Ideas for Teaching Children
The Lord wants me to remember Him.
To start a conversation about remembering the Lord, you could tell your children about a time when you forgot something. Let them share similar experiences of their own. Then you could read together Helaman 7:20–21 and ask your children what they think it means to forget God. Maybe your children could draw pictures of things that could cause us to forget the Lord and use their drawings to cover a picture of Jesus. Then they could think of things they can do to remember Him. As they share their thoughts, they could take away the drawings one by one until the picture of the Savior is revealed.

Cut these puzzle pieces out and have the students draw pictures in them of things that cause them to forget God. You can use the first picture as an example. If you have few children you can cut them in clusters, so the students can draw on a bigger piece. For younger students this will make the puzzle easier to complete.

(Print on card stock)
Here is another idea from Mitzi at comefollowmekid.com

They sale packages of donuts at Dollar Tree, and those mini ziplock bags are also Dollar Tree. The Hostess donetts are at Smith's for $1.30 each.
Look through all the pictures on the listing. It will hopefully answer any questions.
I couldn't decide on one. Clicking on this image will take you to my store front.

Prophets testify of Jesus Christ.
Help your children search Helaman 8:13–23 to find names of prophets who taught about Jesus Christ. Maybe they can pass around a picture of Jesus each time they find one. What has our living prophet taught about the Savior?
Here is another puzzle of some things the prophet has taught about Jesus Christ.

You could also sing together a song about prophets, such as “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Maybe you and your children could pick a key phrase from the song and write one word from the phrase on each of several paper footprints. Then you could lay the footprints on the floor leading to a picture of the Savior, and your children could follow the footprints toward the picture. How has following the prophet led us to Jesus Christ?

Here is an interactive primary song:

You can download this HERE

Pondering the words of God invites revelation.
To help your children understand what it means to ponder, you could read together “Ponder” in Guide to the Scriptures (Gospel Library). What are some other words that are similar to ponder? Perhaps you could read Helaman 10:1–3 together and replace the word ponder with those other words. Talk with your children about ways to make pondering part of their scripture study.
I will obey Heavenly Father.
Nephi obeyed Heavenly Father even when it meant doing something difficult. For an example of this, you and your children could read Helaman 10:2, 11–12. Maybe your children could act out what Nephi did—walk toward one side of the room (as if they are going home), stop, turn around, and walk toward the other side of the room (as if they are returning to teach the people). What are some things Heavenly Father wants us to do?
This was from 4 years ago, Hopefully someone can find some use.


Lean juntos Helamán 7:20-21 y pregunten a los niños qué piensan que significa olvidar a Dios. Explique que la palabra olvidar también puede significar "descuidar" o "ignorar". Desagradamente una lámina del Salvador e invite a los niños a dibujar cosas que podrían dedicar demasiado tiempo a hacer que podrían hacer que puedan hacer que olviden al Señor. Pongan sus dibujos frente a la lámina de Jesús. Pida a los niños que piensen en las cosas que pueden hacer cada día para recordar a nuestro Padre Celestial y a Jesús. A medida que comparten sus pensamientos, los dibujos uno por uno hasta que se revele la lámina del Salvador.
Si no tienes una foto de Jesús, puedes imprimir una arriba en la sección en inglés.

With the thrill of wearing this Bulova chronograph, I decided to have another look at the unsold watches. The Hamilton military watches were connected to an important phase of Glenn’s career, but military watches are not really my thing. So my focus shifted to link the little black LeCoultre link watch with link the 24-hour dial.
Será que você sabe o quanto abençoa os nossos lares? pois é, queria poder te dar um grande abraço e te agradecer por sua disposição em ajudar-nos. Que o Nosso Pai Celeste continue a te abençoar grandemente. Você faz a diferença no estudo do vem e segue-me na minha família. Obrigada.
Hahaha, true thing, but group or no group you deserve to have the sweetest things said to you! Your material has been a great support for my family! It makes things much easier!
You're amazing! Thank you so much!!