The dates are really confusing.

Most of you have already taught the Christmas lesson by Dec. 29. I am featuring Dec 22 lesson because it transitions really well into the Doctrine and Covenants and you are kind of saying good bye to the Book of Mormon...reflecting on what you learned. And of course the 5th Sunday lesson.
This interactive song is a great transition from the Book of Mormon to the Doctrine Covenants, which they will be learning about in the new year. If you print this, don't throw it away, you can use it again next week.

Ideas for Teaching Children
I can know for myself that the Book of Mormon is true.
How can you help your children accept Moroni’s invitation to ask God if the Book of Mormon is true? Consider giving them slips of paper with the words Read, Remember, Ponder, and Ask written on them. Your children could find these words in Moroni 10:3–4.
You can pass these out as your slips of paper, OR for younger students you can put them on 4 walls and have the students stand under them when they hear the word mentioned in the scriptures. You could also show them the pictures and have them do the actions when they hear the words.

What should we read, remember, ponder, and ask to gain or strengthen our testimonies of the Book of Mormon? Your children could also look for similarities between these verses and the song “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109).

Your children could use the picture at the end of this outline to talk about Moroni burying the gold plates (see also “Chapter 54: The Promise of the Book of Mormon,” Book of Mormon Stories, 156). Younger children may enjoy pretending to be Moroni writing on the plates and burying them. Share with each other your testimonies of the Book of Mormon.

Two bag toppers for the price of one.

Mitzi at comefollowmekid.com gave these instructions for this fantastic activity:
3D Book of Mormon Activity (The Lord is Merciful) –
· Read Moroni 10:2-3 “And I seal up these records, after I have spoken a few words by way of exhortation unto you. Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men…and ponder it in your hearts.”
· Do Heavenly Father and Jesus love us? (Yes!) What does it mean to be merciful? (to be kind, loving, forgiving, etc.) One of the most important things that Moroni wanted us to remember is that Heavenly Father and Jesus are merciful. They love us and want to help us!
· Cut out, fold, and tape/glue together the 3D Book of Mormon below, while talking about stories we remember studying this year from the Book of Mormon. How did each story show that Heavenly Father and Jesus love and help people?
· Tell them that there are 5 cards hidden of people we learned about in the Book of Mormon. Give them time to find them. Once they’ve been found, talk about them and put them inside the 3D Book of Mormon box.
· On the “The Lord is Merciful to Me!” card, have everyone draw a picture of themselves and remind them that the Lord loves them lots!
· There are additional blank rectangles. There are many things that could be done with these (draw additional pictures of stories we learned in the BOM, older family members write testimonies on them, write down favorite verses from the BOM, etc.).

You can use velcro for this activity.

Heavenly Father gives me spiritual gifts.
To teach your children about spiritual gifts, you could write the numbers 9 through 16 on separate pieces of paper and wrap each paper like a gift. Your children could take turns unwrapping the gifts, reading verses from Moroni 10:9–16 that correspond with the numbers, and identifying each spiritual gift. You could talk about how Heavenly Father wants us to use these gifts to bless His children. You could also help your children notice the gifts that Heavenly Father has given them.
Love it! But, if you are burned out from wrapping presents, here is one idea:

Just cut around the presents and attach the sheet over the top of the page with the pictures.

And a coloring page if you are looking for something simple.

Jesus Christ wants me to come unto Him.
Do your children know what it means to “come unto Christ”? Maybe you could read Moroni 10:32 and invite them to repeat the phrase with you. They could then close their eyes while you place a picture of Jesus somewhere in the room. Then let them open their eyes, find the picture, gather around it, and talk about ways that we can come unto Christ. Maybe it would help to write down the question What does it mean to come unto Christ? Help them search Moroni 10:32–33 to find possible answers (see also Articles of Faith 1:3–4). Work together to list what Christ wants us to do and what He promises to do for us.
Maybe your children would enjoy making and decorating heart-shaped badges that say “I love God with all my might, mind, and strength” (see Moroni 10:32). As they do, talk with them about how we show God that we love Him.
Because this Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month, Primary teachers are encouraged to use learning activities in “Appendix B: Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.”
The last 5th Sunday was in Sept. Since the 5th Sunday lesson is the same, you can click on the picture to take you there.

Red, awesome ideas as usual! Just one note-on your 'prophesy' gift, it's misspelled as 'pophesy'. :-) Merry Christmas!
Love, Sue