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Come Follow Me 2024, Nov 18-24, Ether 6-11, free LDS primary lesson helps and printable's.

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

Free LDS come follow me 2024, Nov 18-24, Primary lesson helps

Ideas for Teaching Children

I can trust Heavenly Father to comfort me when I am scared.

  • Everyone has hard days—even little children. Perhaps you could help your children find words and phrases in Ether 6:1–12 that show how the Jaredites trusted God during some really tough and scary days. Consider sharing with each other some experiences when God helped you during difficult times in your life.

This is from the Friend magazine. You can print it or just have the students look at it on your larger devise while you read the scriptures.

Here is a blank one if you would like you students to find their own scriptures or ideas.

No coloring book this week.

You can see exactly what you are buying in the listing pictures.

Some people don't like the turkey, and that's ok. Here is another idea, you can send home with your students to play with their families.

Christmas gift ideas

Would be really cute on a little flash light.

Remembering what the Lord has done brings gratitude and peace.

  • After arriving safely in the promised land, the Jaredites were so thankful that they “shed tears of joy” (Ether 6:12). You might inspire your children to feel thankful for God’s blessings by helping them find phrases from Ether 6:9, 12 that show how the Jaredites expressed their thanks to God. They may enjoy singing, like the Jaredites did, a song that expresses gratitude, like “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 195). Ask your children to tell you about some things they are thankful for.

Here are a couple of fun songs you can sing together, about gratitude.

Download HERE only in Color

2nd verse

  • Perhaps your children could read Ether 6:30; 7:27; and 10:2 and find what these righteous kings remembered. How did it affect the way they led their people? You and your children could discuss ways to remind yourselves of what God has done for you. For example, maybe they could write about it or draw pictures. You might suggest that they make a regular habit of writing down blessings they notice from God (see “O Remember, Remember” [video], Gospel Library).

Religious Thanksgiving free prints

I am blessed when I follow God’s prophet.

  • Perhaps you and your children would enjoy acting out some things the prophet has taught us to do. You could even turn it into a game in which you guess what the actions represent. This could prepare your children to discuss why it is important to follow God’s prophet. You could then read Ether 7:24–27 to find out what happened when the people obeyed God’s prophet. How are we blessed by following the prophet today?

The Lord is merciful when I repent.

  • Looking for patterns is a useful scripture study skill. The book of Ether contains a repeated pattern that emphasizes the Lord’s mercy. To help your children find this pattern, invite them to read Ether 9:28–35 and Ether 11:5–8, looking for similarities between the two accounts. What do we learn from these stories? Perhaps they could look for pictures in the Gospel Art Book of other people in the scriptures who repented and were forgiven.



(sólo en color)


Maria Salmeron
Maria Salmeron
Nov 24, 2024

Thanks for your resources. Whoever is doing it in Spanish, be careful with using Google translate: Turkey Feathers is “plumas de pavo o guajolote” not Plumas de Turquia( Turquia is the country that in English is Turkey too).

Nov 24, 2024
Replying to

Yes totally google translate. 4 years ago. I've asked for Spanish members to help, but I'm not getting any responses. So I'm just recycling what I have. It might be better to leave it blank and let them write their own words(:


Perla MacNeille
Perla MacNeille
Nov 21, 2024

Not sure what it's supposed to say in the Spanish version of the boy where it says "soy sagrado de" because that means "I'm sacred for"

Nov 24, 2024
Replying to

Maybe... "Estoy agradecido por" ?


Nov 18, 2024

I'm so excited to teach this lesson next Sunday. Your ideas have spun off to me ways to involve the children to search and find in these scriptures how important it is to remember and be grateful -- a perfect segway to preparing for a day of Thanksgiving too!

Nov 19, 2024
Replying to

Yay! I love it when teachers use it as a springboard into their own creativity and revelation. Good luck on your lesson, I'm sure it will be wonderful.


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