Ideas for Teaching Children
I can find spiritual protection in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Consider using “Chapter 31: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah” (Book of Mormon Stories, 85–88) to tell your children about the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites.
As you read about the Nephites’ armor in Alma 43:19, you could compare armor that protects our bodies with things that God has given us to protect our spirits. Maybe you and your children could draw a picture of a child and add a piece of armor to the picture for everything your children can name that protects us spiritually.
You can laminate this and have all the children take a turn drawing the armor with a dry erase maker OR you can print it in in B&W and have all the children draw the armor on their own coloring page OR you can print of the Second page and place the armor as you read the scriptures. Lots of options.

There is this smaller version, that fits all on one page.

If you are feeling ambitious and would like a life size model. You can download this in B&w or color. I've taken the words off the armor and didn't include a sword.

You will need to know how to download and open zipped files.
These verses describe the fortifications the Nephites built: Alma 48:7–9; 49:1–9; 50:1–6. After reading these verses together, your children might enjoy building a fort out of objects like chairs and blankets. The video “Elder Stevenson on Fortifying Families” (Gospel Library) can help you discuss how to spiritually fortify your home.

Wrigley's Extra is the only one I know of with shiny foil wrapper, chime in the comments if you know of another kind. I bought a pack of 15 sticks for $1.25 at Dollar Tree.
This is available in Black and white and color.
This is available in B&W and color
If you want to buy everything but you don't want to spend that much on your primary lesson, here they are together, for a bit cheaper. They are in zipped files, Etsy won't let me sell that much with out them zipped up...so sorry.

I can be “firm in the faith of Christ” like Captain Moroni.
Your children could look at the pictures in this outline to tell the story of the title of liberty (see Alma 46:11–16; “Chapter 32: Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty,” Book of Mormon Stories, 89–90).
What did Moroni want the people to remember (see verse 12)? What does Heavenly Father want us to remember? Perhaps your children could design their own “titles of liberty” with phrases or pictures that will help them remember these things.

To teach your children about being “firm in the faith of Christ” like Moroni (see Alma 48:13), you could help them find and touch something firm. What does it mean for faith to be “firm”? Read together Alma 48:11–12 to find out what made Moroni firm in his faith in Christ. You could also sing together a song like “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162). What can we do to be “firm in the faith of Christ”?
Read through the scriptures while the children place the pieces. They can learn about Captain Moroni.

This is in my store
Available in B&W
Print on cards stock

This is in my store
Available in B&W
Print on cards stock

This is also in my store.
It only prints in color
For older children a study sheet:

Satan tempts and deceives us little by little.
Read together selected verses from Alma 47:4–19. What would have happened if Amalickiah had told Lehonti what he planned to do from the beginning? What do these verses teach us about how Satan tries to deceive us?

Here is a youtube, incase you want help teaching it.
Object lesson:
Tell your children to pretend that Chocolate was a bad thing, that Satan wanted to get us to eat it and we are very careful not to eat it. Try putting different things in front of your child, if you don't have the food, you can use these pictures.
Look at these foods, they are actually healthy, with just a little bit of Chocolate. Don't they look good? You are so smart, you could probably just eat it once and then never do it again.

Look, you ate those and it didn't even hurt you. Now you've got to try something really amazing. And there is only pieces of chocolate in them.

Wasn't that good? And it didn't hurt you, you can stop anytime, but before you do you should really try this:

Before you know it you are eating a milk chocolate candy bar.
Like Elder Robert D. Hales says "By arguments and accusations, some people bait us to leave the high ground, The high ground is where the light is ....it is the safe ground"
Then eat chocolate chip cookies together and be glad that it isn't against the Word of Wisdom(:
Also Mitzi at Comefollowmekid.com always has some fantastic ideas.
You may want to look at the youth lesson and see if it gives you additional ideas:

As I finished up my limited time with the new Privé collection I looked over apologetically at the nice PR person as they gently reminded us that this piece was needed at other appointments. It may never have been harder for me to let go of a watch than link in link that moment. And link it got worse.