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Come follow Me 2025, Feb. 10-16, D&C 10-11, LDS Activities for kids, free primary lesson helps

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Feb 10

Ideas for Teaching Children

As I pray always, I receive strength from God.

  • To introduce this verse to your children, you could ask them about things they “always” do. What does the Lord say we should always do in Doctrine and Covenants 10:5? Why does He want us to do this?

I have a coloring book (in my store) that helps teach this, but there are a lot of free printable's below.

  • How can you help your children remember to pray always? Maybe they could collect a few small, smooth stones and paint on them “Doctrine and Covenants 10:5” or “Pray Always.” They could put their stones in various places where they want to be reminded to pray, like near their bed, with their schoolbooks, or where they eat meals. According to Doctrine and Covenants 10:5, how does God bless us when we pray? Your children could find additional answers in a song like “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 13).

You can download this song HERE. It is a zipped file.

This is from 4 years ago, I really like it.

D&C 10:5

When I pray always, Heavenly Father will bless me.

Sometimes children think they can only pray at specific times and places, and only if they are kneeling or closing their eyes. How can you help them learn how to "pray always"?

Here is a sorting activity that helps teach this. Read the scenario and have the child choose if this is a prayer we say in our hearts or formally (folding arms, closing eyes). Emphasize, that we can "pray always."

Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps
Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps

Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps
Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps

Free LDS clipart praying children. How does praying help us? Free Come follow Me 2021, LDS free coloring pages, for prayer
Free LDS clipart praying children. How does praying help us? Free Come follow Me 2021, LDS free coloring pages, for prayer

Here is how you assemble the book, not the same book, but you get the idea.

This is available in Black and White.

Help the children create a small sign or picture that will remind them to pray always. Invite them to hang their signs in their homes where they will see them regularly.

Did you think to pray? Come follow Me 2021, free LDS coloring pages for prayer. Hang on the door.
Did you think to pray? Come follow Me 2021, free LDS coloring pages for prayer. Hang on the door.

The Holy Ghost leads me to do good.

  • Children can learn to recognize when the Spirit is speaking to them. To help them, you could hide a light bulb or flashlight and a picture of a happy face somewhere in the room; then ask your children to find these items. Read Doctrine and Covenants 11:13, and help your children identify words that relate to the items they found. What do these words teach about how the Holy Ghost helps us?

  • Sharing your own spiritual experiences can help your children recognize the Holy Ghost’s influence in their lives. As you share, ask them to share their experiences too. You could also read together Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–13, looking for how we can recognize when the Holy Ghost is guiding us. Testify that Heavenly Father wants to guide us through the Holy Ghost.

2 way to use these for younger students.

  1. A movement activity. Put the pictures on three walls and read the scriptures, when the students hear these words they can go stand under the picture.

  2. Look for these pictures in a dark room with a flashlight. Then read the scripture and ask the students how these three things help us know we are feeling the Holy Ghost.

D&C 11:13, teaching the scriptures to children. LDS free primary lesson helps, Come Follow me 2021
D&C 11:13, teaching the scriptures to children. LDS free primary lesson helps, Come Follow me 2021

For older students:

 If you write out the scripture on a white board and leave blanks, the kids can feel them in with the pictures they found, in the dark. If you don't have a chalk board, you can use my printable.

The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families
The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families

The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families
The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families

Sing a song about the guidance of the Holy Ghost...Ask the children what the song teaches them about how the Holy Ghost helps us.

The still small voice, LDS primary song, clipart, interactive printable, Free LDS primary lesson helps
The still small voice, LDS primary song, clipart, interactive printable, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Download Black and White HERE

Color HERE they are zipped files



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