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Come Follow Me 2023, Jan 23-29, Free LDS primary lesson helps.

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Come Follow me for primary 2023, Jan 23-29, Holy Ghost object lesson, Jesus baptism, John the baptist, Baptismal covenants matching game, Mind and heart holy ghost sorting, Holy ghost is like a map and a compass, Free LDS primary lesson helps for children and kids, coloring pages and activities

Invite Sharing

To give children a chance to share what they have already learned, show a picture of Jesus being baptized. Ask them to tell you what is happening in the picture and how they feel about being baptized.

I got these wooden frames at Dollar tree and stained them with watered down brown paint.

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can be baptized as Jesus was.

How can you use the account of Jesus’s baptism to help the children prepare to be baptized?

Possible Activities

  • Summarize the story of the Savior’s baptism (see Matthew 3:13–17; see also “Chapter 10: Jesus Is Baptized,” in New Testament Stories, 26–29, or the corresponding video on Explain that Jesus was baptized by immersion by someone who had priesthood authority. Repeat the story several times and invite the children to share the details they remember.

(Click in pictures)

Show a picture of Jesus being baptized and this week’s activity page. Let the children point out similarities between the two pictures. (There’s a picture of Jesus being baptized in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families.)

Here is a fun baptism activity, on the back side there is a picture of a child getting baptized.

Directions: cut everything out. Attach the rounded shape to a small plastic cup and the rectangle shape to the back of the cup. Attach the pictures to the back and front of a stick or plastic butter knife, stick it through the bottom of the cup.

When assembled, the baptism pictures will be able to move up and down. Talk about the blessings we receive by following Jesus’s example.

Here are two activities that review our baptismal covenants.

May want to tell them that we are reminded of those covenants every-time we take the sacrament.

Cut out everything. Read the words to the children on the cups and have them match them to the pictures.

This week has some great ways to teach our baptismal covenants, just click on the picture to be taken there.

(Just click on the image to be taken to Etsy)

  • Invite a member of the bishopric to tell the children about the baptismal interview they will have before they are baptized.

  • Sing together a song about baptism, such as “Baptism” (Children’s Songbook, 100–101). Consider asking a child to lead the other children while they sing.

The Holy Ghost helps me.

In addition to preparing for baptism, the children are also preparing to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. How can you help them?

Possible Activities

  • Use Matthew 3:11, 16 to teach the children that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus when He was baptized (a dove appeared as a sign to show that this had happened). Show the picture The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Gospel Art Book, no. 105), and explain that we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost when we are confirmed.

  • Bring a box containing things such as a picture of Jesus, a comforting blanket, and a compass or map. Invite the children to select an item, and let them explain how each object represents a way the Holy Ghost can help us—He testifies of Jesus (see John 15:26), comforts us (see John 14:26), and shows us the right way (see 2 Nephi 32:5).

You can put these in your box, and/or you can have the children match them after the scripture is read.

  • Share your own experiences with receiving help from the Holy Ghost.

  • Invite the children to listen for ways the Holy Ghost helps us as they sing a song about Him, such as “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 105).

Valentines is coming, here are a couple of ideas, if you would like to give your primary children a treat.

Valentine ,You might think this a cheesy, but your primary teachers love you, Cheeze it gift tag

Trust in the Lord, valentine religious gift tag and poster

Here is a treasure scripture journal, if you are going for a more sophisticated valentine gift(: Print on sticker paper and put it on a note book.

For where your treasure is there your heart will be also, scripture notebook sticker

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I am blessed by the ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood.

John the Baptist held the Aaronic Priesthood, so reading about him in Matthew 3 is a good opportunity to teach the children about the Aaronic Priesthood. Help them recognize the blessings and power that come to us through this priesthood.

Possible Activities

Here is a fun way to teach this, you can also print in B&W for coloring pages.

  • Invite the children to make a list of Aaronic Priesthood duties, using Doctrine and Covenants 20:46, 58–60; 84:111. Ask the children to look in Matthew 3 for examples of John fulfilling some of these duties. How can all of us invite others to come unto Christ, as John did?

  • Display some pictures of Aaronic Priesthood holders performing the ordinances of baptism and the sacrament (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 103–4, 107–8). Discuss how these ordinances prepare us to receive Jesus Christ and the blessings of His Atonement.

  • Read together Doctrine and Covenants 13:1, and testify that John the Baptist restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith. Ask the children how they have been blessed because the Aaronic Priesthood was restored.

This is the study of D&C 13:1.

I can keep my baptismal covenants.

Learning about the account of Jesus’s baptism provides a good opportunity to help the children review their baptismal covenants and recommit to keeping them.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to take turns reading verses from Mark 1:1–11. Discuss why Heavenly Father wants us to be baptized. Why was Jesus baptized, even though He did not need to be cleansed from sin? Help the children find answers to this question in Matthew 3:13–15 and 2 Nephi 31:6–7.

  • Review the covenants the children made at baptism, found in Mosiah 18:8–10 and Doctrine and Covenants 20:37. Invite the children to write these references on this week’s activity page.

  • Prepare several pairs of cards with matching phrases or pictures that represent our baptismal covenants. Place the cards facedown. Invite the children to take turns turning over two at a time, looking for a match. After a match is made, invite children to share ways they have kept that covenant.

(Print Two on card stock)

Another fun idea, to help the children remember their baptismal covenants.

  • Share how keeping your baptismal covenants has blessed you.

Kit kat Baptismal covenants kit

The Holy Ghost can guide me.

Children are learning how to recognize and follow the Holy Ghost’s guidance. Help them understand that keeping their baptismal covenants will help them be worthy to receive His guidance.

Object Lesson

Possible Activities

  • Ask a child to read Matthew 3:11. How is the Holy Ghost like fire? For instance, fire can be comforting, and it gives light to guide us (see John 15:26; 2 Nephi 32:5).

  • Invite the children to close their eyes and hold out their hands. Then lightly brush their palms with a feather or string. Invite them to tell you when they feel it. What does this activity teach about recognizing the impressions of the Holy Ghost?

  • Invite the children to share experiences they have had with the Holy Ghost. Why does keeping our covenants help us to have the guidance of the Holy Ghost?


an hour ago

Let’s look at what’s under the hood first. Calibre 403 is the third variant to link come out of Oris’s Calibre 400 Series stable. A year ago, we link got Calibre 400, link a three-hand automatic with a date function; then came Calibre 401, which switched the date for a small seconds. Calibre 402 remains in the wings and will offer we know not what, leaving Calibre 403 to take center stage with its small seconds and pointer date function.


Megan Beck
Megan Beck
Jan 30, 2023

I didn’t see the link to download he picture of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus at the top of the post. I’m trying to find the picture of them that you framed and have on bookmarks. Can you please share where that can be found?

Jan 30, 2023
Replying to

Just click on the picture(:


Jan 28, 2023

I purchased your baptismal Kit Kat but for some reason when I tried to open an Etsy account they said my account was suspended. Is there any other way to get the download? I need it for tomorrow.

Jan 29, 2023
Replying to

Etsy is its own separate company. I can’t do much there, but if you can figure out how to message me through Etsy I can at least give you a refund. The message will link me to your purchase. I’m sorry it’s so frustrating.


Mar Y Sol
Mar Y Sol
Jan 28, 2023

thank you so much. God bless you


Jan 26, 2023

I absolutely love all that you do to offer helpful teaching activities and at no additional cost, however, I noticed in this week's lesson several scripture spelling mistakes in the origami pdf (6 - morn should be mourn; 8 - apon should be upon; 10 - anothers should be another's). Also, in the "flip", John's left hand is raised which is not accurate. Just wanted to make mention in case any others are wanting to use these pdfs. Again, I do so appreciate all you do to help in my teaching our young children. 😄

Jan 27, 2023
Replying to

This is very helpful. I only have my one brain to work with(: So any help is appreciated. I will get those fixed.


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