I didn't feel like the first part of the lesson applied very well to the youth, so I didn't add it to my lesson. Go by your own inspiration.
Underlined is from Come Follow Me- For Home and Church
Preface: Your students probably didn't wake up this morning thinking, 'I really want to learn about Enos praying in the woods.' Nope, that's unlikely. So as a teacher, your job is to connect the teachings from scripture to the real-life problems and challenges your students are dealing with.
Here are some ideas:
I can receive forgiveness as I exercise faith in Christ.
At times you may wonder if your sins have been forgiven, even after you’ve repented of those sins. What insights do you gain from Enos’s experience in Enos 1:1–8?
I find questions that everyone can relate to are really good. I want to ask the students to raise their hands if they have NEVER made a mistake in there life. If someone raises their hands I'm going to tell them that they need to repent for lying...in the church no less(: How does it feel to know you have been forgiven? (They don't need to answer, but take sometime for the spirit to work without talking...a good 10 seconds). Maybe some of you don't know if you have been forgiven or if you've repented. Lets find out together what this looks like.
How did Enos show his faith in Jesus Christ before and after he received forgiveness?
I love this question, but I want to break this question down. I'm going to split it in two readings. First how did Enos show faith in Jesus Christ? Then read 1-5, while they look for answers to the question. There is a different kind of faith that Enos shows in the next verses 6-8, tell me what you think the difference is? What do you think is greater faith, saying a prayer, or believing you are forgiven? Psst....there is no right or wrong answer(:
"For scriptures or quotes you’d like to discuss, consider letting the youth know what to look for as they read."
I want to do this exercise with my students:

You can also give the card to a student before class to give them plenty of time to think about it.
Some repentance needs to be taken up with the Bishop, if they have any question just ask the Bishop.
Be sure to testify that as we come closer to Christ and strive to be more like Him, through pray, scriptures and listening to the Holy Ghost...that is repentance!

If your students are like mine, some are not confident in their art, and some aren't confident in their spelling. But we want all to (eventually) participate. You can offer these printable's to them to help them with their mapping of Elder Maxwell's quote.

Here is a video that talks about asking the youth inspired questions, it might give you some insight into your lesson and your overall teaching. Just click on the image.

I want to use the rest of the time to play this game and review General Conference. You can click on the image to be taken to this page to read the instructions.

As I strive to keep His commandments, God will bless me.
The books of Jarom and Omni both describe the relationship between righteousness and prosperity. What do you learn from Jarom 1:7–12; Omni 1:5–7, 12–18? How are worldly definitions of prosperity different from the Lord’s definition? How does the Lord help His people prosper? (see Alma 37:13; 48:15–16).
“Come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel.”
The invitation “Come unto Christ” appears often in the Book of Mormon. In fact, one of the book’s main purposes is to extend this invitation to everyone. As you read Omni 1:25–26, what words or phrases do you find that describe how to come unto Christ?
God will work through me as I follow His guidance.
One reason the Lord inspired Mormon to include the small plates of Nephi in the Book of Mormon was because He knew that the first 116 translated pages would be lost (see Doctrine and Covenants 10; Saints, volume 1, chapter 5). Why are you grateful that Mormon followed the Lord’s instruction to include these writings (consisting of 1 Nephi through Omni)? What reasons did Mormon give for including them? (see Words of Mormon 1:3–7). When have you seen God working through you or others?
I also really like this part of the lesson for the youth.

You can use all these, some of these or none of these(: Depending on the age and knowledge of your youth class. They might be able to fill out EVERYTHING between Nephi to King Benjamin.

Thank you for all your hard work - your lesson helps are great!