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Come Follow Me 2024, Oct 21-27, Free LDS Primary lesson helps and Printable's

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

Come Follow me 2024, Free LDS primary lesson helps, I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, What shall we cal the church. Free LDS coloring pages, shape mat-ups and games, for children toddlers and kids

Ideas for Teaching Children

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.

  • To introduce the importance of the name of Jesus’s Church, talk with your children about their own names. Why are our names important? Then you could read 3 Nephi 27:3 together, looking for the question that Jesus’s disciples had. Help your children find the answer in 3 Nephi 27:5–8. Why is the name of the Church important?

I took the last verse and made it into a shape match up. For younger students you can read this while the students match the pieces. For older students you can read it cover a piece and read it again, seeing if they can eventually memorize it or become more familiar with it.

You could print this on sticker paper and let the students color them. This is in my store.

If you don't think you will have time for your students to color, there is also colored ones available. OR, you could bead necklaces and put this in the center. I don't have a gift tag for this week, so you could also use it as a gift tag for a treat. So many options, I'd love to see your ideas.

  • You could also help your children think of different groups they belong to, such as a family or a Primary class. Ask them what they like about belonging to each group. Then you could sing “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77) together and talk about why you are thankful to belong to the Savior’s Church.

I made a coloring book to go with this. Also in my store. Everything else in today's lesson is free.

Video of how to assemble the coloring book:

Here is an interactive song you can sing with your kids. There is also an option for a boy.

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, LDS interactive song

Download song HERE

Sister Daniels can show you how this song is suppose to be used. It's at the end of her lesson.

If you would like to purchase these together, you can save a dollar.

I wanted to wait till after Halloween, but I've gotten some messages asking for ideas. I have some more coming, but this is what I have now in my store. If you have an idea, I am open to requests.

Here is another one. If you want to do the big glow stick necklace, act fast. Dollar Tree has a lot of glow sticks with Halloween.

Christmas glow in the dark, gift tag, I am the light of the world

The Church of Jesus Christ is built upon His gospel.

I colored this weeks activity page. Puzzles are so fun. I recommend printing on card stock.

I had an idea that I wanted to do, kind of like this:

You would have to add the word Atonement to the picture of Christ. And replace the pictures with the pictures that the manual provides. Click on the picture to be taken to the page to print the things you would like to print.

Heavenly Father rejoices when His children return to Him.

  • Consider playing a game in which someone hides and others try to find him or her. This could lead to a conversation about the joy we feel when someone who was lost is found. After reading 3 Nephi 27:30–31, you could talk about how to help each other stay close to Heavenly Father so that “none … are lost.”

Following Jesus Christ brings me joy.

  • To help your children learn about the happiness of the people described in 4 Nephi, you could show them pictures of happy people. Then, as you read together verses 2–3 and 15–17 (or “Chapter 48: Peace in America,” Book of Mormon Stories, 136–37), they could point to the pictures when you get to something in the story that brings happiness.

The road to happiness, surely there could not be a happier people 4 Nephi 1:16, Love of god in their hearts, teaching the scriptures to children and toddlers, lds primary lesson helps, free printable's

Cut these out and hide them around the room, give hints if your child(ren) need it. Discuss each scripture after it is found, and add the shapes to “the road to happiness” page. Read the end scripture about happiness and bear your testimony about true happiness.

4 Nephi 1:2-3.15-17, free lds primary lesson helps for toddlers and children

4 Nephi 1:2-3.15-17, free lds primary lesson helps for toddlers and children, road to happiness, free lds coloring pages

To help your children practice what is taught in 4 Nephi 1:15–16, you could present them with situations where people are angry with each other. Invite them to role-play what the situation might be like if we have the “love of God” in our hearts.

There is a "fill in the blank" to help encourage the children to find the phrase. This would be fun to do as a family with some older children.

4 Nephi, interactive LDS primary lesson helps, oct 19-25, Learning from the scriptures




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