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Come Follow Me 2024, March 18-24 & Easter 2024, Free LDS primary lesson helps.

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 12, 2024

Come Follow me March 18-24 and Easter lesson 2024, Free LDS primary lesson helps, baptism of Jesus Christ, foot prints, feast on the words of Christ, Resurrection, changed from the Savior's atonement, Free LDS coloring pages, Jesus Christ on the path, puzzles and games activities

Ideas for Teaching Children

When I am baptized, I am following Jesus Christ.

  • There’s a picture of Jesus being baptized at the end of this outline. Maybe your children could use it to tell you what they know about this event (see also Matthew 3:13–17). Why does Jesus want us to be baptized like He was? Your children could listen for reasons as you read together portions of 2 Nephi 31:4–13. It might be helpful if someone who was recently baptized could share their experience.

For younger children you can read 2 Nephi 31:5 while they experiment with the (already assembled) cup. Then ask them why they think Jesus was baptized and why need to be baptized?

Jesus Christ set the example to be baptized. 2 Nephi 31:5

For Older children pass out the pieces to the puzzle and have the students look up the scriptures and read them in order, while completing the puzzle.

Click in the image to be taken to Etsy.

Jesus Christ taught me how to return to Heavenly Father.

  • To help your children visualize the teachings in 2 Nephi 31, they could draw a path with a picture of Christ at the end. You could help them find or draw pictures that represent steps on that path, such as faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. They could point to the pictures as you read 2 Nephi 31:17–20 together.

I love the manual says "find or draw pictures". Here are some blank foot steps that the students can draw pictures on that you can place on the chalk board (Your path) or on the ground.

Here is an extra activity if you don't have a lot of time or room in your classroom. The students can still find the foot prints if you choose to hide them. Or you can print in B&W and challenge the students to teach their FHE (with the printable and) with what they learned today. The best way to learn something is to teach it.

Here is an idea from 4 years ago, I think it is a very good idea to incorporate movement.

For older children you can lay them out and see who the first one is to grab it when it is mentioned in the scriptures.

General conference is the week after Easter. Here are some free activities, just click on the image.

Click on image to be taken to Etsy.

I can feast upon the words of Christ.

  • To teach about “feasting” on the words of Christ, you could ask your children to act out how they would feast on their favorite food. In 2 Nephi 32:3, what did Nephi say we should feast on? How is feasting on God’s word different from just reading it? Maybe your children could act out the differences. Share with them the blessings you’ve received as you’ve feasted on the scriptures.

(Warning:This prints very small, only print this on if you are sending it home with your students, it is too small to teach with)

This prints big:

Heavenly Father wants me to pray always.

  • After reading 2 Nephi 32:8–9, talk with your children about why Satan doesn’t want us to pray. Why does God want us to “pray always”? Your children could make a list or draw pictures of situations in which they could pray. Then you could sing a song that teaches about prayer, such as “Did You Think to Pray?” (Hymns, no. 140). You could replace some of the words in the song with the words from their lists. How does God bless us when we pray always?

Last time to get this, if you want to do the week long count down. Easter is March 31st.

He is Risen, Easter week long count down banner, Religious, LDS


Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, I will be resurrected too.

  • Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen” (in New Testament Stories, 136–38, 139–44) to tell your children about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Click on image to be taken to the church's website to watch this.

  • Or let your children tell you the story, using the pictures in these chapters.

For younger children:

For older children that can look up scriptures and match them to pictures:

  • The Risen Savior’s visit to the Americas is a powerful witness of His Resurrection. Consider telling your children about it, using 3 Nephi 1117; the song “Easter Hosanna”; or the last verse of “Book of Mormon Stories” (Children’s Songbook, 68–69, 118–19).

Encourage your children to imagine what it would have been like to feel Jesus’s wounds (see 3 Nephi 11:14–15) or to be one of the children He blessed (see 3 Nephi 17:21). Share with each other your feelings about Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.

This is beautiful

  • To help your children discover what the Book of Mormon teaches about resurrection, you could invite them to pretend that you don’t know anything about it and ask them to explain it to you. Help them look in 2 Nephi 9:10–15; Alma 11:41–45; and Alma 40:21–23 for answers to questions like these: What does it mean to be resurrected? Who will be resurrected? Also invite them to bear testimony of the Savior’s Resurrection as part of their answer.

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Jesus is Risen! Easter foldable bag topper

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Jesus Christ knows how to comfort me.

  • Mosiah 3:7 and Alma 7:11 describe some of what the Savior went through as part of His Atonement. You might read one of these verses to your children and ask them to listen for words that tell them what Jesus suffered for us. Then you could read Alma 7:12 to find out why He suffered it. Testify that Jesus Christ felt all of our pains and sicknesses so that He could comfort us.

  • Do your children have a favorite hymn or song about Jesus Christ and His Atonement? You could sing it together—or learn a new one. Talk about words or phrases in the lyrics that teach you about the comfort and peace the Savior offers us.

This song/movie brings the spirit, and is a beautiful testimony through music.

Jesus Christ can cleanse me and help me change.

  • The Book of Mormon gives many examples of people who were changed because of the Savior’s Atonement. Perhaps your children could choose one to learn about, such as Enos (see Enos 1:2–8), Alma the Younger (see Mosiah 27:8–24), or the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (see Alma 24:7–19). How did this person or group change because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How can we follow their examples?

This is from an older lesson if you decide just to focus on this story.

Older Students: Split the students in 3 groups and give them each a scripture to study together. When they figured out who their person is they can take their picture card. Tell them that they are going to present to the class how the Atonement changed that person or groups of people lives. They can draw pictures to help with their presentation.

  • You and your children could also compare something clean and something dirty and talk about how dirty things are made clean. Read together Alma 13:11–13. What did Jesus do so that we can be made clean from our sins? How does this make us feel about sin? How does it make us feel about the Savior?


an hour ago

Yet again you have an engraving on the back from Jean Todt to Michael Schumacher as a Christmas gift. The dial is distinctly much more "Ferrari" than the last. F.P. Journe (both the man and the link brand) has a close relationship with link Todt, making unique pieces like this Centigraphe that sold for nearly CHF 2,000,000 at Christie's in 2022. That same Ferrari red would link appear on production models of the Centigraphe as well.



Thank you for your wonderful ideas. They are a big help for teaching my 4 and 5 year old Primary class. There is always something for them to Do which is great for these active little ones. Thanks again.



Thank you for all the wonderful helps and ideas. For the Conference matching game is there an updated list of the Apostles available?


Thank you so much! We use your site every week. We love it and so does our class!



I love your adorable lesson projects. For tomorrow I printed off the baptism image that goes around a cup. I used this last year too and the kids loved it! I also made the sweet little prayer spinning circles. Then I had a sudden flash inspired by your creative ideas and a reel I saw that had bowling with cups for kids. I will put 15 cups up-side-down on the floor arranged in a triangle and print off more of the cute little images from the prayer circle. I'll mount them on posterboard and cut them out and put one of top of each cup and let them bowl with a tennis ball. They can tell the class the ones…


So cute. I love it when people share their ideas. Sunbeams are the best!



Is there a way that these can be corrected? The Bingo card this week has the word "conference" misspelled.


Ugh. Thank you! I’ll get that fixed.


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