“Charity is the pure love of Christ.”
Mormon observed that our faith and hope in Jesus Christ lead us to have charity. But what is charity? You might write Charity is … and then read Moroni 7:44–48, looking for words or phrases that could complete the sentence. When you finish, consider replacing the word Charity with the name Jesus Christ. What does this teach you about the Savior? How has Jesus Christ demonstrated His pure love? Think of examples from the scriptures and your own life.
I am teaching this lesson to my Sunday School class. I totally want to dissect Moroni 7:45. If you tell your students you will only be studying one verse of scripture, they might be more willing to participate. I also tell them we are going to play a game...but they know my games, and they don't trust me anymore(:
There are 13 attributes of Charity mentioned in verse 45, so number your board 1-13, if you want to give extra hints to help you students you can write "Not" next to 3, 4, 6 and 7.

Hand out these pictures and see if you students can match up them to the attributes of Charity. These cards are in my store.

It should look something close to this, if it's not perfect, that's ok. Let the students be in charge of this, if they feel like it would help to write the words by the numbers first, then let them. Just sit back and let them work together and become more familiar with this verse of scripture. If you have done this something like this before it was usually with a lot more reading. This should be easier and go a lot faster, because it is just one verse. It's totally ok if it doesn't look like mine, the point is to just get them familiar with the verse. If you are short on time, you can skip this.

After completed you are going to hand them pictures and quote/ scripture cards that look like this:
With each addition they will be reading a scripture or conference article focused on Christ and how he showed an example of that attribute of Charity.

The cards have the definitions written into the art, but as they place them over the top of the picture cards they might start to notice something... the forming of a picture. If you look close you can see how the words form the art. I like it because it is decoding a message, BUT it is not ideal for someone who struggles to read, for this I apologize. Someone with disabilities will need extra help.

This is already included in the bundle, if you would like to purchase the gift tag separately you can.
Heads up, if you choose to purchase this in Black and white, it will be a little more difficult to see, but not too bad. Here is what it will look like:
I have older (15-16 year olds) students, and always like to make things hard(: I think I will be doing my first BW lesson.

Gift tag is still in Color.

Change the top from "Charity is.." To "Jesus Christ is..." and bear your testimony.

As you can see I turned this into a Christmas lesson(: I do want to bear my testimony of a loving Jesus Christ who loves us with this perfect Charity, but I also want to point out a loving Heavenly Father who loved us enough to give us this gift of his perfect son. Because He came to this Earth we can learn from His example how to love and serve others.
I love this, I would love to close with Dallin H. Oaks quote on charity:
President Dallin H. Oaks observed: “The reason charity never fails and the reason charity is greater than even the most significant acts of goodness … is that charity, ‘the pure love of Christ’ [Moroni 7:47], is not an act but a condition or state of being. … Charity is something one becomes” (“The Challenge to Become,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 34). With this statement in mind, you might read Elder Massimo De Feo’s message “Pure Love: The True Sign of Every True Disciple of Jesus Christ” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 81–83). How does charity affect your discipleship? How can you “cleave unto charity”? (verse 46).
See also 1 Corinthians 13:1–13; Ether 12:33–34; “Love One Another,” Hymns, no. 308; “Charity: An Example of the Believers” (video), Gospel Library; Gospel Topics, “Charity,” Gospel Library.
If I have have time I want to watch these videos:
Also I made this Light the world for teens. What is a message without a challenge?(:

Also this free Print, sorry it is only available in Color.

My families Christmas Card.

Merry Christmas!
Love the Wallace's
It's Kristina from South Africa and I am the youth Sunday School teacher.
Your lessons help me so much. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi I just purchased the bundle but i can't figure out how to access the cards that make the picture of baby jesus.