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Come Follow Me 2024, Aug 4, Free LDS Youth lesson Helps, Sunday School

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jul 29, 2024

Come follow me 2024, Free LDS youth lesson, Sunday school, Aug 4, object lessons, games, elder oaks, small and simple

“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

Sometimes we may feel like our problems are so big and complicated that the solutions must be big and complicated too. But that isn’t always the Lord’s way. As you read Alma 37:1–14, consider what impresses you about how He does His work.

These are 14 beautiful verses, and I really want my youth to think about them. So I created this game where they match the picture to the scripture verse.

Start with your board looking like this:

Before the students can put the cards on the board encourage them to read the verses to the class and see if everyone agrees. Be ready to ask questions and lead discussions with these scriptures while the students match them. If they are too involved in the matching and you are having a hard time keeping their worries. You can check their work at the end and have them take turns reading through the scriptures a second time while you point to the pictures. Freeze the reading to ask questions and talk about important principals.

These cards are in my store

Verses 9 and 10 are tricky, tell them to read/listen to the entire verse before they decide where they go.

Your board will look like this:

LDS youth lessons, the red Crystal, Come follow me Aug 4, Sunday school

This is a great handout for Fast Sunday, where they are encouraged not to eat it for a week(: It is in the lesson bundle, but some like to purchase it separately.

Alma 37:6-7, LDS small and simple things, gift tag, snickers candy bar, Scripture reading tracking

Then you can ponder and record ways you’ve seen this principle in your life.

Here is an object lesson from Melanie's Library that I really liked. Click on the image.

Here is another object lesson from the churches website that you can make apply. You can even teach how these small the simple things lift us and make us better. Click on the image.

If you were going to teach this principle to someone, what examples from nature or everyday life would you use to illustrate it? You can find some in President Dallin H. Oaks’s message “Small and Simple Things,” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 89–92).

This is a fantastic talk, here is a picture from his talk. You don't need to print this picture if you have a tablet you can show the pictures on that.

I chose these take aways from his talk, but you are welcome to choose your own.

What are some small and simple things that bring you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

Often, our “small and simple” choices make large differences in our lives. Consider picking a topic from For the Strength of Youth: A Guide to Making Choices and asking yourself questions like these:

How do my choices about this affect me and the people around me? What small and simple changes can I make that will lead to greater peace and happiness?

See also Michael A. Dunn, “One Percent Better,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 106–8; Gospel Topics “Agency,” Gospel Library.

I think that is all I will have time for with my youth lesson. Good luck with your lesson!


“Counsel with the Lord.”

In Alma 37:35–37, look for Alma’s invitations to his son Helaman. Which of these invitations do you feel prompted to act on? For example, you might ponder what it means to “counsel with the Lord” (verse 37). How have you tried to do this? How has He directed you for good?

Sharing my testimony of Jesus Christ can strengthen people I love.

Alma’s words to his son Shiblon provide a good example of how to strengthen and encourage people we love in living the gospel. Studying Alma 38 might give you some ideas for helping family members and friends find strength in Jesus Christ. Write down what you find.


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