Underlined is from Come Follow Me- For Home and Church
Ideas for Teaching Children
My good example can lead others to Christ.
Alma’s counsel to Corianton can help your children understand the importance of being a good example. Consider reading together Alma 39:1. How was Corianton’s brother Shiblon a good example? Your children could find additional answers to this question in Alma 38:2–4.
Here is a discussion sheet for older children and families. Set out the colored pencils.

You could also play a game in which you and your children take turns following or imitating each other. Use this game to illustrate how our actions could help others make good choices.

(Sorry it is only available in color)
Print on card stock
Sing together “I Am like a Star” (Children’s Songbook, 163), and help your children think of ways they can be a good example.

This is a zipped file, you will need to know how to download and open it.
Download this song HERE
With a flashlight or a picture of the sun, you could compare light to the power of a good example. Oh yes, flashlight for sure, the kids will love that. I have a glow stick gift tag in my store.
You and your children could also look at pictures of Jesus doing good things and talk about the example He set for us.

4 years ago the primary manual said: Encourage the children to thank a family member who has been a good example to them and to think of one way they can be good examples this week.
These are in my store this week.

This is in my store
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The videos “Shine Your Light So Others May See” and “Lessons I Learned as a Boy” can help your children discuss how their example can lead people to Christ.

Because of Jesus Christ, I can repent when I make mistakes.
Without going into detail about the nature of his sins, explain that Corianton made a wrong choice. What could we say to help him? Consider reading Alma 39:9 to your children, and help them understand what repent and forsake mean. Testify that repentance is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
This was an activity from 4 years ago, also in my store. I think real bandaids would be better.

In my store
Available in color and B&W
Here’s an object lesson to illustrate the joy of repentance: Give a child something heavy to hold while you tell a story about someone who did something wrong and felt bad.
Here is a couple of stories you can tell from the Friend magazine. Just click on the images.
Tell your children that the object is like the bad feelings we may have when we make a mistake. Take the heavy object from the child as you testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can take away the heavy, bad feelings and help us be better as we repent.
After we die, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgment.
It’s natural to wonder what happens to us after we die. What can you do to help your children find inspired answers? You could write death, spirit world (paradise and spirit prison), resurrection, and judgment on separate pieces of paper. Help your children understand what these words mean. As you read together Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, 21–23, your children could place the words in the order in which they occur in these verses.
Or if your students are younger you can do a 4 corners game. Attach them to a corner or a wall and they can run to that when they hear it read in the scriptures. If you are doing this with your family do both, have your older children take them off the wall when the game is over and put them in the correct order.

Use a B&W setting on your printer to print without color
Older children may benefit from finding answers to questions by searching Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, 21–23. Consider asking your children questions that can be answered in these verses, such as “What will my body be like when I am resurrected?” Invite them to search for answers in the appropriate verses. A scripture match up to these verses.

For younger students.

This is in my store this week.

This is in my store
Available in color and B&W
Print on Card stock
Do your children know someone who has died? Maybe you could talk briefly about that person. Bear your testimony that someday they—and everyone else—will be resurrected because of Jesus Christ. If needed, use this week’s activity page to explain what it means to be resurrected.
This is from Mitzi at Comefollowmekid.com asked me to make something to go with the Family Fun section in the Ensign. This is what it says:
Read Alma 42:4 together and talk about how this life is a time for us "to repent and serve God."
Sit in a circle and give each member three index cards.
on two of the cards, write good choices. On the third card, write a bad choice.
Turn the cards face down and mix them up in the middle of the circle.
Take turns flipping over one card at a time. When someone reads a good choice, give the person a high-five (or another gesture that means "Good job!" in your culture).
When someone reads a bad choice, the person shares something they could do to repent and serve God instead.
Discussion: Testify that Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to change and become better people. How can we use our time this week to follow Him and serve God?

Here are some blank ones for writing your own ideas on.
For a second page of this game go to Mitzi's website comefollowmekid.com

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