Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
If you know a language that your children don’t, give them some simple directions in that language (or play a recording of another language).
I found this video, saying "I Love you" in different languages:
You can use this to explain why the brother of Jared prayed for help in Ether 1:33–37.
Pass out the pieces to your students. Have them take turns placing each piece while you read the scripture. Then have them switch pieces and do it again. Explain what compassion and confound means.
Emphasize how the Lord felt about this prayer and how He responded (see also “Chapter 50: The Jaredites Leave Babel,” Book of Mormon Stories, 143–44).

This weeks coloring book covers most of the lesson. Click on any of the images to take you to the listing.
Here is a movie that shows you how to assemble the coloring book:
Christmas gift ideas:
My primary is doing little flash lights with this gift tag.

Your children could pretend to build a barge as you read Ether 2:16–17. Then you and your children could read about the problems the Jaredites had with their barges (see Ether 2:19) and the different ways the Lord answered the brother of Jared’s prayers (see Ether 2:19–25; 3:1–6). The picture and activity page at the end of this outline could help you and your children tell the story. What do we learn from the brother of Jared about prayer? Consider sharing an experience in which you prayed for help and Heavenly Father helped you.
I think it would be so fun to build a barge out paper bowls, cut out holes, use play dough or clay to stop the holes. They sell clear stones at Dollar Tree, or you can use use rocks.

I was created in the image of God.
As they grow, your children will encounter many false messages about God, themselves, and their physical bodies. You might ask them to help you find truths about these topics in Ether 3:6–16. To emphasize the truth taught in Ether 3:13, 15, you could look at a picture of the Savior together and invite your children to point to various parts of His body. They could then point to the same part of their own bodies. You could also sing together a song related to our bodies, such as “The Lord Gave Me a Temple” (Children’s Songbook, 153). You and your children could talk about why you are grateful for your bodies.

This is one geared for for older students.

Three witnesses testified of the Book of Mormon.
Moroni prophesied that the Three Witnesses would help establish the truth of the Book of Mormon. To teach what a witness is, you could ask your children to describe something they have seen or experienced that others have not. Then as you read Ether 5 together, you could talk about why God uses witnesses in His work. You could also share with each other how you know the Book of Mormon is true and how you can share your witness with others.
There is a witness object lesson in this weeks lesson:
Just click on the image to take you to the page.
Mitzi at comefollowmekid.com asked me to create this game board. It covers a big chunk of the lesson. You can get this on her page.

This was from 4 years ago, you are welcome to the free prints.
Come Follow Me-For Primary "...Explain how the Lord responded to the brother of Jared's questions about barges. Place 16 stones throughout the classroom, and invite the children to count them as they find them."


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How do I get the board game in english?
I ordered a coloring book, had the order confirmed, ready to download. How do I download?