The Lord can help me recognize false teachings.
One way to study Alma 1:2–4 with your children is to help them create a true-or-false quiz using statements taught by Nehor, a false teacher. Then you could talk with them about why Satan often combines truths with falsehoods. Help your children think of some examples. In verses 7–9, how did Gideon withstand Nehor’s lies? (See also “Chapter 20: Alma and Nehor,” Book of Mormon Stories, 54–55.)
Great activity for older students. You know your kids, if you feel like this will only confuse them, then just watch the movie and move on to other teachings.
This is an idea from Mitzi at , I just drew the pictures. She has fantastic ideas, with not a lot of things to print out.
You just cut these out and have the kids sort out with strips of paper into each cup.
Here is one for older kids that can write the lists and study the scriptures to find answers.
Father's Day is June 16th.
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I love and serve others.
Some members of the Lord’s Church in Alma’s day were generous and giving, and other members were unkind and prideful. To help your children learn from these experiences, you could read together Alma 1:27, 30 and make a list of the kinds of people members of the Lord’s Church helped. Who do we know who might “[stand] in need” (Alma 1:30) of our love and help?
(You can put your printer on B&W setting)
You could also sing together a song about love and service, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145), and help your children think of actions that could go with the song.
Sing together a song about love and service, such as "Kindness Begins with Me"
Download this song HERE . You will need to know how to download and open a zipped folder.
What should we do when people are unkind to us? Consider reading with your children how followers of Christ were treated in Alma 1:19–20. Talk about how they reacted in verses 22 and 25. Maybe you could practice ways to respond when others are unkind.
My testimony can strengthen others.
Often the “pure testimony” (Alma 4:19) of a child can have a strong influence on others. To help your children discover this, you could read with them Alma 4:8–12, 15, helping them identify the problems that were happening in the Church. What could Alma do to solve these problems? Help them find out what Alma decided to do in Alma 4:16–20. Maybe you could share with each other how someone else’s testimony of Christ has strengthened you.
If your children need examples of what a testimony is, consider showing a video clip of a speaker in general conference bearing testimony. You could also use this week’s activity page or sing together a song like “Testimony” (Hymns, no. 137). What do we learn about testimonies from these resources? Let your children practice sharing their testimonies.
Janell Whitney sent me a video of her daughters beautiful little testimony. I asked her if I could share a picture, because I love to show how she customized the printable to look like her daughter.
Download Testimony bundle HERE , You will need to know how to download and open a zipped folder.