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Come Follow me 2023, free LDS primary lesson helps, July 31-Aug 6, Acts 22-28

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Come follow Me- for primary 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, July 31-Aug 6, Paul , Be of Good Cheer, Ship puzzle, King Agrippa crown, Prophet pictures, Snake, Paul in prison, Loving others, baptism, object lesson on trials and turning to God

Invite Sharing

Display pictures that might remind the children of stories from Acts 22–28, such as a jail cell, a boat, and a snake. Invite the children to share any stories they know about Paul that have to do with these pictures.

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Heavenly Father and Jesus care about me and will help me during hard times.

Learning about how the Savior helped Paul can build the children’s faith that Heavenly Father and Jesus care about them.

Possible Activities

  • Share the story in Acts 23:10–11 of the Savior visiting Paul in prison. Or show the video “Be of Good Cheer” (, which portrays this story. Share a time when you had a trial and received guidance and comfort from God. Ask the children to share times when they felt comforted by God.

(Click on the image)

  • Help the children memorize what Jesus said to Paul: “Be of good cheer.” Ask the children to think of someone they can invite to be of good cheer—perhaps someone who is sad or worried.

You can show this first picture and ask the children if they think Paul should be happy or sad.

Say the phrase “Be of good Cheer” a couple of times, then have a child place the piece over “Be” and say it again, then have a child place the piece over “of”, then say it again. Continue until the scripture is memorized and the picture is complete.

Bear testimony that Jesus wants us to be happy, even when things are hard.

Sing a song with the children about being happy, such as “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267).

The children can also turn the faces happy or sad as you read this story from the Friend magazine. Click on the image to be taken to the churches website.

I bought my sunglasses at Dollar Tree, they have children sunglasses. But I just saw that Walmart has a pack of 5 sunglasses in their party section for only 1.98.

Be of Good Cheer, sunglasses gift tag. 2 religious gift tags for Come Follow me

I can share my testimony with others.

Reviewing Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa can help the children learn how to share what they know is true.

Possible Activities

  • Bring a paper crown to class and let a child wear it and pretend to be King Agrippa. Invite another child to stand before the king to represent Paul as you summarize Paul’s testimony and the reaction of King Agrippa, found in Acts 26:1–29 (see “Chapter 63: Paul Finishes His Mission,” in New Testament Stories, 162–66, or the corresponding video on Explain that we can share our testimonies with others, as Paul did.

(Click on the image)

Ask the children to listen while you sing or read a song about testimony, such as “I Know My Father Lives” (Children’s Songbook, 5). Invite the children to raise their hands when they hear something they know is true. You may want to sing the song several times; invite the children to join you once they’re familiar with the words. Help them practice sharing their testimonies of things they know are true.

  • Use this week’s activity page to help the children think about something they could say when they share their testimonies (see the Articles of Faith for more ideas). Invite them to share their testimonies with someone in their family.

I love this idea! Sharing the Articles of Faith is a great way to share testimony. You can choose a couple for the children to put together and work on memorizing.

(Click on the image)

Prophets warn me of danger.

Consider how the account of Paul’s shipwreck can teach the children that prophets see physical and spiritual danger that we can’t see.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to pretend they are on a ship that is being wrecked in a storm. Read Paul’s warning to the people, found in Acts 27:9–10, and share the story of the shipwreck that happened because they didn’t listen to his warning (see Acts 27:11, 39–44). Show a picture of the President of the Church, and bear your testimony that he can warn us of spiritual dangers.

This video isn't church approved, but maybe it will help you understand the story better, so you can teach it.

  • Place several pictures or objects around the room that represent things prophets have taught us to do to be more like Jesus, such as loving others or being baptized. As a class, walk around the room, stopping at each picture or object to talk about how following the prophet’s teachings helps to keep us safe.

Let the Prophet Mentor you throughout your life, LDS come follow me gift tags

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

When I face adversity, God does not forsake me.

Throughout the trials Paul experienced, the Lord was with him. How can you help the children liken Paul’s experiences to their own lives?

Possible Activities

  • Using Acts 23:10, explain that Paul was put in prison because he taught the people about Jesus. Then read Acts 23:11 with the children. Or show the video “Be of Good Cheer” (, which portrays this story. Why could Paul “be of good cheer” even though he was in prison?

(Click on the image to be taken to the churches website)

  • Write on the board Acts 23:10–11; Acts 27:18–25; and Acts 28:1–6. Show pictures of a jail, a ship, and a snake, and invite the children to review these verses and match them with the pictures. In each of these accounts, how did the Lord show Paul that He was with him?

Object lesson

1. Prepare with a sponge and a bowl of water.

2. Compare the sponge to the children, their testimonies, and spirit.

We are going through life, learning the gospel, praying, building a good relationship with God and soaking up a lot of great things. (Put the sponge in the water).

3. But then we have some really hard times, like in Paul in Acts 23, 27, & 28. That might be compared to not having money or a job. Maybe a love one dies? How will we react to trials?

4. These trials are putting a-squeeze on us. What will come out? The same good things we soaked up or anger and turning away from God? In Acts, When the squeeze was but on Paul what came out? Squeeze the sponge while someone reads “Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you” D&C 68:6. This was very similar to what the Lord told Paul many times in Acts. And he went forward testifying of Jesus Christ. I'm sure Paul cried and was sad, it's ok to have bad days, but as we turn to God we will find joy.

  • Share an experience when the Lord was with you during a difficult time and how it strengthened your testimony of Him. Encourage the children to also share experiences.

Click on the images to be taken to Etsy.

I can boldly share my testimony of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s courage in sharing his testimony can help the children be bold when sharing their testimonies.

Possible Activities

  • Select verses from Acts 26 to read with the children to help them understand what Paul told King Agrippa about his experiences (such as verses 9–16) and what he taught about Jesus Christ (such as verses 18, 23). You might also show a portion of the video “Paul: A Chosen Vessel” (

  • Why might it have been scary for Paul to share these things before the king? Invite the children to list some gospel principles they know to be true. Ask them to think of someone they know who needs to hear their testimony of these truths.

The Articles of Faith testify of gospel principals. Pick some out for the children to learn and memorize, so they are ready to bear testimony of these principals.

Click on the image to be taken to this page.

Invite the children to use this week’s activity page to write something they might say when they share their testimonies.

Prophets warn me of danger.

Children can listen to the messages of living prophets and recognize their warnings. How can you help the children learn how to heed those warnings?

Possible Activities

  • Cut a piece of paper shaped like a ship into puzzle pieces. Invite the children to write Paul’s warnings in Acts 27:9–11 on the pieces and put the puzzle together. Why didn’t the people listen to Paul? (see verse 11). Invite the children to read verses 18–20 and 40–44 to find out what happened as a result. (Explain that because the people followed Paul’s later counsel to stay on the ship, no one died in the shipwreck; see verses 30–32.) What can we learn from this experience about following the prophet?

Here is another one, you can just cut yourself, if you don't like the puzzle lines.

  • Bring a recent conference message by the President of the Church and share with the children any warnings or counsel he gave. Invite the children to think of ways they can follow the prophet.

  • Show the video “Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God” ( How are prophets like the man with the binoculars?

Here is a coloring page, where they can fill in the circles on the binoculars, with the warnings of the prophet.

Click on image

Encourage Learning at Home

Ask the children to use what they learned about Paul to encourage their families to study the prophet’s most recent messages and discuss how they can follow his counsel.


Laura Sims
Laura Sims
Aug 06, 2023

Thank you so much for putting all this together, I was trying to find some pictures for my lesson and came upon your post. Your pages will be super helpful for me in the future.


Melissa Merrill
Melissa Merrill
Aug 03, 2023

THank you so much for making Sunbeams so easy and fun to teach! The Be of Good Cheer picture where you ask the kids if they think Paul should be happy or sad is only in black and white. I would LOVE it in color! THANK YOU

Aug 03, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for letting me know. I will get that fixed. Also thanks for reaching out. ❤️


Erika Sabrina Contreras Almaguer
Erika Sabrina Contreras Almaguer
Aug 01, 2023

Ya no las tienen en español?

Aug 03, 2023
Replying to

De Hecho estoy buscando a alguien que podria ayudarme con eso. alguien que sepa usar photoshop y este dispuesto a dedicar su tiempo. Si conozcas a alguien me encantaría apoyarlo con materiales e ideas


Jan Roldan
Jan Roldan
Aug 01, 2023

Thank you for the Smile/frown face. I have to keep it simple and fun interaction for my Sunbeams.


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