Because this Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month, Primary teachers are encouraged to use learning activities in “Appendix B: Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.”
Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The doctrine of Christ teaches us how to return to God.
When Jesus Christ appeared to the people in the Americas, He taught them His doctrine. He said that we can enter the kingdom of God if we have faith, repent, are baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end (see 3 Nephi 11:31–40; Doctrine and Covenants 20:29). The activities below can help you teach the children that these principles and ordinances will help us draw closer to the Savior throughout our lives.
To learn more about the doctrine of Christ, see 2 Nephi 31.
Possible Activities
Give the children pictures that represent faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and confirmation (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 1, 111, 103, and 105). Read or recite with the children the fourth article of faith, and ask them to hold up their pictures when that principle or ordinance is mentioned. Help the children understand how each of these principles and ordinances helps us become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Put a large picture of Jesus Christ up. Still do the activity of the children holding up the pictures, then at the end have the children lay them on the ground and practice taking steps to become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (with the large picture of Jesus at the end).

How can you help the children understand that faith, repentance, baptism, and confirmation are not one-time events but influence our spiritual growth throughout our lives? For instance, you could show them a picture of a seed and a large tree (or draw these things on the board). Help them think of things that help the seed grow into a large tree, such as water, soil, and sunlight. Help them see that these are like the things we do to grow closer to God throughout our lives—building our faith in Jesus Christ, repenting each day, living our baptismal covenants, and listening to the Holy Ghost.
I made a coloring book to help teach this. It is in my store.
The video is also HERE.
Share with the children the story about the firecracker from Elder Dale G. Renlund’s message “How Can Repenting Help Me Feel Happy?” (Friend, Dec. 2017, 12–13, or Liahona, Dec. 2017, 70–71; see also the video “Repentance: A Joyful Choice” [Gospel Library]).
At various points during the story, invite the children to think about how Elder Renlund might have felt. Why do we feel joy when we repent? Share with the children the joy and love you have felt when you have asked Heavenly Father to forgive you.

Jesus Christ set an example for me when He was baptized.
Even though Jesus was without sin, He was baptized to set a perfect example of obedience to Heavenly Father (see 2 Nephi 31:6–10).
To learn more about baptism, see Doctrine and Covenants 20:37; Gospel Topics, “Baptism,” Gospel Library.
Possible Activities
Show a picture of the Savior’s baptism and another person’s baptism (or see Gospel Art Book, no. 35 and either no. 103 or no. 104). Ask the children to share what is different and what is the same between the two pictures. Read together Matthew 3:13–17 or “Chapter 10: Jesus Is Baptized” in New Testament Stories, 26–29, or watch the corresponding video on Gospel Library.
This is a fun cup activity.

Let the children point to things in the pictures that are mentioned in the reading or the video. Tell the children about your love for the Savior and your desire to follow Him.
Listen to or sing a song about baptism, such as “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” (Children’s Songbook, 102). What do we learn about baptism from the song? Read 2 Nephi 31:9–10, and invite the children to listen for why Jesus Christ was baptized. Invite them to draw a picture of themselves on their baptism day.
I can choose to make a covenant with God and be baptized.
Preparing for baptism means much more than preparing for an event. It means preparing to make a covenant and then keeping that covenant for a lifetime. Ponder how you can help the children understand the covenant they will make with Heavenly Father when they are baptized, which includes the promises He makes to them and the promises they make to Him.
Possible Activities
Explain that a covenant is a promise between a person and Heavenly Father. As we strive to keep our promises to God, God promises to bless us. Write on the board My Promises to God and God’s Promises to Me.

Read together Mosiah 18:10, 13 and Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, and help the children make a list of the promises they find under the appropriate headings (see also Dallin H. Oaks, “Your Baptism Covenant,” Friend, Feb. 2021, 2–3). Share how Heavenly Father has blessed you as you strive to keep your baptismal covenant.
Show the children pictures of things Jesus Christ did during His ministry (for some examples, see Gospel Art Book, nos. 33–49). Let the children talk about what Jesus is doing in each picture. Read Mosiah 18:8–10, 13, and invite the children to listen for things they promise to do when they are baptized (see also “The Baptism Covenant,” Friend, Feb. 2019, 7; Liahona, Feb. 2019, F3). How will these promises influence our actions every day?
Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves helping someone the way Jesus would. Or you could make the children a simple badge to wear with the Savior’s name on it.
Come Follow Me from 4 years ago, Similar to Sept 29, 2024 lesson
Come Follow Me- For Primary page 145 "Show a picture of Jesus Christ appearing in the Americas.."

Invite them to close their eyes and imagine how they would feel if they got to see Jesus. Or show the first minute of the video "My Joy Is Full."
Beautiful clip, great way to bring the spirit.
3 Nephi 10:4-6
Jesus protects His people as a hen protects her chicks.
This is an idea from Mitzi at Comefollowmekid.com , she will have more instructions on her website.
Come follow me- For Families “3 Nephi 10:1-6. The imagery of a hen gathering her chicks can be very powerful teaching tool to help children understand the Savior’s character and mission. You could read these verses while your family looks at a picture of a hen and chicks. Why does the Savior want to gather us close to Him? What might happen if a chick chose not to gather when called?”
Assemble the Hen, write on the baby chicks family members names, have them hide their baby chick under the wing as you study 3 Nephi 10:4-6 together.
Print in Black and white so they can color their own baby chick.

3 Nephi 11:21-26
Jesus Christ wants me to be baptized.

Read together 3 Nephi 8:5-7, 11-23 and 10:9-13 (if possible, darken the room as you read). Pause the reading occasionally and ask the children how it might have felt to experience these events. Read with the children some of the words Jesus Christ spoke to the people while they were in darkness (see Nephi 9:13-14,18).
You can hide these light bulbs around the room and when they are found can be put in the correct order. With smaller children it would be fun to attach glow sticks and then hide them in a darker room.

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 146 “Show Children a map of the of the world, and help them find Jerusalem and the Americas. Explain that the destruction described in 3 Nephi 8 was a sign to the people in the Americas that Jesus Christ had been crucified in Jerusalem. Read together 3 Nephi 11:1-15, and ask the children to tell you when they find something in verse that helps them feel God's love. Share verse 37, and testify that the Savior loves all children."
I was trying to figure out how to incorporate this song into this lesson and I read that passage in the manual and it all came together. Now you can teach a lot with a song.

La imagen / página para colorear de Jesucristo que se abre para que él esté en Estados Unidos, si se encuentra en español al final de esta página: