A new star appeared when Jesus Christ was born.
This week’s activity page can help your children learn about the miracles the Nephites witnessed when Jesus was born. You can also use “Chapter 41: The Signs of Christ’s Birth” (Book of Mormon Stories, 114–16) to teach them this story—or to help them tell it to you.
Here is an idea from 4 years ago, that I still really like.

It think it is very hard to understand that Jesus was born the Bethlehem and the people in America saw the signs. Here is a little map that can help. If you think it is too small you can do the same thing on a chalk board in your class room, with gospel art pictures.
This is similar to what it will look like when you are done.

Don't throw this away! We will be changing the pictures in it next week.

(Put your printer in a B&W setting if you can't do color)
The prophets’ words are always fulfilled.
As you and your children read 3 Nephi 1:4–10, invite them to talk about how it might have felt to be one of the believers living at that time. Then, as they read the rest of the account in verses 11–15, they could suggest ways to complete this sentence: “The lesson of this story for me is …”
If it helps for telling the story, you can show the rotation of the sun and moon with the earth. Show them what a day and night looks like for the Earth. Then read the scriptures verses 11–15, how did God make that happen? Let them experiment with the mobile. How did God make the sky so bright without the sun? It was a miracle.

Music is so powerful. I added a song "The Miracle."
Don't forget to ask the students how this applies to their lives...“The lesson of this story for me is …”.
Maybe your children can help you think of other times when God fulfilled His promises given through His prophet. They might like to find pictures of these stories in the Gospel Art Book (see, for example, nos. 7–8 and 81). Let them share what they know about these stories, including how God’s promises were fulfilled. Read together 3 Nephi 1:20, and share your own witness of these truths.
Click on the image to be taken to the General Conference page to print this:
Click on the image to be take to another page to print this.
I made a coloring book of this, it is in my store.

I've added a free gift tag with this weeks bundle. Look through the listing to see everything.
General Conference is Oct 6-7

We are stronger when we gather together.
Help your children discover why the Nephites gathered together and the blessings that came to them in 3 Nephi 2:11–12 and 3:13–14, 24–26. Why is it important for us to gather today in our families and at church?
Here is one more object lesson idea:

Do you know of an object lesson that teaches about the strength of unity? Maybe your children could try breaking one stick and then a bundle of sticks or tearing one piece of paper and then a stack of papers. How are we like the sticks or the papers?
After you have done this in class, encourage your students to go teach it.
Send home this lesson with your students to do with their families. They can be in charge of the FHE lesson. Also, if you don't have time to do it in class, they can still learn it at home.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
After reading together 3 Nephi 5:13, invite your children to repeat the phrase “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” To learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, read together some of these examples: the converted Lamanites (see 3 Nephi 6:14), Mormon (see 3 Nephi 5:12–26), and Nephi (see 3 Nephi 7:15–26). You could also find ideas in a song like “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).
Interactive coloring page in my store.

On a piece of paper, help your children trace their hand and cut the tracing out. Write “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” on one side, and invite them to draw something they can do to be a disciple on the other side.
This is from 4 years ago, it is in my store.

(Print on Card stock or Sticker paper)
The Primary manual did this 4 years ago, I am leaving them here for families, if they would like to teach this extra principal in their home. Prints are Free.

Don't forget to look at the General Conference printable's, all free, for you to enjoy.
