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Come Follow Me 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, May 8-14

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: May 12, 2023

Come follow me for primary 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple and have eternal families

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple and have eternal families.

How can the children you teach benefit from learning about the doctrine of eternal marriage? It may be helpful for you to review truths about marriage in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (

Possible Activities

  • Read Mark 10:6–8 to the children, and display a picture of a married couple. Ask the children to point to the man and the woman when they hear you read the words male and female. Explain that Heavenly Father wants a man and woman to marry each other (see Genesis 1:27–28).

Mitzi at came up with this accordion coloring book, to teach children about The family proclamation. I did the art. If you haven't been to her website, you should check it out. It is a wonderful resource.

  • Display pictures of a family and a temple. Invite the children to talk about what they see in the pictures. Explain that Heavenly Father wants us to be sealed to our families in the temple so we can be with them forever. Be sensitive to children whose parents are not yet sealed.

  • Sing a song about families, such as “A Happy Family” (Children’s Songbook, 198). Consider singing the song several times. Invite the children to share fun things they have done with their families. Why are they thankful for their families?

Bring an apron, tie, baseball hat, or hair bow....props for the different family members they can dress up as and sing about.

  • Sing a song about the temple, such as “I Love to See the Temple” or “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 95, 188). Let the children hold pictures of temples or families, and invite them to hold up their pictures when they sing “temple” or “family.” Help the children think of reasons why is it important to get married in the temple.

I bought these Ring Pops 4 to a bag at Dollar Tree. Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple, LDS gift tags for Come follow me

Jesus wants little children to come to Him so He can bless them.

This account provides an opportunity to help children feel how much Jesus loves them.

Possible Activities

  • In your own words, share the account in Mark 10:13–16. You might also show the video “Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me” ( Help the children think of times when they have felt Jesus’s love for them. Bear your testimony to the children that Jesus loves them and wants to bless them.

  • Display the picture Christ and the Children (Gospel Art Book, no. 47). Help the children imagine what it might be like to be one of the children sitting next to Jesus in the picture. Invite the children to share how they feel about Jesus.

  • Let the children draw pictures of themselves being blessed by Jesus (see Mark 10:16 and this week’s activity page).

If I obey the commandments, I can receive eternal life.

Jesus taught the rich young man that to gain eternal life—a life like Heavenly Father has—he should obey the commandments.

Possible Activities

  • Tell the story of the rich young man in Mark 10:17–22 to the children. (See also “Chapter 42: The Rich Young Man,” in New Testament Stories, 105–6, or the corresponding video on Ask them to listen for what Jesus told the young man to do and how the young man responded.

(click on the image to be taken to the churches website)

Tell one or more stories about children who ask for advice or direction from their parents but don’t follow or obey. What are some things Heavenly Father asks us to do? How do we feel when we obey His commandments?

  • Share experiences when you received personal promptings to do something to be better.

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy, for this Mother's Day gift tag.

The first 20 people that ordered this, there was a mistake, I missed the word "you". Send me a message on Etsy and I will cancel your order so you can order again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mothers day, Mom and Me M&M game, gift tag

Here is a free Mother's Day card you can make with the children, it would be fun to bring in some noodles and wiggle eyes, string and other fun things.

Just click on the image.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple and have eternal families.

The things Jesus taught about marriage can help the children look forward to marrying in the temple and raising an eternal family.

Possible Activities

  • Ask one of the children to read Mark 10:6–8 out loud. Explain that cleave means to “stick to” or “hold tight to” something. Why is it important that husbands and wives join together, love each other, and work as partners?

Here is a fun match- up game, where they can try to figure out what the apostles looked like on their wedding day, or when they were younger. Have everything cut out so the children can try to match them up.

The "Guess Who" is President Russel M. Nelson(:

Click on the image to be taken to Etsy.

Ring pop, Marry int he temple religious gift tags

Jesus can help me know what I need to do to progress.

The rich young man sought Jesus and received specific instruction that was meant especially for him. How can you inspire the children to seek similar guidance in their own lives?

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children to find a verse in Mark 10:17–22 that describes the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Explain that the counsel Jesus gave to the young man was personal, and we can all receive personal direction from the Lord through the Spirit.

Here is a fun coloring page the promotes discussion, so get out the colored pencils and talk about each thing as you color together. There are goals on the sides to fill out.

Here is another way they can track their goals that is in line with the children and youth program.

  • Read together Mark 10:17–22. Invite the children to write on the board the commandments that the Savior told the rich young man to obey (see verse 19). What else did Jesus ask him to do? (see verse 21). Encourage the children to think about things they might need to begin doing or stop doing to better follow Jesus. What are some ways we can find out what Jesus wants us to do?

Mother's Day ideas, just click on the images.

The first 20 people that ordered this, there was a mistake, I missed the word "you". Send me a message on Etsy and I will cancel your order so you can order again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mothers day, Mom and Me M&M game, gift tag

This is a free card.


Unknown member
2 days ago

Let me get ahead of this, I know this is a rare watch. It's estimated that approximately 400 examples were produced – 300 in yellow gold and 100 in rose gold. link Among the watches on this list, this is going link to be one of the hardest to find. The reference 2532, link a sibling of the 2533 with subsidiary seconds, expands that production estimate by 200. We have 600 of these to hunt.


May 14, 2023

Thank you so much!

May 14, 2023
Replying to

Your very welcome ❤️


Laura Thompson
Laura Thompson
May 13, 2023

I just wnat to say thank you so much for what you do. This is such a great help and I am amazed at what you do. Thank you for sharing your talents, your time and all that is required of you to provide this. 🙏

May 14, 2023
Replying to

Thank you Laura.


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