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Come follow Me 2021, Free LDS Primary lesson helps, July 12-18, D&C 77-80.

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

Come Follow Me 2021, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Your role in Lord's plan, Beasts, Creeping things, fowls of the air, I can share what I have with others, I will lead you along, Free LDS primary lesson helps, July 12-18, D&C 77-80

God created every creature on earth.

Learning about the things God created can help the children feel His love for them.

Possible Activities

  • Show the children pictures of animals, including insects and birds. As you read the words “beasts,” “creeping things,” and “fowls of the air” from Doctrine and Covenants 77:2, invite the children to point to the related pictures. Testify that God created all of these things because He loves us and wants us to be happy (see also Doctrine and Covenants 59:16–20).

You lay these out and as you read the scriptures have the children pick up all the "beasts" then all the "creeping things" then all the "fowls." Or I was also thinking of bring my jar of buttons and having the children lay buttons on those creatures as you talk about them.

Sing with the children a song about God’s creations, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29). Ask the children how the things they are singing about help them feel God’s love.

(Click on the picture)

Second verse:

(Just click on the picture)

I can share what I have with others.

Heavenly Father wants us to share our blessings freely with each other so that we can be “equal in earthly things” and in “heavenly things” (verse 6).

Possible Activities

  • To teach what it means to be “equal in earthly things” (verse 6), give children pictures of people in need (such as people who are hungry, injured, or cold). Then give other children objects that would help (such as food, a bandage, or a blanket). Invite these children to share what they have to help the people in the pictures. Let other children have a turn sharing. Help the children understand that Heavenly Father wants all of His children to have what they need, and to do this He often asks us to share what we have with others.

I can share what I have with others, free LDS primary lesson helps

  • Read to the children the sentences under the first two pictures of “Chapter 28: The Prophet Joseph Goes to Missouri Again” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 108). Ask the children to pretend they are helping someone build a house, sharing food, or serving in another way. How do we feel when we are helping and sharing? Help the children think of things Jesus Christ shares with us.

Jesus Christ will lead me along.

If we are willing to let the Lord “lead [us] along,” we can “be of good cheer,” even if there are things we “cannot bear … now” (verse 18).

Cut out puzzle and hand the pieces to the children to put together, then talk about this beautiful scripture.

D&C 78:18, be of good cheer, I will lead you along, Free LDS primary lesson helps and coloring pages

or a coloring page:

D&C 78:18, be of good cheer, I will lead you along, Free LDS primary lesson helps and coloring pages

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to share times when they have been a leader, such as being at the front of a line or leading music. What does a leader do? Show a picture of the Savior as you read the following phrase from Doctrine and Covenants 78:18: “Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.” Use this week’s activity page to help the children think of ways we can follow the Savior.

  • Invite the children to follow Jesus, and lead them around the room as you hold a picture of Him.

Or you can have all the children holding there own picture and choose someone to lead the group. Just attach a tongue depressor (stick) to each picture. Print in black and white if you would like them to color the pictures before you march around the room.

As you do, sing a song together about following Jesus Christ, such as “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79, 160–61). Let the children take turns holding the picture and leading the other children.

(Click on the picture)

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I can receive answers to my questions about the scriptures.

Teaching the children about how Joseph Smith sought answers to his questions can help them know that Heavenly Father will answer them when they seek His guidance. Consider sharing experiences when you have received answers from Him.

Possible Activities

  • Read to the children the words under the first three pictures of “Chapter 27: The Prophet Continues His Work Despite Persecution” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 104). Ask the children if they, like Joseph, have ever felt that they didn’t understand something in the scriptures. Let them share their experiences. What did Joseph do to find answers? Tell the children about a time when Heavenly Father helped you understand something in the scriptures.

  • The children you teach might enjoy reading some of the verses in the book of Revelation that Joseph Smith had questions about. Then they could look in Doctrine and Covenants 77 for what the Lord wanted him to understand. Choose a few verses you feel would be meaningful.

I can help “advance the cause” of Jesus Christ.

In section 78, the Lord gave specific instructions to several Church leaders that would help them “advance the cause” of the Lord (verse 4). Help the children consider what their roles might be in advancing the Lord’s cause.

Possible Activities

Cut out and attach to three rolls of toilet paper. For the primary children (or groups of children) to write or draw what they read in the scriptures about their roles from baptism. Then have them present it to the class.

Free LDS senior primary lesson helps, Your role in advancing the Lord's cause. Toilet paper rolls

I should receive “all things with thankfulness.”

The Lord often blesses us more if we are grateful for what He has already given us. How can you help the children you teach be grateful for their blessings?

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 78:19 and find what the Lord promises to those who are thankful. Help the children understand what “an hundred fold” means, perhaps by showing a small object and then 100 of that same object.

Sing a song about gratitude, such as “I Am Glad for Many Things” (Children’s Songbook, 151), or watch the video “Think to Thank” ( Give the children time to make lists of things they are thankful for. Encourage them to list as many things as possible in the time you give them.

Sometimes when children tell you what they are grateful for, it can get pretty repetitive. Might be nice to draw a letter out of a bowl and they have to say something they are thankful for that starts with that letter.

Here is a place where you can get free cards.

See you next Week!




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I am so appreciative of your lesson helps. I had a lesson prepared and I just felt so unsettled until I found your helps. I changed the direction of my lesson and they loved it. It went so well, yesterday, and I know it was because of your ideas that the Spirit was able to teach the 7 little ones in my primary class. THANK YOU and may you be blessed to continue this great work. Susan Mc


Ah. Thanks for the flowers(: I’m so happy your lesson went well. It’s all about following the spirit, and I can’t take credit for that(; God bless you for your service, those kids are lucky to have you!


Ben Brown
Ben Brown

Thank you so much for these helpful ideas!


Lindee Robison
Lindee Robison

Thank you! This is so helpful!



I just received a calling teaching the sweet 4 turning 5 year old's. I stumbled upon your site and I just wanted you to know that you are such a blessing! These inspired and well put together lesson supplements are darling, interactive, and so fun! I cannot wait to present this lesson and teach in an engaging way.


Congratulations on your calling. Primary is the best place to be. You will be a wonderful teacher! Thanks for reaching out.


Katrina Lasitani
Katrina Lasitani

I want to say thank you for sharing this with us! It's tough trying to teach my young children but you make it a whole lot easier and especially fun for my kids!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I appreciate you!


I love to hear from young Mama’s. I’ve been there and it’s not easy teaching small children, especially making time for it. Your kids are so lucky to have you! God bless you and your family.

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