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Come Follow Me 2020, March 9-15, Jacob 1-4

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Jacob and Joesph puppets, free lds primary lesson helps 2020, Jacob 1-4, Jesus shares his love, I can share my love, Seek the kingdom of God kids activities, I can share, Wise man and foolish man free print, Thank you cards free print, "what do I seek?" coloring page

Come Follow Me-For Primary page 41 “Make simple puppets to represent Jacob and Joseph, Nephi’s younger brothers, who were leaders in the church. Share some verses from Jacob 1 and 2 to explain what Church leaders are called to do. For example, leaders persuaded us to repent (see Jacob 2:5-6, 9-10), and ”declare (God’s) word” (Jacob 2:2,11). Let the children use the puppets to pretend to do some of these things.”

Jacob puppet, free print, lds primary lesson helps,

Joesph puppet, lds primary lesson helps, free prints

Jacob and Joesph puppet, free print, lds primary lesson helps,

Invite the children to name some Church leaders they know, like Primary leaders, bishopric members, and prophets and apostles. Help them think of ways these leaders bless us.

Hide these around the room or have the kids draw them out of a sack. After each one is found, talk about how this leader blesses our lives.

If you want to get some wiggles out, you can tape them on three different walls. Describe one of the leaders like : this leader is the father of our ward, He sits right next to the speakers, he always shakes my hand...who is it? They can all go stand next to the picture.

This leader speakers in General conference, he is 94 (guessing) years old, he leads the entire church and loves us.

This leader is over the Primary, she stands up to talk to us when we all meet together. She loves to here us sing, her name is...

leaders bless my life, lds primary lesson helps, free prints

Invite the children to act out ways they can share what they have with someone in need. Testify that we are blessed as we share with others.

Here is the activity page colored. I think it would be great to teach with. A child could spin it and act out the way of sharing.

I can share colored wheel, LDS primary lesson helps

Do the children you teach understand the blessings that come when they share with those in need? How can you help them know that Heavenly Father and Jesus want them to help others?

I was able to sit in on a Sunbeam class this week, and the cute primary teacher keep the focus very much on the Savior. She shared personal experiences about her prayer, it helped those little ones open up and talk about how much they love the Savior. It was very precious and wonderful and shows that those little sunbeams aren't too young to feel the spirit.

So when I read the manual I really wanted to make something that helped keep the lesson focused on Jesus and how we can be like him.

Jesus shares his love, I can share my love, LDS free primary lesson helps

lds free primary lesson helps

Explain that some of the people in Jacob's time were very rich, but they didn't want to share what they had with people who were poor. Read Jacob 2:17-19 to help the children understand Jacob's teachings to these people. As you do, give the children pictures or objects to hold that go with words or phrases in these verses.

I love this, but I wanted something along the line of "Seeking" So I thought of "eye scopes" my kids call them. That they can look through and find different pictures that go with the scripture.

This is great for older children too. I altered it in the instructions, pretty much just challenge the older children to study the scripture and put the "eye scopes" into the correct order.

"Seek ye the kingdom of God"activity. Come Follow Me, lds primary lesson helps free prints

It really is much more fun with paper towel rolls, but I only had one, hopefully you are more prepared(:

"Seek ye the kingdom of God"activity. Come Follow Me, lds primary lesson helps free prints

Look at the cuteness! My friend did this activity with her family, she said even the older kids enjoyed it.

"Seek ye the kingdom of God"activity. Come Follow Me, lds primary lesson helps free prints

Here is coloring page that helps focus on those scriptures as well:

What do I seek? Free coloring page, LDS primary lesson helps and prints

I'm kind of loving that my one child first sought Jesus with the children and then Narwhales.

The other one first sought being a mother and then blue unicorns(:

Sing "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man"

OMGoodness! This was so much fun to make! Things like this just make me happy(:

wise man and the foolish man free print interactive song. LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

wise man and the foolish man free print interactive song. LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

wise man and the foolish man free print interactive song. LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 43 "Invite the children to write notes to Church leaders, thanking them for their service."


Come Follow Me- For Individuals and Families "What have our church leaders done to help us feel their "desire and anxiety for the welfare of our souls"? Perhaps family members could share ways we can sustain our church leaders. You could plan to do something as a family for local Church leaders, such as writing notes to thank them for their service ....

Mitzi from asked me to make thank you cards. She does a great job on her weekly lesson plans.

Thank you cards, LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

Ask the children to make a list on the board of ways they can strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.

You can have them write their ideas on the roots.

"faith becometh unshaken" Jacob 4:6 LDS primary lesson helps, Come Follow Me free prints

"faith becometh unshaken" Jacob 4:6 LDS primary lesson helps, Come Follow Me free prints

One more idea. I had my senior primary classes (back in the days) build their own individual lego homes. Then I would have a big cake pan full of sand. We went outside carrying these and two pitchers of water (you got to think bigger when you teacher bigger) and we did the science experiment of the wiseman and the foolish-man. They loved it. Now that you have shorter classes you may have to have them build their homes while you teach the lesson and run outside and try it out. Good luck!

Don't forget this most amazing movie shared by Elder Neil L Anderson :

Have a great Day!





Mar 09, 2020

You are so welcome! He is a lucky guy to have a Mom like you. 😉


Carolyn Bridwell Siemers
Carolyn Bridwell Siemers
Mar 08, 2020

Love your activities! I use them throughout the week with our three year old. Thank you for all that you do!


Mar 03, 2020

This page hasn't be published yet. You won't be able to print anything here until Friday.


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