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Come Follow Me 2020, Feb. 17-23, 2 Nephi 11-25 "We Rejoice in Christ"

Writer: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

2 Nephi 11-25, "We rejoice in Christ", Walk in his paths, step stones, lds primary lesson helps, wolf, lamb, leopard, kid, goat, cow, bear, lion, calf, Free printable's

Here is a coloring page I made to go with this weeks lesson:

mountain of the lord coloring page, 2 Nephi 12:2, lds primary lesson helps, free printable's

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 29 “Make a path on the floor, and at the end of the path, place a picture of the temple, with a covering over the picture. Let the children walk on the path, and as they do repeat the phrase ”walk in his paths.”

These step stones, can be used to create the path and as they step on each stone they can say the words “Walk in his paths”

2 Nephi 12:3

step stones, walk in his ways, LDS primary lesson helps, Free printable's

step stones, walk in his ways, LDS primary lesson helps, Free printable's

step stones, walk in his ways, LDS primary lesson helps, Free printable's

step stones, walk in his ways, LDS primary lesson helps, Free printable's

Here is a blank step stone, if you chose to hide the picture of the temple under it.

step stones, walk in his ways, LDS primary lesson helps, Free printable's

Come Follow Me- for Primary page 29 "Sing with the children a song about the temple, such as "I love to see the Temple" (CSB, 95). Help them find words and phrases in the song that teach what the temple is and what we do there.

Here is a interactive song, it may help give the children clues about what the temple is and what we do there.

I love to see the temple, interactive activity, lds primary lesson helps, free prints, I love to see the temple

Print this song Here

Come Follow Me -For Primary page 30 "Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves going to the temple." Here is a cute idea from the Friend:

I've got a couple of recycled temple activities that I improved and made compatible with this weeks lesson.

2 Nephi 12:3 Walk in his Paths, LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

Here is a semi Recycled game. I change the questions to go along with this weeks lesson.

I love to see the temple game board, lds primary lesson helps, free prints

For those of you at home, Mitzi from has some really cute ideas for "active learning." I really like her idea of building temples out of sugar cubes.

Come Follow Me for primary page 30 "Invite a child to hold a picture of the birth of Jesus Christ...and help the children find the baby Jesus in the picture.

Here is the song Away in a Manger, but it is a little fun to find baby Jesus.

Away in a manger, lds primary lesson helps

Go Here to print

Read 2 Nephi 25-26 and talk about why you "rejoice in Christ" ask the children to talk about how Jesus brings them joy.

Print these and assemble the two pages together, to help encourage discussion.

lds primary lesson helps, "Rejoice in Christ" 2 Nephi 25:26, free prints

It should look similar to this:

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 30 “Show children pictures of animals mentioned in 2 Nephi 21:6-7, and ask the children to name the animals. Explain that these animals are usually enemies, but Isaiah taught that after Jesus Christ comes again, there will be a time of peace, called the Millenium, when animals will not hurt each other. How can we follow the example of these animals in the way we treat each other?”

This lesson...oh Isaiah is wonderful, but not very kid friendly. So I was able to spend a lot of time drawing these animals...because I've got to have fun too. I kind of squealed, they turned out so cute.

Here they are if you just want to cut them out and talk about them.

2 Nephi 21:6-7, wolf, lamb, leopard, kid, goat, calf, lion, cow, bear. LDS primary lesson helps, free prints

And here they are if you want to match up the prey to the predators, and show how they are all friends.

2 Nephi 21:6-7, wolf, lamb, leopard, kid, goat, calf, lion, cow, bear. LDS primary lesson helps, free prints, matching game

How can we follow the example of these animals in the way we treat each other?”

Here are a couple of ideas from the friend about treating others kindly, even when they aren't being very nice to us.

Here is a story a General Authority tells about bullies

Here is a lot of resources on kindness:

Here is a cute short movie about kindness:

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 30 "...ask the children to help you find a song that describes the "excellent things" the Lord has done.

Here is the song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me"

My Heavenly Father loves me, lds primary lesson helps, free prints

You can print it Here

Object Lessons:

For older Children

We live in a world where, as Isaiah prophesied, people call evil good and good evil. How can you help the children identify such deception?

Why does Satan disguise sin?

Here is an idea:

Bring two cans of pop, one is full and one is empty. Put the two pop cans next to each other and ask the children if they can tell the difference between the two. Eventually they will figure out that one has liquid in it and the other one doesn't. Tell them that Satan disguises things like this, making us think that we will still have true happiness even when we sin. For example when we lie of steal. Satan tells us that we will be happy, or won't have consequence, but we really do. Have the children think of other ways Satan disguises sin.

Then ask the children to step on the can that has soda pop in it. It can't be smashed. Then ask someone to step on the can that doesn't have liquid. It gets smashed. The liquid represents the Holy ghost. Show them how Satan makes things look good, but when we have the Holy Ghost we can tell the difference. Read 2 Nephi 15:20

You can also make cookies, and add too much salt. When the children bit into them they can tell that something is wrong. Share the scripture 2 Nephi 15:20. Talk about how Satan disguises things to make them look good. Then give them cookies that are made correctly and bear your testimony that if we live righteously we can partake of true happiness.

Come Follow Me- For Primary page 31 "Help the children find the names of Jesus Christ in 2 Nephi 17:14 and 19:6. You may need to explain that "Immanuel" is one of these names, and it means "God with us." What do each of these names teach us about him?"

Here is a fun idea, as you unscramble each word, you can talk about what that name teaches about him.

2 Nephi 17:14, 19:6 unscramble Jesus Christ names, LDS primary lesson helps, free prints




Unknown member
4 days ago

Jason also notes that while modern dive computers have long since supplanted dive watches, dive computers can fail (a rare event, but it happens; it happened to Jason twice, as he relates in his story), and having a backup is never a bad thing. There are several modern versions of the Aqualand, and while some are pretty busy link in design details they link still have link many of the features that made the original Aqualand a classic.


Feb 21, 2020

Hi Diana Thanks for reaching out. I’m glad you find the lesson ideas and Printable’s helpful. I talked to my technical support department (my husband) 😆 and he said it a lot harder than it sounds. And he is pretty sure our website doesn’t give us those capabilities. He will try looking into it this weekend. But it doesn’t look very promising. I hope you have a great day! Crystal


DianaandArlin West
Feb 19, 2020

I just found you. thank you for posting these ideas. i am a visual person and like the children to interact in class. we teach the 8 yr olds. one thought i had and it would probably take too much 'engineering'? would be to be able to click on the top of your page where you have ideas, and it would take you straight to that idea, instead of needing to scroll down the entire page as we go back to print another. make sense?

again thanks .. i will use this when i teach.



Feb 16, 2020

You are so welcome! You are so lucky to work with 4-5 year olds, that is a fun age. Thank you for reaching out.


Feb 16, 2020

You are incredible! I love lesson helps. My CTR 4 class benefits greatly from the visuals. Thank you! <3


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