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Come follow Me 2020, March 2-8 "This is the Way"

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

Come Follow Me- for Primary page 37 “2 Nephi 13, Jesus taught me how to return to Heavenly Father.

Nephi taught that following the Savior’s example and teachings is the only way to ”be saved in the kingdom of God”

Here is a fun idea for teaching Jesus Baptism and following his example:



Here is what it looks like on the bottom

I used a plastic butter knife because it is what I had, but a tongue depressor or popsicle stick would work great too.

Omgoodness! Look how stinkin cute this is:

This is my cousin's daughter. She is preparing to get baptized, and her grandma made this for her, with her and her Dad's faces on it. What a neat Grandma to reminder her that she is following the example of Jesus.

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 37 “Explain that Jesus Christ taught us what we need to do to return to Him after we die. Draw a path on the board, and place a picture of Christ at the end of it. Give the children pictures that represent elements of the doctrine of Christ..Help them place the pictures along the path.”

Sing a song about one of the first principles of the gospel, such as "Faith"

Here is an interactive song:

Ask the children to name some of their favorite foods, and invite them to act out how they would feast on them. Read 2 Nephi 32:3, and ask the children to listen for what Nephi says we should feast on.

Come Follow Me- for Primary page 38 "Ask the children when they pray. Do they pray in the morning? at night? before meals? ...Read to them the first line or two from 2 Nephi 32:9, and emphasize the phrase "pray always"

This idea is from Mitzi at she has additional ideas on her website, go check them out.

Ask the children how they pray. What do they do with their head, hands and so on?

Art was drawn by Susan Finch.

You can print these Here

What sorts of things do they say?

Here is one of my first printable's I ever made...ah memories. It can help teach some good things to say in a prayer.

Don't design on an empty stomach, or the week will look like this(: I got this idea for building an ice cream sundae while teaching about prayer, and even though I'm running major behind I just haaaaddddd to make this.

I've also seen some cute ideas, with peanut butter sandwiches and the steps of prayer.

For older children

Put the words in random order on the board...Invite the children to read 2 Nephi 31:7 as a class and put the words into the correct order.

Come Follow Me-for Primary page 38 “(read 2 Nephi 31) Ask the children what they would say to someone preparing to be baptized, and help them compile their advice onto simple cards they could give someone.”

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 38-39 “Explain that the doctrine of Christ includes the things Jesus Christ taught that we need to do to return to Heavenly Father....scatter (these papers) around the room. Read to the children 2 Nephi 31:11-19, and invite the children to take turns jumping from paper to paper as they hear these principals mentioned. Help them think of an experience they have had with each principle.”

Late addition: My mother-law is a Senior Primary teacher and she showed this to me:

(It's just on Pintrest added by Marci. So if anyone finds out who it came from, send me a message, I would love to give them credit.)

Isn't it cute?

If you don't want to buy all the cereal, You could print the pictures of the cereal boxes... I have available, place them on the board. Have stripes of scriptures for the kids to look up...which I also have available. Then after they read the scripture they can match them up to the correct box/picture.

What might make someone not want to pray? Share an experience when you prayed even though you didn't feel like it. How did you feel afterward? Invite a child to read the second half of 2 Nephi 32:8, and give the children time to ponder it. Why doesn't Satan want us to pray? How can we remind ourselves to pray even when we don't feel like it?

I had a prayer rock when I was younger and it kept it till I was a teenager. I felt like it really helped me, especially with morning prayers.

Since your time is limited it might be nice if you have your prayer rocks already made to pass out to the kids. I had something simple in mind like modge podging a heart on some rocks. Then I saw that someone else had that idea and a free printable.

If you are at home definitely take the time to paint some cute prayer rocks.

Here is a cute printable that can be turned into bookmarks, or if you want to make them smaller, you can turn them into scripture stickers.

Hope you have a great day!





1 Comment

Rachel Haider
Rachel Haider
Mar 16, 2020

I love the personalized baptism cup! ;)


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