Ideas for Teaching Children
When I am baptized, I make a covenant with God.
One important way to help your children prepare for baptism is to teach them about the covenant they will make when they are baptized. This could be as simple as showing the picture at the end of this week’s outline and reading about the covenant with them in Mosiah 18:9–10. Consider inviting a child who has already been baptized to teach this to the younger children. Your children might enjoy hearing about your baptism. How has keeping your covenants with God blessed your life?
Everyone sit on the ground. Pass out the second pieces to each mini puzzle, to each of the children. Place the first one saying the first part of the covenant, then after they matched the second part, they can say it, or you can if they can't read. For older students you can tape the puzzles (after they are matched) and have them sort our promises to God's promises.

Children who have been baptized could use frequent reminders about the covenants they made and renew each week with the sacrament. Perhaps your children could compare the baptismal covenant described in Mosiah 18:8–10 with the sacrament prayers (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79). How can we make the sacrament a special, reverent time, just like our baptisms were?

When I am baptized, I become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Do your children know what it means to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Consider helping them find pictures that represent things Church members did in Mosiah 18:17–28. For example, the pictures Ordination to the Priesthood and Payment of Tithing (Gospel Art Book, nos. 106, 113) might represent verses 18 and 27–28. Tell them why you are grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
My idea:
First pass out each picture to different children, you could have the pictures taped on blocks or cups, Read Mosiah 18:17–28. Have the children listen for when the scriptures talks about their picture. When it does let the child come up and stack their block (cup). There are numbers on the pictures that show what verse it is from. When all the pictures have been placed or structure has been built. Add the steeple to the top, and bear your testimony that our church is build on wonderful things just like in was in Alma’s time, and that it is true.

Look at the pictures on the listing. It comes in the color of the Dad's root beer.

Helping children feel “knit together in unity and in love” (Mosiah 18:21) helps them stay connected to the Church throughout their lives. Consider inviting your children to read Mosiah 18:17–28. What did members of Christ’s Church in Alma’s day do to love and serve one another? How can we do this in our ward, branch, or community? A song about love, such as “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140), could reinforce this message.

(Only in Color)
God can make my burdens light.
A simple object lesson can make learning more memorable. Consider filling a bag with heavy objects (to represent burdens) and inviting a child to hold the bag. As you read Mosiah 24:8–17 with your children, ask them to remove an item from the bag every time they hear about something Alma and his people did to seek God’s help with their burdens. You could then talk with them about how Heavenly Father can make our burdens lighter when we seek His help.

Last of all is the Map Additions. This is our last time using the map, I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.
If you haven't been teaching the map, and you only want to teach this section that is ok, just watch the video so you know where to pick up.

Download this HERE
YouTube for this or the Senior Primary lesson for this week is Here:
The other part of the Map is at this link:
click on the image
For those unaware, The Slow Mo Guys, hosted by Gavin link Free link and Daniel Gruchy, is a popular YouTube link channel (with more than 15 million subscribers) dedicated to exploring everyday phenomena and extraordinary experiments through the lens of high-speed cameras. Check out The Slow Mo Guys channel here.*Lead image captured from included video.
We LOVED building the church this week! Everytime someone answered a question or participated, they got the chance to build onto it. Fantastic!!
Your map has helped me and not only the children I teach but other family members and teachers I have been able to share this with. I never could understand or picture how all these people were related and where and how things took place. This puzzle map really clarified it all. Thank you for generously freely sharing.
Only one snafu I couldn't figure out. Puzzle piece 13a didn't print out from my download. Also should there be pieces 12 and 14?
I love this map, but printing this out has been like pulling teeth. lol. Now I can't get the last pieces to download. I'm only getting a small black square.
You are AMAZING and so creative! The Mosiah map is brilliant! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!