4:7, 11–15).
What do you think it means to “rend [the] veil of unbelief” in your life” (Ether 4:15).
What else do you learn from the brother of Jared about personal revelation?
Elder Dale G. Renlund taught about “A Framework for Personal Revelation” (Liahona, Nov. 2022, 16–19). Consider drawing a picture frame and writing the four elements of the framework on each side. How can this framework help you “increase your capacity to receive revelation”?
See also Gospel Topics, “Personal Revelation,” Gospel Library.
Before we start I need to give you a heads up about the corner pieces. They look like this:
Spoiler alert...the youth are building a frame. The corner pieces won't mean anything until you get to the end. If the youth ask, tell them it is clues for something that is coming, but they don't need to focus on them too much until the end.
You will start out by passing out all the pieces except the scripture corner piece. It will be the first to go on the board...like this:
When you pass out the pieces tell the youth that have their scriptures ready to read.
Ask the youth who has the second and third piece....and so on. It would be good to write down what is being said, as they read and discuss the scriptures, like this:
No scripture cards, and no gift tag in the lesson bundle. Etsy only gives me 5 files and I have used them all.
Black and white.
You can purchase this separately.
I stoped recording scripture insights, but you still should. Here is what it will look like when you are done with the Frame, but you aren't done with the lesson yet.
This is a free Print
When you are all done, your board will look like this:
To be honest I can't stop looking at it(: My favorite kind of art is when it is functional and bears witness of the scriptures and Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoy!
Through His chastening, the Lord invites me to repent and come unto Him.
Even a prophet as great as the brother of Jared needed to be chastened by the Lord. What do you learn from Ether 2:14–15 about the Lord’s chastening? Think about how the Lord’s chastening and the brother of Jared’s response may have helped prepare him for his experiences in Ether 3:1–20.
The Lord will prepare me to cross my “great deep.”
Sometimes, crossing the “great deep” is the only way to fulfill God’s will for us. Do you see similarities to your life in Ether 2:16–25? How has the Lord prepared you for your challenges? What is He asking you to do now to prepare for what He needs you to do in the future?
See also L. Todd Budge, “Consistent and Resilient Trust,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 47–49.