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Come follow Me 2024, July 8-14, Alma 23-29, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jul 8, 2024

The Lord blesses me as I strive to keep my promises to Him.

  • Perhaps your children would enjoy burying their “weapons” like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. You could read a few verses from Alma 24:6–24 to teach the children about the promises the Anti-Nephi-Lehies made to follow the Savior. They could then think of something they will change to follow Him, write it on this week’s activity page, and pretend to dig a hole and bury their weapon.

You can use this printable to help tell the story.

Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their weapons, interactive learning for lds children and kids, Free primary lesson helps, book of Mormon, Come Follow me 2020, free prints Alma 24:16

Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their weapons, interactive learning for lds children and kids, Free primary lesson helps, book of Mormon, Come Follow me 2020, free prints

I suggest taping the the sucker (lollipop) on the back.

  • Your children could read Alma 24:15–19, looking for what the Anti-Nephi-Lehies did “as a testimony to God.” Then you could talk with them about how our covenants can be “a testimony to God” (verse 18). Let your children talk about how they will show God that they want to follow Him. Singing a song like “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Children’s Songbook, 148) could help inspire them.

For Older Students, hide these letters around the room. When a letter is found give one of the hints (on the bottom of the paper) about what the word covenant, until you complete the word, or the students guess what it is.

Then read Alma 24:15–19 focusing on how our covenants can be a testimony to God.

Alma 24, LDS covenants, free prints, Come Follow me 2020, book of mormon

Alma 24, LDS covenants, free prints, Come Follow me 2020, book of mormon

For Younger students, they can review their covenants with this 4 corners game.

Explain each card as you lay them on the ground, (Everyone can sit on the ground). Tell the students that these are promises we make at baptism. Say key words like Mourn, (or sad), comfort, burden and serve. Have the students practice pointing to the pictures, then if you would like more movement, but them on the 4 walls, and have the students stand under them when you say the same key words.

I can repent.

  • To help your children see how Jesus Christ can help us change when we repent, you could teach them about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. To do this, you might label two bowls “before” and “after.” Then your children could read Alma 17:14–15 and 27:27–30, write down what the Lamanites were like before and after repenting, and put them in the correct bowl. According to Alma 24:7–10, what helped them change? How can we show our thanks to God for His mercy?

These are too big for bowls, I was thinking canning jars(:

An idea for younger students.

This is in my store

Jesus Christ brings me joy, and I can share this joy.

  • Perhaps you and your children would enjoy drawing pictures of things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that bring you joy. Share your picture with your children, and encourage them to share their picture with someone to help that person feel joy too.

This is also in my store.

  • Help your children find the words joy and rejoice in Alma 26 and 29. What brought Ammon and Alma joy or caused them to rejoice? This question could lead to a discussion about the joy that comes from living or sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I can help my friends live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Your children could read Alma 27:22–23, looking for what the Nephites did to help the Anti-Nephi-Lehies keep their promise to never fight again. How can we help our friends keep their promises? Your children could role-play situations. For example, what can we say to a friend who wants to lie or be mean?




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