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Come Follow Me 2024, June 17-23, Alma 8-12, LDS Free Primary Lesson Helps

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Ideas for Teaching Children

I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • This week’s activity page could help you summarize the events in Alma 8–10 for your children. You might want to help them find principles that made Alma and Amulek good missionaries. For example, they didn’t give up (see Alma 8:8–13), they testified of Christ (see Alma 9:26–27), and they worked together (see Alma 10:12).

I substituted for Sunbeams last week, it's been awhile since I've taught the so young.

I think the activity page and the song would be great for the very littles.

Cut out on lines.

Read the scriptures or have the students read the scriptures to help match up the scripture to the picture and complete the puzzle. Challenge the students to be Missionaries like Alma and Amulek.

This is the mat that they will build the puzzle on.

A song about missionary work, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168) could give your children ideas about ways to share the gospel with their friends. Invite them to list ideas they find and people they could share the gospel with. You might even let them role-play what they might say or do.

I want to be a Missionary Now, Free interactive song, LDS Primary Lesson helps Free

Download this song HERE, you will need to know how to download and open a zipped file.

Hey Friends, I'm off to Girls camp. If you have any problems with your order I will be back Saturday to help.

4 years ago the primary manual was focused on teaching the children this. Now they are more focused on scripture...which I love, and having the children draw the pictures. I hate to see this go to waste, so it is in my shop.

Hey Friends, I'm off to Girls camp. If you have any problems with your order I will be back Saturday to help.

God’s plan is a plan of redemption.

  • Perhaps your children could draw a picture representing principles of the plan of redemption, like the Fall of Adam and Eve, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, repentance, death, resurrection, and judgment. Then you could help them match their pictures to verses in Alma 11–12 that teach about these principles.

I really like the idea of the children drawing the pictures. But if you don't have a lot of time there is this floor puzzle of this in my store.

I can be a good friend.

  • You could invite one child to pretend to be Amulek and another to pretend to be Alma as you tell the story in Alma 8:18–22. How was Amulek a good friend to Alma? Then your children could share how someone has been a friend to them and how that experience made them feel.

  • Maybe you could make a friendship puzzle: find or draw a picture representing friendship and cut it into puzzle pieces. On the back of each piece, write something we can do to be a good friend, including things Alma and Amulek did. Your children could take turns selecting a piece and adding it to the puzzle as you read what is written on the back. Who needs our friendship?

I can be a Good Friend, Free LDS coloring pages, and puzzle, Alma 8:18-29, LDS free Primary lesson helps

Because of Jesus Christ, I will be resurrected.

  • Consider an object lesson like this one to teach about the Resurrection: your hand could represent your spirit, and a glove could represent your body. Take your hand out of the glove to show that our spirits and bodies will be separated at death. Then place your hand back in the glove to show that our spirits and bodies will be joined together again at the Resurrection. Let your children take turns putting the glove on and taking it off as you read Alma 11:43 to them. Display a picture of the resurrected Savior (see Gospel Art Book, no. 59), and testify that Jesus Christ made it possible for everyone to be resurrected.

LOVE the object lesson!

Here is a craft/ activity idea from Mitzi.




Denise Frisby
Denise Frisby
Jun 23, 2024

Where can I find the free printable for I want to be a missionary now?

Jun 23, 2024
Replying to

Right under the picture. It says:

Download this song HERE, you will need to know how to download and open a zipped file.


Jun 22, 2024

Omgoodness! Adorable 🥰


Teresa Walker
Teresa Walker
Jun 22, 2024

Using this puppet to demonstrate the resurrection of the body and the spirit instead of a glove was very successful for my younger children.


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