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Come Follow Me 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, July 10-16, Acts 6-9

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Come Follow me for primary 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Road to repentance, Primary games for children scenarios, LDS coloring pages, puzzles, activities for teaching the scriptures

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can follow Jesus Christ by standing for the right.

What can the children learn from Stephen about being a follower of Jesus Christ?

Possible Activities

  • Help the children create actions to go with a song about choosing the right, such as “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 159).

You can laminate and add velcro if you'd like.

  • Use Acts 7:51–60 to teach the children that Stephen taught about Jesus Christ, even though it made the Jewish leaders very angry (see also “Chapter 57: Wicked Men Kill Stephen,” in New Testament Stories, 150–51, or the corresponding video on How did Stephen stand for the right?

Click on image.

  • Give the children several scenarios of children who have to make a choice between right and wrong. Ask the children what they would do to stand for the right.

Here is a dice you can use, to enhance movement, or you can just use the scenario cards. Sorry it's only in color.

Here is a fun gift tag, click on the image.

The Holy Ghost inspires me to share the gospel with others.

Philip followed the promptings of the Spirit and helped an Ethiopian man who was struggling to understand the scriptures. What lessons does this story hold for the children you teach?

Possible Activities

  • Pull two chairs together to create a chariot. Invite two children to sit in the chariot, one to represent Philip and the other the Ethiopian man. Then tell the story of how Philip taught the gospel to the man from Ethiopia.

Here are some masks for acting out this story.

Free LDS primary lesson helps

Here is a hands on picture to help tell the story. You can also print in black and white and send it home for them to complete and teach their families the story.

Share an experience in which you felt the Holy Ghost tell you to share the gospel with someone. Testify that the Holy Ghost can help us tell others about Jesus.

Click on the image to be taken to the churches website.

Click on this image to be taken to Etsy.

Heavenly Father invites me to repent and change.

When Jesus told Saul to stop persecuting the Lord’s Church, Saul immediately repented and changed. How can this account help the children you teach desire to quickly change when they make a mistake?

Possible Activities

  • Talk with the children about things that change, such as a tadpole, which changes into a frog, or a caterpillar, which changes into a butterfly. Show pictures, if possible. How did Saul change when Jesus Christ visited him?

If you are like me, you won't get this far in the lesson, here is a little coloring book you can send home with the children, that they can read with their family.

  • Draw a forked road on the board. Invite the children to name places they would like to visit, and write them at the top of one road. What would happen if we turned onto the wrong road? Compare repentance to getting back on the right road.

Love this idea, I altered it a little bit. This are my children 4 years ago, so cute.

With the help of listening to their siblings, they eventually got back on the path at the end. That was a neat lesson, that I never suspected(:

  • Ask the children to repeat what Saul said to the Lord: “What wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). What does the Lord want us to do?

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I will be a witness of Jesus Christ.

How can you help the children you teach learn from Stephen’s example of standing as a witness of Jesus Christ?

Possible Activities

  • Read Acts 6:5–15 and 7:51–60 with the children. What made Stephen such a powerful witness of Jesus Christ? Invite one or more children to pretend to be Stephen and share why they believe in Jesus Christ.

  • Invite the children to read Acts 6:3–10, searching for qualities Stephen had that helped him grow.

Here is a game you can play with the students, where they can answer these questions.

Ask the children to help you think of situations in which they can stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Help them role-play some of these situations. Ask the children to read Mosiah 18:9. Point out that being a witness of Jesus Christ is included in the promises we make at baptism.

The priesthood is a priceless gift from God.

Satan promotes the message that material things bring us happiness. How can you use the story of Simon to help the children value spiritual things such as the priesthood and its blessings?

Possible Activities

(Click on image)

  • Why can’t we receive the priesthood by buying it? How does someone really receive priesthood authority? (see Articles of Faith 1:5).

Click on this image to be taken to this article of faith.

  • Show pictures of the sacrament, a temple (representing temple blessings), a baptism, and other blessings we receive through the priesthood. Explain that these gifts from God cannot be bought with money. Why are they more valuable than anything we could buy? How do we receive these blessings?

Then ask them to put a price on these items:

Heavenly Father invites me to repent and change.

When Jesus told Saul to stop persecuting the Lord’s Church, Saul immediately repented and changed. How can this account help the children you teach desire to quickly change when they make a mistake?

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to fold a piece of paper in half. Ask them to write Before on one half and After on the other half. Read with the children Acts 8:1–3; 9:1–2; and 9:17–22, and ask them to write down words or phrases that describe Saul before and after he saw the Lord.

  • Invite a ward member to share his or her conversion story and how being a member of the Church has changed his or her life, as Saul’s life was changed.

Here is a conversion story of a woman who lost her husband during 911. Click on the image to be taken to the churches website.

  • Draw a “road to Damascus” on the board. Invite the children to read Acts 9:6, 11, 18, 20–22, searching for what Saul did to repent and turn to Christ, and write these actions along the road. What do we learn from Saul about how we can become more like Christ?

  • Invite the children to draw their favorite part of the account of Saul’s conversion and share their drawing with the class.

Encourage Learning at Home

Encourage the children to tell their family about their favorite activity from class today and what it taught them.

12 ความคิดเห็น

William groesbeck
William groesbeck
16 ก.ค. 2566

thank you for the great ideas you post every week


Myriam Vega
Myriam Vega
15 ก.ค. 2566

Hi Crystal!

We love using your material in Montreal, Canada. I was wondering if you could modify the little colouring booklet from “ an angel came “ to “ Saul heard the voice of Jesus “ or something similar since Jesus spoke to him directly in the account of Acts 9.

Thank you again for your generosity in sharing your talents with us. It makes teaching sunbeams so fun!

16 ก.ค. 2566

Oh dang. You are so right . sorry I didn’t see this sooner.


Barbara Speas
Barbara Speas
13 ก.ค. 2566

we love these ideas, we are so grateful, they make our lessons great!!❤️


13 ก.ค. 2566

Thank you for the amazing lesson helps! I was just wondering if you'd noticed a couple of words that are misspelled?

  1. In the cute coloring booklet, baptized is spelled baptised in the last box.

  2. In the darling Acts 8:30 activity, the word prophet is spelled prohet.

Thanks again for your selfless service, you're awesome!

14 ก.ค. 2566

THANK YOU, and thanks again for your fun ideas! Enjoy your day.


12 ก.ค. 2566

🤗 Thanks so much for taking the time to share your amazing ideas and resources with us! The Primary kids absolutely love doing the activities, and it's such a great way for them to remember our messages. We're so grateful for your sweet extra effort, and we know that God will continue to bless you abundantly. Thank you!😍


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