Ideas for Teaching Children
Jesus Christ wants everyone to come unto Him.
To teach your children about the Savior’s invitations in these verses, you might talk with them about times they invited people to a special event, like a birthday party. Then you could read 2 Nephi 26:23–28 together and find out what Jesus is inviting us to do. Your children might like to create a card inviting someone to come unto Jesus Christ. Encourage them to use a phrase from these verses in their invitation.

The painting at the end of this outline shows people from many backgrounds.

This picture is in the manual, if you don't have access to it you can get one similar in the library that looks like this:

Maybe your children could look at this picture as you read 2 Nephi 26:33. You could repeat the phrase “Jesus invites all to come unto Him” as your children point to each person in the picture—and then to themselves. Have your students draw simple pictures of themselves in the blank ovals. If you would like they can attach their picture to the picture of Jesus while saying”Jesus Christ inviteth all to come unto him” repeat with each child or each (oval) picture.

How do we come unto Jesus?
This is a great question. Give time for your students to answer it before doing this activity.
The child moves closer to Jesus with each commandment/gospel topic you discuss.

A song about loving all people, such as “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41), could help you teach the message of 2 Nephi 26:33.

Click on images to be taken to Etsy.
The Book of Mormon is a blessing.
To help your children feel that the Book of Mormon is “of great worth” (2 Nephi 28:2), you could wrap a copy as a gift and let them guess what’s inside. They could look for clues in 2 Nephi 30:3–6. Tell your children why the Book of Mormon is of great worth to you, and let them share their feelings too.

Consider asking your children to imagine that a friend says, “I don’t need to read the Book of Mormon. I’ve already read the Bible.” What could we say to our friend? Read together 2 Nephi 29:7–11 to learn why God wants us to have both books.
I think it's fun that St. Patrick's Day lands on a Sunday this year. Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.
These are from 4 years ago, I don't want to loose this activity, so for families teaching the stories of the Book of Mormon, you are welcome to this:

Heavenly Father teaches me little by little.
Perhaps you can think of an object lesson that will help your children understand what it means to learn “line upon line.” For example, they could put together a puzzle or build something with blocks, one piece at a time. Or you could teach them a skill step by step, such as tying a bow or drawing a picture. You could then read 2 Nephi 28:30 and discuss how Heavenly Father teaches us one truth at a time.
Cut this puzzle out before you see the students, have them tape and assemble, and read it together.

For younger students I would teach them how to draw a pig like this:

Another idea could be to choose a phrase from 2 Nephi 28:30 and take turns writing it, one word at a time. How is this like the way God gives us truth? Why does God reveal truth to us “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little” instead of all at once? How can we show God that we want to receive more truth from Him?
The Savonnette is one of my all-time favorite "niche category" watches and oh how I long to see her rise from the Cartier grave of historical deep cuts. Frankly, it sort of feels as link if I'm going head-to-head with link Tony on his Basculante (which I obviously would have chosen had I gone link first).
Thank you! This was a blessing for this weeks lesson. The fun activities are great for my kids!
Thank you for all the great ideas! I especially like the BofM matching game. I can use this as a time filler while waiting for parents to pick up their kids!
I love the interactive "I'll Walk With You" song, however, the words aren't correct. It's.... "I'll walk with you, I'll talk with you, that's how I'll show my love for you." Is there any chance that you could make the correction so that I can use this for my lesson? Thank you so much for all that you do to help us Primary teachers and parents to be able to make learning more fun. I appreciate it more than words can say!