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Come Follow Me 2024, May 13-19, Mosiah 11-17, LDS Free Primary lesson helps

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: May 15, 2024

Come Follow me 2024, May 13-19, Free LDS primary lesson helps, King Noah, Abinadi puppets and acting masks, lost sheep, 10 commandments matching game, I can write the commandments on my heart, Free LDS coloring pages, teaching children the scriptures

I can stand for Jesus Christ, even when I stand alone.

  • At some time in our lives, we all face pressure to make choices that go against our faith in Jesus Christ. What can your children learn from Abinadi about standing as a witness of Jesus Christ, even when it is unpopular? The artwork in this outline or “Chapter 14: Abinadi and King Noah” (in Book of Mormon Stories, 38–42) could help them visualize the account in Mosiah 11–13; 17. Ask them what they like about Abinadi.

Here are some puppets for telling the story:

LDS Puppets for telling the story of Abinadi and King Noah, LDS free primary lesson helps, Free lds coloring pages, Abinadi and King Noah in the fire

Your children might enjoy acting out parts of Abinadi’s story. Then they could act out real-life scenarios to practice what they might do if others want them to do something wrong. Or they could share experiences when they were brave in following Jesus Christ. How did Abinadi follow Jesus Christ? (see Mosiah 13:2–9; 17:7–10). Why didn’t King Noah do what he knew was right? (see Mosiah 17:11–12).

Here are some Mask to help inspire acting.

Free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2024, acting out the story of Abinadi and king Noah

Download B&W HERE

Download Color HERE You will need to know how to download and open a zipped file.

You can buy a decent size bag of "Silly Stix" at Dollar Tree. You will need to be able to download and open zipped files.

Come Follow me, pixy stick gift tags, "Stand strong and "Stix" to the commandments

Hey friends

The manual has been simplified A LOT. I have all these additional activities from 4 years ago and I hate to see them go to waste. So I'm bundled them up for this lesson and I'm putting them in my store. Maybe homeschoolers or families would like additional activities.

Come Follow Me primary lesson helps, LDS

I should obey the Ten Commandments.

  • King Noah’s priests knew the commandments but did not have them “written in [their] hearts” (Mosiah 13:11). How will you help your children know the commandments and love them? Maybe they could write the commandments from Mosiah 12:33–36 and 13:11–24 on heart-shaped pieces of paper.

  • As they do, talk with them about what these commandments mean and how to follow them. How do we write these commandments in our hearts?

  • You could also sing together a song about commandments, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47). What blessings come from keeping the commandments?

You can print two of these for a matching game.

Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to lead me back to Him.

  • Though it’s a short chapter, Mosiah 14 has several words and phrases that describe Jesus Christ. Maybe you and your children could list them as you read the chapter together. Then you could talk about how you feel about the Savior as you study these words and phrases.

Our list was more like pictures. We hung this on our wall in our home for a week. If you had a roll of butcher paper this would be a fun thing to do in class.

  • To teach about Jesus Christ, Abinadi quoted the prophet Isaiah, who compared us to lost sheep. Perhaps your children could share experiences when they lost something or were lost themselves. How did they feel? What did they do? Then you could read together Mosiah 14:6 and 16:4–9. How are we like sheep who wander from God? How does Jesus Christ help us come back?

After teaching this principal, think it would be fun for the students to find their sheep with their names on it. Prep them if they find someone else's sheep to not say anything, but keep looking. For very small children just hide all the sheep and let them find them.

If you didn't teach the map last week, it isn't too late, this week is pretty short, and it would be easy to add to it. I highly recommend this for older primary age.

Click on the image to be taken to last week.

Here is additions to last weeks Map. There is a YouTube to help you know how to teach it.

This is the movie for the map addition, but it was also my primary lesson for my class during Covid.

Also for Senior Primary is the Fantastic video "Dare to Stand Alone"


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May 19, 2024
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I’m grateful for people like you that are willing to teach and magnify your calling. Thank you for your kind words.


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May 19, 2024
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Wow! That is so neat. Thanks for reaching out, and bless you in your service. ❤️


Erin Lu
Erin Lu
May 19, 2024

Thank you!!!! These lessons are fabulous for my primary and my own children! It's great that you give so many tools and resources to make scriptures fun and educational

May 19, 2024
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My pleasure ❤️


Janice Morin
Janice Morin
May 16, 2024

Thank you for the lesson helps, the visuals really help my class to stay focused. I am wondering how I can get the cut outs you have on the map of King Mosiah, King Limhi, Ammon and King Benjamin?

May 16, 2024
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Hello Janice!

It’s in last weeks lesson. There is a video you can watch there too that teaches you how to teach it. I hope you love it!



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