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Come Follow Me 2023, Sept. 18-24, Corinthians 8-13, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: May 29, 2024

Come follow me for primary 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Secret service bundle. When we are helping we are happy, God loveth a cheerful giver, play dough mats. Activities of LDS children

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can cheerfully give to people in need.

It is always good to serve others, but it is even better to serve cheerfully. Consider what will inspire each child to be “a cheerful giver.”

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to repeat the phrase “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”? Show a picture of a happy face and a sad face, and ask the children which one looks like a cheerful giver.

Here is a second idea, if you want some more interaction.

Sing together a song about service, such as “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198), several times. The first time, ask the children to sing cheerfully; then ask them to sing the song with different emotions or attitudes, such as sad, tired, angry, or scared. Remind the children that Heavenly Father wants us to help others gladly. Then sing the song cheerfully again.

Come Follow Me- For Primary 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, when we are helping we are happy

Help the children make pictures of smiling faces and frowning faces. Ask them to hold up their pictures of smiles when they hear the words smile or smiling as they sing “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267). They could do the same thing with their pictures of frowns and the words frown and frowning. Help the children identify which face is cheerful and which one is not. Explain that one way to be cheerful and serve others is to smile and help others smile.

Play dough is so fun. You can use these as play dough mats, that the children can make happy and sad face. Or you can laminate them and use dry erase makers to let them draw and erase the faces.

Plan a class activity to serve someone, such as a child who does not attend Primary or a ward member or neighbor in need. You might plan to visit this person’s home, write kind notes or draw pictures, or make a treat to share.

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Owl Love Notes

Invite each child to plan an act of cheerful service for a member of his or her family. During next week’s lesson, ask them to share what they did.

This is Free(: This is a zipped file, I'm not sure how to do that on your phone. You may need to go to your computer.

Secret service bundle , free printable, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Chip Chip Hooray! God wants to serve in a cheerful way, Religious gift tags

Heavenly Father always answers prayers, but not always in ways we expect.

Paul’s experience praying for his “thorn in the flesh” to be removed teaches us that God sometimes strengthens us in our trials rather than taking them away.

Possible Activities

  • Show the children a plant with thorns (or a picture of one). Help them imagine what it would feel like to have a thorn stuck in their skin for a long time. Summarize 2 Corinthians 12:7–10 for the children, explaining that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a trial, something difficult in his life. Even though Paul asked God to remove the trial, God did not. Instead, God taught Paul that challenges can help us learn to be humble and trust Him. Then God can make us strong.

If you have an ipad, you can just show the pictures, so you don't need to print this.

Testify that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and He will give us what we need, even if it is different from what we think we need. You might also share an experience when your prayers were answered in a way or at a time that was different from what you expected. A story like “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5) or “Please Bless Ace” (Friend, Nov. 2019, 32–33) can also help.

Sing with the children a song about Heavenly Father’s love, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Ask the children what they would say to someone who wonders whether Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Sing the song again, and point out lines that describe how Heavenly Father feels about us.

Click on these images to be taken to Etsy or.....

LDS General Conference gift tags, let GC color your world, Make the Most of GC, M&M, Take note

another page on my blog.

LDS General Conference Free printables

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I can cheerfully give to people in need.

Paul wanted to inspire the Saints to give of their abundance to help the poor. How will you use his words to inspire the children to serve others?

Possible Activities

  • Write the words of 2 Corinthians 9:7 on the board, with key words left blank. Invite the children to guess what the missing words are. Then let them read the verse in the scriptures to fill in the blanks. What does it mean to give “grudgingly, or of necessity”? What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”?

I'm giving you two options, incase you Senior primary children aren't advanced enough for Morse Code.

Invite the children to help you find pictures of the Savior serving others (there are several in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask them what they see in these pictures that helps them know that Jesus served others with love. Set a goal as a class to say yes when family members or others ask us to serve in the coming week, such as by helping around the house or caring for others.

This is an idea from Mitzi at

They can color in a heart when they have completed an act of service.

Love this idea!

  • Help the children decorate small stones. Explain that these are “service stones” that they can carry in their pockets this week to help them remember to cheerfully serve others.

  • Sing together a song about service, such as “Fun to Do” (Children’s Songbook, 253). Help the children think of new verses to the song that describe a variety of ways to serve others.

This is free(: This is a zipped file, I'm not sure how to do that on your phone. You may need to go to your computer.

Secret service bundle, Free Prints

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Chip Chip Hooray! God wants us to to serve in a Cheerful way. 2 Corinthians 9:7, God loveth a cheerful giver

Heavenly Father always answers prayers, but He doesn’t always give me everything I ask for.

Paul asked God to remove his weakness, but God knew that Paul’s weakness would humble him and God could make him strong.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to compare 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 and Ether 12:27. What words or phrases are repeated? What are these verses teaching? (You may need to explain that Paul was comparing his challenge to a thorn in his skin.) What did God teach Paul about trials?

  • Invite the children to list some trials people have in life. Help them consider how someone might learn from these trials and be blessed by them.

Here is an object lesson from last weeks youth lesson that is really great for teaching this:

Show the students a blank piece of paper. Help them identify that there isn't anything special about the paper. Then put a fold in the paper and say something like "This very ordinary paper is not getting along with one of their teachers." Make another fold "Then it had to sit alone at lunch." This poor piece of paper had to walk home from soccer practice, because the family car isn't working." Continue to make folds and scenario's that apply to the students. By the end you will have make an airplane out of the plane piece of paper. Bear you testimony that there is a purpose and blessings that come from trials.

Here is a youtube that can help you learn how to fold airplanes.

Read with the children “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5). Ask the children to share experiences when they prayed for something and did not receive it. Ask them to share what they learned from their experiences. You might have your own experiences to share as well. Bear your testimony that Heavenly Father always answers our prayers in the way and at the time that will bless us the most.

You can also click on the image to take you to the churches website, to read this.

9 Kommentare

an hour ago

And this wasn’t just any RM, but an RN … RM. It’s the Richard Mille RM 27-04 Tourbillon link Rafael Nadal with its recognizable link blue strap and and orange crown. A sapphire front and back give way to a link movement held together by steel cables meant to look like literal tennis strings. The watch is forged form TitaCarb for peak lightness and maximum Grand Slam winning. For a complete breakdown of the watch, be sure to check out James Stacey’s coverage.

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Jaymie Narayan
Jaymie Narayan
21. Sept. 2023

Love This weeks printouts they are so helpful with the little ones, even though sometimes it’s still tuff to get the to pay attention they love that they get to take home something to do at home. thank you so much for taking the time to do these.

Gefällt mir
22. Sept. 2023
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It’s always nice when a lesson is more sunbeam friendly…I’ve been there. (;

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Regan Evans
Regan Evans
18. Sept. 2023

I'm loving these service ideas, but the link to the Secret Service bundle isn't working.

Gefällt mir
20. Sept. 2023
Antwort an

That’s a good question. I’ve talked to Wix about it, but it is so rare I think they have a hard time finding the problem. Print at the library or your friends home. My husband said to try different search engines , maybe that will help.

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